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Wed 10/21/09 09:10 PM
Edited by YourWordisTruth on Wed 10/21/09 09:12 PM
Hey I'm a born-again Christian looking for some sinners on here!

(No one is perfect! Which is why you need a perfect God!)

Jesus saved my life and He can save yours too if you let Him!

We have to be "Born Again!"

What's life?

Here's our lives:
We wake up.
Eat breakfast.
Go to school.
Go to work.
We make money.
And then we spend some money.
We spend time with friends and fam.
And then what happens?

We go back home, sleep.
Then we wake up the next morning to repeat the SAME repetative agenda, over and over again.

That's life.

But we are doing this life until we are 70 years old (if you make it that far).
We are at the END of our lives,
it's all said and done with...

But then at SOME point we ask ourselves...

"What WAS the point?"

All our life accomplishments.
All our life titles that we gain for ourselves.
That we lose.

Success and failures.
Good times Vs bad times...


But Jesus shows you your life's worth.
He puts a value on your head that no one can match up to.
You were bought with a price!
His death on the cross for your sins.

He paid in FULL.

I was an atheist my entire life.

I didn't believe in a "God" or "Jesus",
I thought it was all a joke.
Something there to make people "happy".
A security blanket for when times got bad!

I didn't take any of it seriously!

But then one day a friend of mine kept NUDGING me to read this "Bible".

And I was all like, "OK! OK! I'll read it!" I was all resentful, I really didn't want to get into it.

But EVENTUALLY strolls around and I end up opening it up,
going through it bit-by-bit,
and you start to come across certain life TRUTHS!

...You find purpose!

...You find out that, "There's a reason as to why I woke up this morning!"

All of life's mysteries as to "What exactly are we really doing" here, starts to make sense!

It starts to ADD UP!

And the focal point is that 1 sinless man, Jesus Christ! :)

What happens when you kick the bucket one day?

What happens when you die?
Don't you ever think of such things?
When I was an atheist I didn't!

Do you think that we simply don't exist? It is that simple?
What about all our wrongs we've committed throughout our lives ah?
How is it accounted for?

If you were to honestly analyze your life... you know you've done wrong
you know you've done wrong to yourself,
those you love,
and obviously God...

So who's going to pay for it?
Someone has to pay for your wrongs.
To say that you have no wrongs is ignorant.

There's only 2 options!

Either YOU pay for your wrongs, which NO ONE wants to do.
It's called hell.

Or you accept God's free, undeserving gift He gave you because of His love for you:

He gave you the sinLESS man,
God on earth,
to die for YOUR sins! :)

He took the punishment YOU deserve because He loves ya so much.
He even forgives you for your current spitting in His face!

(If your not a Christian that is)

Think about it!
All in which we do in life,
all our accomplishments,
titles that we gain for ourselves...
What does any of that amount to in the end?

Let's say I win a million dollars!

It's a lot of money,
I get to spend it on my friends and fam.

But what happens when I'm on my death-bead?

What GOOD would any of that dollar value to me in the end?


Look at Michael Jackson...
He had grand titles, and his assets I heard were in the billions...

BUT the second he kicked the bucket,
the second he passed on...
he no longer benefited from ANY of his life's accomplishments, fame and fortune!

His assets, popularity, means NOTHING to him in the grave.

But guess what?
We are all in the same boat...

We can't take the clothes off our backs,
our titles that we gain for ourselves...

Some people would love to say, "I live for my friends! My family!"

Which is a great and honourable thing to do to live for your husband and kids (or if your a guy, wife and kids)...


There is that reality that we all love to ignore!

When again, we are on our deathbeds, we realize that we CAN'T take our brothers, our sisters, our wives or kids with us when we kick the bucket!

Even our relationships when we are here on earth is temporary and one day perishable! (That doesn't mean don't have any relationships, I'm just saying it's a fact)

[And this doesn't mean that I won't love my wife whoever you are :)]

Everything we do and experience is temporary.

I could go to the movies with my friends. Sure we'll have fun, sure we'll have holywood entertainment. But as soon as it starts, it's over!

The 2 hours is up, the pop-corn is done, and we go home, only to redo it the next weekend. (Best movie in the world is "Gospel of John" btw)

If I was a drinker, I could go downtown and get wasted, have a "good time" laugh it up, btu what happens?

I wake up the next morning sober, all the joy and entertainment is gone, and so on! Until the NEXT friday night! (If I was a drinker that is...)

EVERYTHING that we do...
Is temporary.

We experience Temporary Satisfactions.

Which brings me to my point!

Why grab onto the temporary,
when you could grab onto what is forever?

We will lose everything in life.
But we can't lose God if you have Jesus in your heart.

God doesn't fade away over time like...
-Nations/ Empires
-The World...

He is permantently fixed in your life...

He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.

And He will fill your life if you acknowledge your sins against Him...

(We've broken every 10 commandment
-Honor your father and mother [fail]
-You shall not commit adultery [Fail, Jesus says that if we look at a women lustfully we commit adultery with her in our hearts. So fail.]
-You shall not murder [Jesus says that if we hate somebody, it is like we committed murder. So fail.]
-You shall not steal [Fail. Even the smallest of things]
-Lie [Fail. "All men are liars"]

That's only 5! And we are guilty of all of them! We are...

Parent disobeying,
Lying sinners...

God says that we deserve to be punished for this action! "The wages of sin is death" God says.

In God's courtroom, we'd be guilty of ALL of them.

So what are we supposed to do?

How can we pay our way out of debt?
We can't!
Our good deeds can't save us, because 1 of those sins^ are 1 too many!

Sin can't stand in the presence of the Holy, righteous, pure Almighty God.

So should we pay for our sins?

No! God doesn't want us to pay for our sins!
God does all the work!
He died for our sins!
He paid the price,
the fine,
that we all deserve to pay for in the courtroom of God.

We deserve punishment for the things that we have done, but JESUS bore those sins and placed it on Him.


"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." [John 3:16]

He did it because He LOVES YOU.
He loves you...

So what are we supposed to do?


Ask the Father in heaven to forgive you of all your sins that you've committed in your entire life!
Acknowledge that YOU are sinful and can't be saved without Him.

What else do we have to do?

Believe! - Follow the Commandments of Jesus!

Believe in the sacrifice the Father provided who is Jesus Christ!
Read the Bible (New Testament 1st) to understand God's true love for you!

And follow Him.
He says to
-Love your neighbour as you love yourself.
-Love your enemies.
-Forgive those who do you wrong.
-Have mercy on people.
-Don't fight evil with evil (violence with violence).
-Honour your wife by not sleeping with her before you mary her! (Same goes for the girls!)

And then with these things you will have eternal life!
You will never die!
(The second death of hell)

Why? Because Jesus defeated death.
He rose again 3 days later after He was crucified by men who did not know what they do...

You will live forever with God Almighty because Jesus conquered death and sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven, ordaining the things of your life!

Why? Because He loves you!
Now it's the Holy Spirit you are being informed by.


God bless you!
And I hope you turn to Jesus!
The Son of God, God on earth.

This is an amazing video that many can relate to, even myself!

**[Gospel of John MOVIE!]*** p=70132D6A29B817B3&index=0&playnext=1

[Movie is after 1st vid, but watch the 1st vid...]