Community > Posts By > USmale47374
New Girl !
Welcome to Mingle, newbie. I hope you find what you'se seeking.
Heyy Everyone
Welcome to ALT. Aloha nui loa.
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Biker Trouble
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Proof positive that ignorance abounds in the United States.
I rather like Revernd Al, and typically agree with his opinions, but what do I know? I'm just a middle-class white male, a member of the currently targeted class of the Republican Party; just a well-educated, hard-working American who sees the financial disparity between the very wealthy and very poor of this country to be an even greater threat to the survival of the United States than the deficit that frightens such a huge number of my fellow citizens.
Oh, and racism in the United States is still quite evident in most parts of the country. Most poeple who deny that are racists, themselves, even though many may not even be aware that they are. |
He'd be an equally bad President, regardless of his religion.
Abortion is an issue best addressed by the people directly affected, the mother and father of the fetus, not by a bunch oh holier-than-thou right wing fundmentalists or the government.
Abortions typically aren't taken lightly by the parents. They're emotionally and financially taxing. No one has abortions for fun; but everyone needs to open their eyes to the very real dangers of overpopulation. The Earth is already near carrying capacity. It's evident to anyone with their eyes open. Increasingly limited, more expensive resources, pollution problems, other species nearing extinction due to human encroachment of their habitats. Wake up, world! |
I'm no blind sheep. I gradated from Indiana Universtity with honors and high distinction and an overall GPA of 3.83. I'm intelligent and well-educatged.
Yeah, it's pretty funny Moe. Don't forget to share it with Larry and Curly.
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As far as I'm concerned, birthers are thinly vailed racists who need to get over themselves. This is the United States of America. Racism is neither legal nor wanted here. Personlly I think that all racists should be deported to the moon where they could live happily with some of this year's Presidental candidates.
You know what black people have in common with white people? They're all humans, biolgically identical. I grew up in a racist enviroment, and I'm sick of it! There's nothing wrong with President Obama. He's a very intelligent, accomplished, and loyal American, which is more than can be said of his detractors. |
msharmony is correct. What the US needs is an educated electorate, not meaningless allegations by people who don't even have the respect to refer to our President by his name.
Star Wars May 25 1977
I was there with my very pregnant wife on opening day. Hard to believe that much time has passed.
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You rely on Fox news? Really? If there's racism to be found anywhere in this event, I suspect it was in Zimmerman's heart.
Peer pressue is so powerful that there isn't really that much you can say, but teens learn how behave by observing adults who are close to them, not merely their peers. Just set a good example and keep your fingers crossed.
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OMG! Van Gogh and I share the same birthday. Does that mean I'm destined to cut off my ear?
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Native Americans were the victims or greedy, disease ridden, Europeans from the time that Europeans first set foot in the Americas. They still are.
I don't give a...
People have the right to practice their religions, but not when it infringes on the rights of others. In this case, it does. The susension is just.
I don't give a...
Christians have always felt they have the right to defy any rule or law that doesn't conform with their Christian beliefs. Nothing new about that. They don't, but the way.
Interesting history lesson, but Americans have never been denied the right to protect themselves. Far from it.