Community > Posts By > tdion

tdion's photo
Wed 02/19/20 03:27 PM
Edited by tdion on Wed 02/19/20 03:31 PM
You should prefer your match before Religion. Religion is a lie and will destroy your relationship. Be wise as a Serpent and harmless as a Dove.

And also remember that God disproves Interracial marriages.

tdion's photo
Wed 02/19/20 03:16 PM
Edited by tdion on Wed 02/19/20 03:41 PM
Yes, it is a sin with God. Why? Because it's a men made invention and God does not instruct us to do so. Even tatoo's, piercings or other cuts in the flesh are sins.
Leviticus [19:28] Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you. I am the LORD.

It's also a sin to be a Homosexual.
Leviticus [18:22] Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind. It is abomination. See also Leviticus [20:13].

Your search must be with the bible. Vain opinions and internet babbling, will not help you but confuse you further. Only God has the answer to all your questions.

Hopefully this helps!

tdion's photo
Wed 01/29/20 02:18 PM
Edited by tdion on Wed 01/29/20 02:21 PM

Stands to reason if something is invisible it has no color.

That's a good comment. The bible clearly tells us that God created man in His image. The reasoning might be "what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God". An image is not invisible and has form, as has previously been discussed and established in this forum. When the disciples questioned Christ about the looks of his father, Christ was clearly surprised, and made them understand that he looked like his father.

For centuries theologians have debated "the image of God" and tried to proof that the image is not what we think it is. They concluded that the Image of God that was present in Adam at creation, was partially lost because of our sins. The other part is consciousness. National Geography made an image of Adam (the first man) after a decade of study and research. So, could that image be how Christ and God look like?

Many books have been written and many religions had delve into this subject, even Judaism and Christianity. What we must understand is that if the debates resulted into conclusions, which are contrary to what have been taught in the earth, then the church fathers will NEVER tell the truth. Therefore, sound debate and reasoning is NOT possible with Christianity at the core of that debate.

My middle son is the image of me.
He doesn't look like me but his personality and manner is the same.
He's "just like dad" his brothers and sister say.

Perhaps your religion is referring to that type of image.
Your God obviously possesses the ability to reason and we have the ability to reason.
"Man was made in the image of God" may not be a physical comparison.
It may be a comparison of essence.

Your God is capable of love.
We are capable of love.
Your God is capable of forgiveness.
We are capable of forgiveness.
Your God is capable of wrath.
We are capable of wrath.

Perhaps "made in the image" means we possess the same qualities as your creator.

Siri is our creation.
It possesses some of our qualities so we can interact with it.
We work towards building AI computers.
These computers look nothing like us but we make them in our own image so they think and feel like we do. We build into them our interaction capacity.

The God of the bible, that's the God I am referencing, created the earth and gave it to man for an inheritance. We are the highest form of life on earth and it was Adam who named the animals.

In order to possess the earth to the fullest, God gave us the power of creation, but limited that power to be manifest in the earth. In other words, everything that has form and is not natural in the earth, was created by men.

God however, did not give us His glory and power to create in the Heavens, for all that has form or is formless and Natural was created by Him and his Son.

So, we do possess many of His qualities but not all, and because we sin, we die like men. Every man is unique and has his/her own personality and every man will be judged by his works, and no two men for the works of one.

tdion's photo
Wed 01/29/20 01:17 AM
Edited by tdion on Wed 01/29/20 01:38 AM

truthfully I just found out that the word God is actually a verb acting as a noun. Even more than that God has set himself apart from everyone by not revealing his skin color, his true Name Ehyeh is proof of his Mysterio nature

That's basically the question. Please elaborate if you know his race or color.

Most names have a meaning like the name Jesus, which means "he that saves"
Ehyeh is a Hebrew word and means "I am that I am". These words have no meaning and therefore CAN'T be the true name.

The Jews of antiquity had the word "YAH" in their names, which is the abbreviation of the name of the Heavenly Father. For the true name you must study the word "YAH" and find it's 'full" meaning.

tdion's photo
Wed 01/29/20 01:17 AM

truthfully I just found out that the word God is actually a verb acting as a noun. Even more than that God has set himself apart from everyone by not revealing his skin color, his true Name Ehyeh is proof of his Mysterio nature

That's basically the question. Please elaborate if you know his race or color.

