Community > Posts By > YoungStud

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Wed 08/22/07 05:43 PM
hha wut kina NASTY conversations we havin in here?...i like it happy

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Thu 08/16/07 01:51 AM
we wouldnt be so fat if we werent soo ****ing lazy.
but i guess you could say at the same time were only lazy because were fat. i think we create our own lazy n fatness

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Thu 08/16/07 01:49 AM
so whats goin on i nthe world with everyone else?

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Sun 08/05/07 08:18 PM
took a lil bita thinking, but this was from my las gf!

"so just like that huh?

just like that huh? your willing to give me up? to forget all the memorys, the peices that lay at your feet n' your willing to just walk away with out so much as glancing at the peices?

ya know what, **** the peices ill sweep them away n throw um' in the trash why not? your right thats what is, n it is what it is, isnt that what they say? i guess this is how its meant ta' be!

why is this world the way it is, n the answers? why is it so hard to find the answers? things arent what as they seem, it works the same way EVERYTHING n its EVERYTHING that seems to work the same. the government, how we think, our minds! everyhting! its all backwords, carring is NOT love....not love but its actaully ANGER twisted into THINKING its care n a gentle touch.

so as this cold wind blows, my eyes become water n slowly start ta fall in small droplets, no not drops but a stream, n then....nothing because thats what i start to feel.

to try is a mirage in the human heart it fails as quenching the thirst of what is to become. why god? why? why are you so cruel? why must i care to the point of exhaustion? why must this life seem as bright as the very star it is, but shows nothing but the shaddow it has become? why must my heart be brittle ta' the point of breaking?

i care n i care but all of that means nothing in the eyes of no one. i want to sell my soul to the devil GOD DAMN IT WHY? why is this the way must i be tortured?

i will sweep the peices away while you turn your back n WALK away, go ahead you can leave, n ill sit right here where i belong reminissin' over the peices that should have been put back together, but there is a promise i want to make before you go, n that is i will always have the biggest heart for you, n there will never be anyone else who cares more. cus thats who i am, n i miss you..."

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Sun 08/05/07 07:59 PM
wuts uuuup!!!:tongue:

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Sun 08/05/07 07:57 PM
im actaully kiinda curiouse (lil off topic)
has anyone ever FOUND thier "match" like found someone n suceessfully dated them on here?
just a curiouse question

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Sun 08/05/07 07:37 PM
o kool right on!!!
thnx for tha advice!

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Sun 08/05/07 07:27 PM
o OMG!!!
god im such an IDIOT!!! yup thats it!!

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Sun 08/05/07 07:12 PM
how come i cant try and add friends on here?
what happened?

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Sat 07/28/07 04:20 PM
thnx again fellas, you all seem COOL!

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Fri 07/27/07 01:36 AM
haha hey thnx guys!!!

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Fri 07/27/07 12:37 AM
jus wanted ta say hey ta everyone cus im new here n all. so yea wheres the hot spots of this place?
thwe got live chats or anything xciting that goes on that i should know bout?
anyways names seth n jus thought id drop off a topic of saying HOWDY ta you all!!

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Fri 07/27/07 12:26 AM
haha heyyy im new too!!!!
but uhh welcome, n hello to everyone as well!!!
so uhh yea HIIIII!!!!!!!!