Community > Posts By > Mancub62

Mancub62's photo
Sat 11/26/11 09:55 PM
Edited by Mancub62 on Sat 11/26/11 09:57 PM
Get glasses...Don't sweat the small stuff

Mancub62's photo
Sat 11/26/11 09:45 PM
To those who felt my post was to long...perhaps your attention span is too short...sorry. I'd prefer that you responses were related to the actual content of the post. I don't ask for agreement but some are more interested in form rather than content.

Mancub62's photo
Sat 11/26/11 05:47 PM
Edited by Mancub62 on Sat 11/26/11 05:53 PM
Hello to Mingle people. The following post should not be taken as a gender issue because as human beings...the feelings that are manifested are universal. Unless you have had no experience with a relitively long-term relationship or simply are new to the "relationship" may not relate...although this post you may find interesting nonetheless. For those of you who will have my sincere empathy. I have had my share of relationships...long term as well as short term. Some I have walked away greatful and a better person for having known them, but for whatever reason I had to accept the fact that we just couldn't make it work. Others, the outcome left far more bitterness in me than I thought I could ever experience. Some seemed like they were designed and manufacted in Hell... leaving me feeling like a fool who purchased it (without reading the manufacturer's manual or even taking so much as a test drive...the Devil is always in the details)and then drove like a bat out of Hell to what I hoped was Heaven..totally ignorant of the fact that I would end up hitting granite rock back in that horrid place again. But it is said that wisdom is born of here is what I learned. Being human I have not only have been the recipient of pain...I have caused it at well. (Although it was usually a result of lashing back at happenings that were beyond my threshhold of the pain I was enduring.) It was never it usually never is with most people. I have found that no matter how badly I felt I was treated...Perhaps no one was really to blame. No matter how much we feel we have left the baggage behind...we still come into a new relationship with the clothes on our back...Clothes we have had for a very long time and simply are refusing to do away with. It's like bleeding from wounds we have no intention to heal. But sooner or later, we will try on a different wardrobe and style that will suit us better. Fotunately, I am finally "getting it" and I believe that we all have the ability to escape the pain we have endured and will thus find a relationship that we can call "home". I will end this with a line from a Gordon Lightfoot song...Carefree Highway. "Now the thing that I call living is just being satisfied with knowing I have no one left to blame."

Mancub62's photo
Sat 11/26/11 02:28 PM
Nice job. Direct and to the point. Your sincerity seems to flow through the words...definitely not easy to do. And most of actually put some thought into it...which cannot be said for quite a few profiles on her. I wish you good fortune in your search for what we all and friendship.

Mancub62's photo
Sat 11/26/11 12:14 AM
Al Pacino (as Satan in "The Devil's Advocate") said "Guilt is like holding on to a bag of bricks...all you have to do is set it down." Your advice is well taken. I will no longer allow myself to become the scapegoat for the agony that has been visited upon my Kingdom. I will no longer bleed from wounds I once had no intention to heal. King Mancub has spoken! Now, any ideas about picking a Queen?

Mancub62's photo
Fri 11/25/11 11:53 PM
That is not only a is an interesting thought. Co-rule? This implies a Queen perhaps. well first things first. A long time ago, I ruled a great Kingdom in which all my subjects prospered. At the time, we had a kingdom mascott..he was an egg! His name was Humpty Dumpty. One day I recieved a message that an awful event had happened. It was reported that Humpty Dumpty fell off the friggin' castle wall...cracked...and spilled his egg guts all over the cobblestones. Well, you could imagine the panic that reverbarated thoughout my Kingdom. I didn't have much I ordered all my horses and all my men to try to reconstruct Humpty Dumpty's shell, and somehow refill him with whatever spilled out on the ground. To make a long story short...they couldn't do it! So I ordered his remains to be scrapped up of the ground and we all had scrammbled eggs for breakfast the next morning in the royal courtyard. WAS I SO WRONG???

Mancub62's photo
Fri 11/25/11 11:29 PM
Well, because I seem to have this really nasty streak of honesty in me I feel compelled to reveal something that I failed to do in my Kingdom long ago which resulted in me being banished indefinitly. I thought that perhaps my great achievments as King would have overshadowed my one not so great achievment by now. Does anyone out there want to hear my self confessional tale? I guess I should hang the proverbial albatross around my neck while telling it.

Mancub62's photo
Fri 11/25/11 10:30 PM
Machug...What in the Hell happened to my Kingdom? I know it is the 21st century...but I thought my reputation would proceed me. Where are all my perks? This is all so not right! Perhaps I should put my tail between my legs and crawl away wimpering.

Mancub62's photo
Fri 11/25/11 10:11 PM
Thanks for welcoming me back...Pyxxie13. Well, I didn't know there was now a toll..I have no loose change in my pocket. Damn...does this mean I have to turn around and go back?

Mancub62's photo
Fri 11/25/11 09:43 PM
Answers to questions like "Is there a God?" and "Why are we here?" are unimportant to me. What matters to me are the questions themselves...independent of the answers. It is the questions themselves that seems to sustain me. It is no wonder then that I have put my "faith" in Science, because by it's very nature, is self-questioning and therefor it satisfies any "spititual" curiosity I may crave. And as far as finding worth in myself or others...I find no compeling reason to to attach that quality to anything in my existence. I find myself worthy simply because I say so...and so it is with all other beings and anything else I find deserving of my regard. This is the extent of the clarity I can bring to my position on this topic...but again, it's the mystery of what we call existance that for me does not always need a complete understanding.

Mancub62's photo
Fri 11/25/11 08:44 PM
It certainly has been a very long long time away but yes...I am back. I was expecting a red carpet to be rolled out with rose petals thrown at me feet and trumpets harolding my return. But alas I am resigned to the fact that it will most likely not happen. Anyway, hello to all Mingle people within eyeshot of this post.