Most names have a meaning like the name Jesus, which means "he that saves"
Ehyeh is a Hebrew word and means "I am that I am". These words have no meaning and therefore can't be the true name.

tdion's photo
Wed 01/29/20 12:59 AM

Stands to reason if something is invisible it has no color.

That's a good comment. The bible clearly tells us that God created man in His image. The reasoning might be "what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God". An image is not invisible and has form, as has previously been discussed and established in this forum. When the disciples questioned Christ about the looks of his father, Christ was clearly surprised, and made them understand that he looked like his father.

For centuries theologians have debated "the image of God" and tried to proof that the image is not what we think it is. They concluded that the Image of God that was present in Adam at creation, was partially lost because of our sins. The other part is consciousness. National Geography made an image of Adam (the first man) after a decade of study and research. So, could that image be how Christ and God look like?

Many books have been written and many religions had delve into this subject, even Judaism and Christianity. What we must understand is that if the debates resulted into conclusions, which are contrary to what have been taught in the earth, then the church fathers will NEVER tell the truth. Therefore, sound debate and reasoning is NOT possible with Christianity at the core of that debate.

tdion's photo
Wed 01/29/20 12:41 AM
Edited by tdion on Wed 01/29/20 12:57 AM

Why define the creator by the limits of its creation? Race and color are a function of tracing mortal humans through a timeline, God was before everything, so that would not be relevant.

God wants us to know that we are created in His image, else he would have kept silent about it. Knowing this we can better obey and worship him. Race and color does matter, although many will say it's foolish thinking, and that's why the image is so very important.

When someone is robbed the 1st question will be, how the robber looks like, primarily his race and color.

I understand the difficulties, issues and effects of this topic.
Hence, I don't want to be the one to reveal the image and hopefully some one else does.

tdion's photo
Wed 01/29/20 12:06 AM
That's a good comment. The bible clearly tells us that God created man in His image. The reasoning might be "what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God". An image is not invisible and has form, as has previously been discussed and established in this forum. When the disciples questioned Christ about the looks of his father, Christ was clearly surprised, and made them understand that he looked like his father.

For centuries theologians have debated "the image of God" and tried to proof that the image is not what we think it is. They concluded that the Image of God that was present in Adam at creation, was partially lost because of our sins. The other part is consciousness. National Geography made an image of Adam (the first man) after a decade of study and research. So, could that image be how Christ and God look like?

Many books have been written and many religions had delve into this subject, even Judaism and Christianity. What we must understand is that if the debates resulted into conclusions, which are contrary to what have been taught in the earth, then the church fathers will NEVER tell the truth. Therefore, sound debate and reasoning is NOT possible with Christianity at the core of that debate.

tdion's photo
Fri 01/24/20 08:18 PM

Unless you guys are talking about Zeus the Greek god, or Jupiter the Roman god. Well, they were both racially white guys. And since this is a general religion forum, I can safely assume any god of those can be the one referred to as the heavenly father.

We are referencing the God of the Holy Bible and not the Greek Gods.

tdion's photo
Fri 01/24/20 12:29 AM

So you say... 28 years. You have been taught, wrongly.
[Isaiah 28:9] Whom shall he (GOD) teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breast.

Did He make you understand Doctrine, and did you drink the milk? God will open your eyes if he wishes to do so, and then you will be re-taught. I have been a life student of mysticism, astrology, (Talismanic) magic and even yoga. But somehow He had pity on me, and gave me the milk. And I drank it, and it tasted like honey! Sweet in the mouth and sweet in the belly!


Funny, that HUMANS IN THIS EVANGELISTIC RELIGION, judge, brag, belittle, deflect, manipulate, and sometimes bully others. shameful!

If you've been out-of-body, you could go and visit at any time, and would KNOW WITHOUT QUESTION that there are many different entities, NOT RACES. forms of life you never knew existed, shimmering beings (no, not angels, and no, not demons either) that are way above the HUMAN station. They merely have LEARNED MORE, and EXPERIENCED more.

It's funny how SOME humans think that THEY are the owners of this massive place, and their god will "give this universe" to them....

and how bloodthirsty they are over this war that's supposed to take place between heaven and hell.... they can't wait for the world to end, and the rapture to take place, and watch be-headings and carnage "from the clouds of heaven" and evangelists stand next to their god, beaming, watching this bloody fiasco.
This..... is in your "revelations" and your panflets that you either pass out or leave everywhere....

sounds like Roman Coliseum days to me.

