Community > Posts By > Quake3

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 06:37 PM

I've been where You are I think we all have in our own way
your not alone .

Sadly there is no quick cure for a broken heart or mending love.

Each day that goes by take comfort in the fact that it will get easier day by day .

The best advice I can give You is keep your mind busy .

relapse thoughts will come and go but they will pass.

Go out, spend time with friends or family even when you don't feel like it.

And most of all forgive that person for their actions .

Long walks and fresh air are very helpful.


Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 06:22 PM
Is She gone??




ok I'll bet every one of you my bottom dollar She's over at Toys R Us' ..............!


Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 05:32 PM
Ok bye thanks for the chat think I'll go start my own rant thread but disguise it in the guise of asking people for their opinions......laugh

maybe I just need something to bytch about after all.......laugh

toodles.........bigsmile ..................laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 05:27 PM
"matter of fact, seems to be a whole lot of crzy biotches right here on this site."

I'm sure thats what they said when they deleted their accounts....laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 05:25 PM
Well SWEET....

Like I say regardless of your success vs failure rate as to why Men Deactivate??? if Your getting so many hits off site why are You here?

This is not Rocket Science Sweet the odds of You finding out Why they deleted their accounts is like finding a needle in a hay stack.

But we all run up fool's hill once or twice laugh

Remember You attract what You put out.

if ya wanna bash Men and be bitter fill yer boots no one is stopping You ....plenty of women do the same thing.

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 05:15 PM
How late is Toys r Us open...........laugh laugh laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 05:06 PM

My record speaks for it's self..............

No Woman has ever deleted on Me............laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 04:56 PM

I love smorgas boards.........

laugh laugh laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 04:52 PM
If trying to make me deactivate my account it's not working.............laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

strange how things come back to bite people in the asslaugh laugh laugh

she's wishing I'd deactivate my account.............laugh laugh laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 04:47 PM

I'm beginning to see a side of You that may have drove these individuals to delete their accounts...laugh

no one's taking Me alive..............I'll go down screaming...........laugh

Hey Yokoke.........nice shades.......YOU PREDATOR.........!!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 04:39 PM

You remind me of a 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum at toys or us.laugh

You pose a question but wanna hold your ears when it comes to the answer.

the closet you'll ever come to understanding why some one deactivated their account is at your next tea leaf reading...laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 04:36 PM
"He's one of the sunglass wearer and you all know what I say about that! "

yes everyone who wears sunglasses is a predator............laugh laugh laugh laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 04:31 PM

laugh when you made your account no one was holding a gun to your head forcing you to make it.

This is the Internet wondering and wasting time as to why people delete their accounts is like watching paint dry...

why waste your time over it???

its not like you had a ton of emotional stock involved right???

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 04:27 PM

I'm in a great mood.......

I'm offering valuable advice most shrinks charge money for....laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 04:24 PM
Maybe all it took was 3 emails for them to realize you don't make the cut.....

ever think about that???

and the last time I looked there was no law when it comes to deactivating.

just putting in my 3 cents here......get it straight .

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 04:11 PM

well laugh if all your doing is ranting and whining.............please carry on.laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 02:42 PM

there is always variables when it comes to finding the pick of the litter..laugh

There are always a few bad apples always lurking in the bunch
stay positive and focused the losing streak has to end sooner or later laugh hopefully sooner than later.

some times things happen when you least expect them too.

remain open to the possibilities that not every guy will delete and don't be flustered when he doesn't snuff his account on the 5th email there are some good men left out there the unfortunate thing is they are few and far between.

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 02:29 PM
Yes please dip my sushi in some soy sauce.....laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 02:26 PM
I love the sound of flute music while I'm eating Sushi........laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Quake3's photo
Sun 10/14/07 02:16 PM
His wife probably came home......laugh I hate to sound like a downer but in some cases it's most likely the truth.

When people up and disappear it would make one think what was their modus operandi or anterior motives .

some times silence speaks volumes of guilt or hiding something.

bored husband or boy friend syndrome.

one way to look at this OP is be happy you found out now rather than later....

the search goes on.............

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