if u DARE
Quiet, empty house....very lonely.... I have to agree |
Watch tower
Once I saw a watch tower
It stood looming before me I heard about it in song Rythms of bullets ring in my ear The sound is such that it Seems so sheer These places, these faces, sometimes I wish I could erase them The pain at night is hindering Jimmie when will it end The watch tower seems different But it is the same Haunting throughout the night |
favorite comedians
I would have to say richard pryor, Bill Hicks, George carlin, lewis black, Lenny Bruce.
name poems
all of these are really good
not mine
this poem is not mine but it makes me think of her
I'm sorry for not being perfect I'm sorry I disappoint. I'm sorry that I'm honest I'm sorry you missed the point. I'm sorry that you hate me. I'm sorry for my ugly face. I'm sorry about my problems and I'm sorry about my disgrace. I'm sorry I'm not good enough I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry for my insecurties I'm sorry for screwing up. I'm sorry for my moodiness I'm sorry for my tears. I'm sorry for my feelings And I'm sorry for my fears. I'm sorry that I'm human And I'm sorry that I care. I'm sorry for making you laugh I'm sorry that I shared. I'm sorry for having ideas of my own Sorry 'bout trying so hard So sorry for trying to be nice to you I'm sorry I played the wrong card. I'm sorry for you, And I'm sorry for me But most of all, I'm sorry for being sorry. |
name poems
nice sync i like it
All the wonders of the world
Beset on all sides Conjured by the evolution of thought Devoted to the pursuit Energized by knowledge Forgetful but ever knowing Grateful for each days pass Haunted by the walls Intrigued at every turn Junctures of collective thought Knowing it is just Lasting for generations Modern society relies on it No one can deny its impact Onward youth presses Procrastination is no option Quest becomes life long Risking everything to gain it Supplementing our souls with it Tantilizing the brain with ideas Unvieling our own ideas Vigilance is a must Without it there would be no ryme for the reason X is just a factor YOur world is there for the taking Zeroing in on it is up to you |
name poems
thank you
name poems
J ust another day
U nder scrutiny from every eye S ustaining in life is difficult T ensions build with everyday M onday starts a countdown O nward we press through R unning through the days monotony R ivals try to bring you down I n the end the world still turns S taying is worth it just for one more day |