Most of the evangelists I have met are pretty friggin mean. not all, as some are pretty alright, and are trying to help in places like Haiti that REALLY NEED help... Too bad there's an ulterior motive that's always attempted to be shoved into their brain. Most also want me to go to their hell, calling me Memnoch. I'm not. Djinn, well, yes, absolutely, but not anything to do with Lucifer.

Lucifer is not SATAN but the light bearer. The statue of liberty represents the people who are to carry the torch. Are they doing it as to expectation?
[Isaiah 14:12] How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Who weakens the nations, bullies them and never have enough? Gold was not enough, not even the Gold and riches of King David and Solomon, and now it's the petrodollar.
[Exodus 15:3] The LORD is a man of war. The LORD is stirring up the nations, to go to war in a FINAL battle. Armageddon, Rapture? You name it!

There are indeed many type of entities, some have a body, others don't. But that's not the topic. It's best not to delve into these unseen worlds, not by astral projection nor any other means, because spirits can be more deceptive and destructive than humans.

The wicked countries are being visited by God for their wickedness.
[Isaiah 29:6] Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.

I never mentioned Satan, that's a whole other subject. I Mentioned Memnoch.

.... and I'll project out where I see fit. Nothing bothers me. I'm the thing that goes bump in the night. Those out there that harbour fear should heed that. I'm NOT the baddest, toughest thing out there by any means, but I AM by far the meanest and most tenacious to a fault, rage, off the charts, and have eternity to rip holes in others, and I absolutely don't care. No entity, no matter how badass, wants to screw with that kinda energy..

synopsis:... don't poke a Djinn in the Root Chakra(butt) while he's smelling the plasma flowers. best idea for any entity out there?? don't bring any energy to my attention period.

You seem to love fairy tails;). Memnoch is fiction and those that drain energy, not blood, are vampires.

I know, but I mentioned SATAN because he is not an adversary of God but His servant. God is the one who does all the killing on earth and SATAN is his follower, hence the warning. SATAN walks the earth up and down looking to victimize those with evil thoughts, evil intentions and plans. That's why murder and blood shed, have becomes daily events. We may think a lot of our self, but our names, without exceptions, are written in the book of life. And when our sins reach heaven we are cut off from the earth.

[Deut. 32:39] See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no God with me. I kill, and I make alive, I wound and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.

No man can deliver us out of the hands of God and the LORD doesn't play with us.

tdion's photo
Thu 01/23/20 11:13 PM

Hey it’s like this okay,bible never mentions colour and darkness or brightness was associated when the movies were made and we are all having the same blood DNA genes and some little things might vary.But these cinema caused some damages and all people of all colour are the same.They are kind when they have money and it depends on the situation.Since the paper was white and had dark letters and the statues were white my mom thought all white people were descendents of God.My prayer to god is that black or brown men like me we love to get a White Tan so that we could just feel how it is to be white.

Hahah, white people don't have melanin and they are the ones who are looking for a Brown Tan. And then we have the dark people who don't have yellow hair and go for it. Blonds have more fun;). Some have removed their melanin because they have no knowledge. The bible mentions color in many occasions and in different ways. But since we were told otherwise, we biblically became color blind, and don't look for it, and therefore don't see it. Also, no two things under the Heavens are equal or the same. Not even identical twins.

A domestic cat is not a jaguar and a lion is not a puma but all are family etc.

If we were equal or the same their wouldn't be any racism. Racism actually started when the Europeans discovered that they were the minority, and the majority were melanated people. They understood that to survive they had to dominate the earth. They conquered the worlds and white washed many nations, and even among the aboriginals of Australia. Everybody is in the scriptures for there is nothing knew under the sun. With the right biblical understanding you will know why God painted you as you are. God knows best, and he knew you before you were in the belly.
I will leave it hear and hopefully you can see the big picture! Fear God and keep his works!

tdion's photo
Thu 01/23/20 07:35 PM

well sure. Historically speaking, god is Middle Eastern. And he was most probably slightly tanned. I represent him more than all the fake paintings out there.
Pray to me, it's much more accurate

Historically speaking, when Jesus walked the dusty roads of Bethlehem and Judea, there was no such thing as a middle East. The name came into existence after the Suez canal was build in the early 20th century. Prior to Middle-East the region was Africa and prior to Africa it was the land of Ham. The continent was named Africa, after it was conquered by an European general named Escipio Africanus, who defeated Hannibal in the 2nd punic wars (218 - 201 B.C.).

