Community > Posts By > radiance

radiance's photo
Mon 08/04/08 03:09 PM
I'm coming!!!

radiance's photo
Mon 08/04/08 03:04 PM

radiance's photo
Mon 08/04/08 03:02 PM
are not gold.

radiance's photo
Sun 08/03/08 05:35 AM

Here's a scripture to ponder to start the day.

Prov. 16: 20
20 He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.

radiance's photo
Sun 08/03/08 05:29 AM
a lot of french guys wear thongs

radiance's photo
Fri 08/01/08 09:05 PM
how many of you are here only to read and post forum and not interested in human relationship contact here?

radiance's photo
Fri 08/01/08 05:38 PM
who is Wanda?

radiance's photo
Fri 08/01/08 05:36 PM
my smile

radiance's photo
Fri 08/01/08 04:13 PM

radiance's photo
Fri 08/01/08 03:59 PM
heading to the beach

radiance's photo
Fri 08/01/08 02:08 PM

radiance's photo
Fri 08/01/08 01:34 PM
hi there :wink:

radiance's photo
Fri 08/01/08 01:34 PM
of course, I know exactly where I'm going and where I'm heading.

radiance's photo
Wed 07/30/08 05:29 PM
hmmm, 22:smile:

radiance's photo
Wed 07/30/08 02:32 PM

An old Italian man lived alone in his house. He wanted to dig his tomato
garden but it was very hard work as the ground was hard. His only son,
Vincenzo, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a
letter to his son and described his predicament.

Dear Vincenzo,

I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be
able to plant my tomato garden this year. I am getting too old to be digging up a
garden plot. If you were here, my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the
garden for me.

Love, Papa

A few days later he received a letter from his son.

Dear Papa,

I'd do anything for you Papa, except dig up that garden. That's where
I buried the bodies.

Love, Vinnie

At 4 am the next morning, the FBI and local police arrived and dug up
the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the
old man and left.

The same day the old man received another letter from his son:

Dear Papa,

Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could do under the

Love, Vinnie

radiance's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:22 PM
something that I'm in the mood for that night.

radiance's photo
Mon 07/28/08 07:09 PM
laugh laugh laugh

radiance's photo
Fri 07/25/08 08:15 PM
then he started his journey to look for the wizard.

radiance's photo
Fri 07/18/08 12:15 PM
Cool, congrats!!!

radiance's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:46 AM
I want to be taller :smile: