Community > Posts By > Rawrr_Girl
did you know .....
Oh boy. Reading that has made my dyslexia come out to play. I'm confused again now.
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So you want to marry a liar then, Izzy? That shouldn't be too hard to find. Sociopaths aren't just liars. They're ruthless, heartless people who feel no empathy for others. They are self serving and are just as likely to kill you as they are to kiss you. That just sounds like an adventure. lol Ha ha. Welcome to The Crazy Person Selection Dateline. How can we help? :) |
I'm gonna sound boring, but I don't have a dream guy in mind. Either I will like him or I won't. I can't put it any simpler than that.
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I still want to talk. I feel like we didn't get long enough to talk. It was stress that caused my body to stop working properly, a few month ago. Thought I'd end up needing surgery, but it just goes to show how bad stress can effect the body.
It would be a waste to throw conversation away and be left wondering. Not sure if you want to, though. |
Geek! You're Cool!
I'm really not sure if I am. In school, I was treat like most other's there. I don't try to look like one. I've never really thought about it. I just am how I am. I have certain quirks. But I doubt I could claim the geek label.
Yeah I love watching it. Mainly on a saturday afternoon :)
Yeah. Like when I'm looking for something around the house, I always find coppers. When I'm not watching my tv, Miley Cyrus happens to suddenly appear on it. Not to mention the eight year old, green furry apple, that lived behind my sofa, and was only discovered because I was chasing a spider.
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I once wanted to open my own ferret rescue home, but like you say, it takes a lot of cash to do that. I adore animals, my favourites would be guinea pigs. I just find it so cute how they sit there, looking all lazy, and how they do that chattering with their teeth. They're very friendly. It's been twelve year since mine died, and I still sometimes get upset that they aren't around anymore. I have old photo's of them though, so all isn't lost :)
I don't mean to sound disgusting, but I just can't figure how people get constipated. Even people who eat the right foods. It completely baffle's me. It sneaks up on people.
I've noticed that women get very excited during fast rapid motion. But I suspect they might be faking it because I've seen some videos where the women were going solo and using toys and things. Well anyway they were having spasms and it looked very real. But at no point did they pound away at it. So I don't know what to think. I don't understand how a woman would have spasm's during sex. I think you mean she was orgasming. And, there's a difference. I guess it's like driving a car. You go slow at first, and well, things get very heated and quickened. The more serious or intense her face looks, the better, as that's a more genuine sign she's enjoying it. Also, if her skin is heating up, again, a genuine sign she likes it. TMI? *waits to get a slap from other women* :( ![]() |
It feels good, but also slightly strange, being back on here. I guess I got used to having no internet for days.
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Where's Patti Stanger when we need her?
I went thru this just a little while back, I done the final divorce in 99 and left and moved out here where i am now...and just about three months ago she shows up on my facebook page.... Now I loved this woman more then life its self and she kept playing her game till I almost pulled the trigger on my life...... i had to get her out of my life all over again............ Sounds like one of those things you hear about on Jeremy Kyle. Oh the drama Facebook can bring. This is why I never bother with Facebook. I always feel "unnecessary" people will find me again. ![]() |
I don't speak to most of my ex's anymore. Only a certain one. But I think that's because he's the only one who ever listened to me properly. The rest I don't really give a hoot about, because they seemed less caring. We are like a double act, when we are in each others company. The more you can forgive and forget, the better, but still I know it's not that easy.
When someone says they're not interested, that's your clue to leave and find someone who is, not stick around, continuing "to be there for her" and "her shoulder to cry on" blah blah, and constantly in the Friend Zone. For every girl who rejects you as relationship material, there has to be at least one who will be into you that way. But you're wasting time on the ***** who only wants you as a friend. Exactly ;) It's even creepier when they still stick around when you're in a relationship. They can't take the rejection. They end up becoming mentally jaded. |
Not to be a jerk, but this sounds like a typical 'nice guy' response, and also it sounds like a VERY familiar 'nice guy' let down by the girl. The "oh, you're such a good a friend, i don't want to ruin it" translation "I'm not interested in you, for reason, a,b,c" The difference, is the 'nice guy' sticks around and listens for hours(acting more like one of her girlfriends...i'm sure she will find that hot ![]() The "jerk" simply tells her that he likes her, and if she isn't interested he moves on, dates one of her friends, and her friend tells her that he is 'this way' or 'that way' and she wonders if maybe she should have been interested.....and if her friend breaks up with him, good chance she'll hook up with him too....(may not let her friend know though) now this 'jerk' is now seen as a 'player' and someone who isn't nice to women by the nice-guy, when in all reality, he just had the confidence to A. Say what he wanted, and B. If what he wanted wasn't available to walk away. 'nice guys' are liars, and the people they lie to most are themselves, They lie about what they truly want, They lie about who they truly are, and most 'nice guys' have more skeletons in their closet than 90% of the 'jerks' They are so concerned about their image of being a 'nice guy' that they bury things in hopes that no one will ever discover them. As a former 'nice-guy' that is my opinion. That was hilarious ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I really don't think it's as black and white as that. He may have a personality trait that she feels drawn to. Anyone can get attracted to anyone. Anyone can talk like a gentleman, but it doesn't mean I'll fall for him. I may even think he's over-acting, if he talks that way. It depends on what attracted her to him. We can't just say he was good or bad. There has to be more to it than that.
The UK :D
Long distance
Sexual temptation always gets in the way for me. I couldn't put sex on hold or wait for years, just because some guy online is tripping over what I do. It's asking a bit much, if a guy expects me not to go to the pub, or get drunk, or not have sex, just because he may worry that he wants sex with me. Not sure about others, but wanting sex is natural, so why shouldn't I, if I'm single? Only with one guy though. Considering it's someone I already know.
I can't say for sure. Better to just try it, if you're truly into them.