It was a custom for war lords to name continents and countries after themselves as
the bible tells us.
[Psalm 49:11] Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, and their dwelling places to all generations; they call their lands after their own names.

Further more, they diligently search out iniquities and the inward thoughts of every one of them, till this day, is very deep.

The topic is actually about the Heavenly father, unless you think they are one and the same being.

tdion's photo
Wed 01/22/20 04:03 PM
Edited by tdion on Wed 01/22/20 04:07 PM
If you care, then you should know that dating and/or marriage outside of your race is a sin!

tdion's photo
Wed 01/22/20 01:39 AM

I noticed he didn't touch what I said.

Because he has an agenda. He will not healthily debate. I am done with this thread....

Indeed, the bible can't be debated. And as for the topic you know or you don't or else you study further. Theology, not even a Ph D. will give you the right understanding.
I have heard and read foolish things such as the oneness of God and Christ, the virgin birth and the trinity. I am not attacking any institutions, because they too have their role to play.

tdion's photo
Wed 01/22/20 01:39 AM

I noticed he didn't touch what I said.

Because he has an agenda. He will not healthily debate. I am done with this thread....

Indeed, the bible can't be debated. And as for the topic you know or you don't or else you study further. Theology, not even a Ph D. will give you the right understanding.
I have heard and read foolish things such as the oneness of God and Christ, the virgin birth and the trinity. I am not attacking any institutions, because they too have their role to play.

tdion's photo
Tue 01/21/20 06:52 PM

So you say... 28 years. You have been taught, wrongly.
[Isaiah 28:9] Whom shall he (GOD) teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breast.

Did He make you understand Doctrine, and did you drink the milk? God will open your eyes if he wishes to do so, and then you will be re-taught. I have been a life student of mysticism, astrology, (Talismanic) magic and even yoga. But somehow He had pity on me, and gave me the milk. And I drank it, and it tasted like honey! Sweet in the mouth and sweet in the belly!


Funny, that HUMANS IN THIS EVANGELISTIC RELIGION, judge, brag, belittle, deflect, manipulate, and sometimes bully others. shameful!

If you've been out-of-body, you could go and visit at any time, and would KNOW WITHOUT QUESTION that there are many different entities, NOT RACES. forms of life you never knew existed, shimmering beings (no, not angels, and no, not demons either) that are way above the HUMAN station. They merely have LEARNED MORE, and EXPERIENCED more.

It's funny how SOME humans think that THEY are the owners of this massive place, and their god will "give this universe" to them....

and how bloodthirsty they are over this war that's supposed to take place between heaven and hell.... they can't wait for the world to end, and the rapture to take place, and watch be-headings and carnage "from the clouds of heaven" and evangelists stand next to their god, beaming, watching this bloody fiasco.
This..... is in your "revelations" and your panflets that you either pass out or leave everywhere....

sounds like Roman Coliseum days to me.

Most of the evangelists I have met are pretty friggin mean. not all, as some are pretty alright, and are trying to help in places like Haiti that REALLY NEED help... Too bad there's an ulterior motive that's always attempted to be shoved into their brain. Most also want me to go to their hell, calling me Memnoch. I'm not. Djinn, well, yes, absolutely, but not anything to do with Lucifer.

Lucifer is not SATAN but the light bearer. The statue of liberty represents the people who are to carry the torch. Are they doing it as to expectation?
[Isaiah 14:12] How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Who weakens the nations, bullies them and never have enough? Gold was not enough, not even the Gold and riches of King David and Solomon, and now it's the petrodollar.
[Exodus 15:3] The LORD is a man of war. The LORD is stirring up the nations, to go to war in a FINAL battle. Armageddon, Rapture? You name it!

There are indeed many type of entities, some have a body, others don't. But that's not the topic. It's best not to delve into these unseen worlds, not by astral projection nor any other means, because spirits can be more deceptive and destructive than humans.

The wicked countries are being visited by God for their wickedness.
[Isaiah 29:6] Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.

tdion's photo
Tue 01/21/20 05:25 PM

You are correct in your assertion that the world is slowly coming to an end.It has been doing so for around 16 billion years.Each day that passes gets us closer to the end.

I didn't say the earth but the world! You would also have to proof that the earth is that old ;).
[Ecclesiastes 1:4] One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth FOR EVER.

tdion's photo
Tue 01/21/20 02:04 PM

"2.4 billion Christians are wrong"

Not inherently wrong, but they aren't following the actual words of Christ. They're following the words of Paul and Nero, and those who edited various translations in the 2000 years after.

