Community > Posts By > skydancingA

skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 01:01 PM sistahs flowerforyou happy smokin


skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 12:58 PM

sad I just accidentally dropped my pipe into
a bowl of water sad

Hydroponics, all I'm sayin'.:wink:

skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 12:57 PM

Dirty Curch Revival was pretty good even
though one of the band members was to
drunk to perform. The drummer and
keyboard/vocalists were very good.........smokin

And you did not offer to...fill in?

skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 12:45 PM

Shave or not to shave?

image below this afternoon:
yeah yeah..being an attention wh0re :smile:
I like that pic of me actually, just don't
like how it's low res..

I am with Ladylid and Gossipmpm, the more hair,
the better.
Funny how classy women all think alike :heart:

skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 12:41 PM
Their arms MUST NOT touch the ground
when they walk upright.

skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 12:21 PM
MeChrissy you are so evolved!!!!

I still pay exorbitantly when I
need something done. I have learned
though, to keep those drains clean
all the time without snaking,
ACE Hardware has this stuff, just
for hair in sinks and drains. And it
only takes 10 minutes as opposed to
all night with Drano. I use it regularly
now, and no clogged drains.

Sometimes, I hire someone to pour
it in :-)

skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:59 AM sistahs flowerforyou happy smokin

For the cause :banana:

skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:47 AM

Haha I just meant that 50 is a reason
for a huge party!!!

oh well, I'll make sure I have a good
stash for mine then..smokin

Why not a big bash to go with the stash??

RowBaby, are you hearing PARTY like I am?
I say we all haul azz to Utah..or..
entice LadyLid to Oregon...if someone calls
the coppers here, they just want to smoke
a joint with you.

skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:43 AM

High stoners
You too jw. Whatcha up to? smokin smokin

Hi Row..flowerforyou Going out tonight to watch a
band called the Dirty Church Revival........smokin

Seriously, a band called the Dirty Church Revival
surely deserves a review here? It IS Sunday. So how
was it?

skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:32 AM

Get as naked as my dogs.
See what's crackalackin with my
fellow Mingletards.
Edit local porn.
Slow cook something.
Draw or paint.
Rework my pet mannequin.
Look at all the crap around my
house that I should REALLY get
rid of before I die so my family
and friends don't think I am too
much of a freak.

You know, same thing as everyone else.

I think that ship has sailed.

skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 11:28 AM

Guilty pleasure.....Footloose is on
The Oxygen Channel...
I can't help myselfohwell

And you a surfer....
Maybe no one will notice.

skydancingA's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:00 AM

Midafternoon naps are Gods' gift to old people.

It is a trick.
To lure you into the "Big Sleep."

skydancingA's photo
Sat 06/12/10 05:28 PM

don't read the profile and only look
at the main pic. Then, they wanna'
IM ya', send you hugs and kisses and
don't read the profile and only look
at the main pic.
One guy tried IMin' me 4 times last
night and some 25 year old dude sent
me some hugs and kisses.
That main pic is of the kind of gal
I'd like to see sittin' butt nekkid
at my kitchen table one morning when
I wake up!
Awww to see a man wanted just for
his body, makes a girl want to weep.

skydancingA's photo
Fri 06/11/10 07:51 PM
Edited by skydancingA on Fri 06/11/10 07:52 PM


skydancingA's photo
Fri 06/11/10 07:45 PM

love What would you do if I had a CRUSH on YOU?
Would you come to meeeee? flowerforyou spock :thumbsup:

Well, I would say that unless you do windows,
this relationship is over.

skydancingA's photo
Fri 06/11/10 05:09 PM

got some...reasonable rates, and their cute and funny, they'll make ya laugh

And I would have to laugh with them,
not at them..right?

skydancingA's photo
Fri 06/11/10 05:05 PM

I'm lonely, nobody likes me, popping pills like
they're candy, don't have a job and too lazy to
get one, afraid I'm gonna be living with my
parents for the rest of my life... I understand
that some people have it alot worse, I should be
thankful for what i have, yada-yada...
Just felt like venting...

And YOU!!!
Beggers CAN be choosers. (From your profile.)
You have food, shelter, psychedelics, the internet
and lots of rest. And youth, the greatest
gift of all.

And now you have the forums here, where peeps are
pleased to listen to you vent, all you have
to do is show up, and not take anything too
seriously, as all advice given is worth exactly
what you paid for it.

And we will like you no matter what, give you a
boost when needed. Take you down a peg if you
step on toes. Think of us as that horrid section
of society known as "step-siblings" uh huh.
One step ahead of the devil :-)

We are strangers, who somehow end up caring.
It will sneak up on you.
Oh and there's that girl/boy thing going on, too :-)

Nice post, joining in the forums can have
a placebo effect.

skydancingA's photo
Fri 06/11/10 04:43 PM
Gee it makes me want to rent kids.

skydancingA's photo
Fri 06/11/10 04:40 PM

For a week now it's nothing but rain on top
of rain + cold (55 F) ohwell

Good thing Atlantis is under water huh :-)

skydancingA's photo
Fri 06/11/10 04:39 PM
Ya, very jungley :-)
The Amazon has nothing on us.
Were you just visiting a while?

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