Socialistic so-called health insurance has been exposed in many many books, radio talk shows, tapes, DVD's and websites. While the debate was raging, even C-span had conservative Representatives exposing it. The governments look upon us as "useless eaters". Already the death squads have been set up. No Bama {not U.S. born, hence everything and any bill he signs is automatically unconstitutional, null and void}, when Congress was in recess, appointed a "czar" who fanatically believes in rationing of health care, necessary surgeries, discoveries, etc. Get it? A "czar" was an absolute despot in the former USSR. Joe Stalin was a mass murderer. He was a "czar" in more pure form in the eyes of liberals.
If we do not impeach no Bama and repeal health care very, very soon, you will go through - and may be not survive - a vast genocide. "professor" Eric Pianka, University of Texas!!! |