JustAnotherChick's photo
Fri 06/15/07 01:17 PM
Hey, you keep your hands off my baloons! LOL ;) About Paris, well,
people are responcible for their actions. There is too much fuss about
Paris because she is rich. If she was an ordinary girl across the street
no one would raze any issues about her situation. Nobody notices
ordinary people.

JustAnotherChick's photo
Fri 06/15/07 12:50 PM
I do too, Ocean, I do too. Those surgeries are a bad joke LOL :)

JustAnotherChick's photo
Fri 06/15/07 12:49 PM
You would care for whom? since you care neither for paris or me? I think
people care only for those whom they know (perhaps like family member or

JustAnotherChick's photo
Fri 06/15/07 12:45 PM
That is true. Nobody cares about ordinary people.

JustAnotherChick's photo
Tue 06/12/07 07:05 PM
I lost it and cannot find it.

JustAnotherChick's photo
Tue 06/12/07 07:03 PM
Has anyone seen my integrity?

JustAnotherChick's photo
Tue 06/12/07 06:59 PM
To fart or not to fart.... O, well here it goes...FARTTTT and burp

JustAnotherChick's photo
Tue 06/12/07 06:36 PM
And I hate making spelling mistakes! Somebody please punish me fo that
LOL :)

JustAnotherChick's photo
Tue 06/12/07 06:34 PM
Bored chich, I LOVE your ideas, so much fun!!! Delat sovershenno mne

JustAnotherChick's photo
Tue 06/12/07 06:32 PM
Fignya vsyakaya (darn! I wish I had Russian keyboard on a computer!) ;)

JustAnotherChick's photo
Tue 06/12/07 06:09 PM
I am sure of it :)

JustAnotherChick's photo
Tue 06/12/07 03:24 PM
I have a question: does true love exist between 2 human beings? It all
starts with huge passion and then passion somehow is gone (just ask
married people). I have seen relationships come and go... people who
were together for years and years end up splitting up... For all our
sakes I hope and pray people will find their love and that love will
remain for the rest of our lives on earth....

JustAnotherChick's photo
Mon 06/11/07 08:46 PM
My cats fight. And they are animals. LOL

JustAnotherChick's photo
Mon 06/11/07 08:45 PM
Thanks Native Girl! I feel much better now :) There is nothing like a
group hugs which makes person feel GOOD.

JustAnotherChick's photo
Mon 06/11/07 08:41 PM
Hi Claudette! How are you?

JustAnotherChick's photo
Mon 06/11/07 08:39 PM
o, man, I am too late! I came here and I see I missed all the group
hugs... I feel left out LOL :)

JustAnotherChick's photo
Mon 06/11/07 08:06 PM
I want a puff too. I am kinda new here (not that new but new enough lol)
and did not have a chance yet to fight with anyone LOL. Seriously, I
want to have lots of fun and I hope you all also will have a lot of fun
as well (with love and mutual understanding). If I sound too naive just
tell me to shut up LOL :)

JustAnotherChick's photo
Mon 06/11/07 07:03 PM
Many things LOL ;) What do you like to do for fun?

JustAnotherChick's photo
Mon 06/11/07 01:33 PM
Well, actually Jesus did not have trouble at all handling all kinds of
situations. He handled it all brilliantly. Quite often religious people
were trying to "trap" him in order to embarrase and discredit him
publicly. One example when people asked Him if Jewish people should pay
taxes to Romans or not. Jesus Himself is a Jew and His first followers
were Jewish also. So here is the situation: Jesus is surrounded by Jews
and Romans, if He answeres: yes, Jewish people should pay taxes to
Ceasar (well, to Romans that is), then He would loose followers for they
would consider Him to be a traitor to Jewish people. If He answeres: no,
Jewish people should not pay taxes to Ceasar then Romans would accuse
Him of starting the rebellion against Rome and arrest Him. So what did
Jesus do? He said: you are testing me. Show me the coin. Whose name and
signature is on the coin? People answered: Ceasar's. So Jesus said: Then
give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God give that what belongs
to God. Anyway, returning to the woman at the well; she was Samaritan.
Samaritans accepted Jesus while His own people rejected him. The point
Jesus was making talking to a Samaritan woman was to bring her to God.
Remember in the Bible she (the Samaritan woman)left her water jar and
went to town to tell people: look, I found the prophet at the well who
told me everything I ever did (her "husband" situation), could He be the
Messiah?. Samaritan people came to the well where Jesus was and
eventually did accepted Him as Messiah.

JustAnotherChick's photo
Mon 06/11/07 12:31 PM
It is interesting how different people interpret the Bible differently.
One pastor (!!?) said he can make Bible say whatever he wants it to say.
Well, God is Love and Mercy. It is quite often religious people who
condemn other people while God does not condemn people for God has
created people and loves His creatures (for God is not willing that
anyone should perish...). In the Bible Jesus was angry with.... the
religious folks and it was religious folks who wanted to execute Him by
turning him to Romans. Jesus put in example the Samaritan (the Good
Samaritan story) to religious people who despised Samaritans (they were
better than Samaritans!!) and religious people were furious. Jesus said
to adulterous woman who was caught in adultery: I do not condemn you;
while religious people wanted to throw stones at her. Jesus said:
whoever is without sin first throw stone at her; and all religious folks
left. Now, who is it without sin that, metaphorically speaking, throws
stones at other people who are divorced, or remarried, or whatever? (The
word "Sin", by the way, comes from archery meaning "missing the mark",
or "missing the point".) It is time for religious people to stop missing
the point and start to love our neighbour as ourself.