The dude actually knows his **** and does his research. I wouldn't say it's a cult, it sounds like someone who's, you know, watched documentaries like 1999 "Who Was the Real Jesus Christ" or perhaps read the book "Deconstructing Jesus". Actual historical evidence, linguistic analysis, archaeology. If YOU had ever done any research on this yourself, you would see he's alluding to a lot of pre-existing research that's been going on since the time of Reimarus.

No, most people aren't teachable, they were proverbially (har har) beaten with the Bible and refuse to question it.

I'm in the Philippines temporarily, right? I started getting heavy into actual theology and historical analysis. So one thing I love doing is discussing the Bible with strangers. And guess what? None of them actually read the damn book. Like maybe I've met a few people who can actually quote verses and that's it. I gave up. I thought, y'know, talking to strangers in a 91% Christian nation would be a great way to get to know the Bible but it's hopeless.

I really love discussing the Epistle of James (yes, this was Jesus' elder brother; James the Lesser, James the Just, and James the son of Alphaeus are all viable candidates, but NOT James, Son of Zebedee) and also the apocryphal Gospel of James. But nobody here knows anything about that, and it's just so depressing. Yet people have church services so loud that the speakers are blown and sound terrible. They wear t-shirts talking about God and Jesus. Their dating site profiles quite often call themselves a SERVANT OF GOD or LOVER OF JESUS, etc. but to me they're all Pharisees. Oh it's a sad situation.

First convert, woohoo. I am about to study Theology. Let's have this discussion in three years when I am a pastor.
One thing I know is drunken 420 posts and bullying, sounds like wolves in sheep's clothing. Shalom.

I never mentioned any other book or historical document other then the bible. I quote heavily from the scriptures, old and new and the apocrypha. Cults? No, My own believes or opinions? No. Just the TRUTH. And yes, the 2.4 billion Christians are WRONG, because they are not in the TRUTH. We are living in the time of prophesies and almost nobody is noticing that the world is slowly but surely coming to an end.

Jezus was hated because the people of his time or generation knew something that most of the 2.4 billion Christians have not understood. I would like to focus on this topic and see what the outcome will be.

tdion's photo
Mon 01/20/20 07:46 AM

Maccabees 3:48 is not even in the Bible. its part of the fake books that Catholic priests add to their books. Its a rare religious book store that will even sell you a Catholic bible. so if you are getting information from there, you are incorrectly informed right from the start. what color is water? ALL water? what color is Wind? Can you hold a cloud? stop thinking that God is an actual touchable man. Only while Jesus lived among the people was God touchable.
Have you heard the expression "the face of a nation" - that encompasses the nature of the government, the people, the actions of the people, the economic status of the people, their religions, occupations and much more. The Face of God does not mean a 6 X 8 inch face like we have - it encompasses spirit and love and conscience and joy and punishments. You should possibly start over with your thinking.

Thanks for your comment. I like what you had to say. First, in the early 18e century the Protestant removed 14 books from the bible. The bible as we know it today consists of 66 books which are rightfully called the "Protestant bible". The Roman Catholic Church have however, added few, I believe 5, of the 14 lost books to their bible again. In contrary to your thoughts, they felt that not all of these books were deuterocanonical, and discredited the Prostestants.

I would like to remind you that the KJV of 1611 does have 80 books with the lost books intact. Christ spoke of the feast of dedication in the Apochrypha which does make these books canonical, unless Christ is a liar.

The truth of the matter is that these books were removed by wicked church fathers to cause confusion and to make the bible less understandable and agreeable. Often times people will say thinks because they have heard or read something. If you had understood the narrative of the bible, you would have known why these books were removed from the KJV of 1611. Imagine how hard it is to read a book of which a few hundred pages are removed. I am going to leave it up to you to find out why these books were removed from the bible. These books (pages) were simply torn out of the bible because they didn't fit the wicked purposes of these people.

[Revelation 22:19] And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

My thoughts are correct, you just need to study harder and understand what book you are dealing with, namely the "Holy Bible". Holy means separate and so God only gave his words to those whom he had separated. [Isaiah 28:9] Whom shall he teach knowledge and whom shall he make to understand doctrine?

Dude I'm not religious at all, I just live in a Catholic country and took a lot of classes related to theology. You're preaching to the choir here. I'm asking questions honestly, not asking loaded questions with accusations behind them. ;)

Edit: My bad, dude. I thought you were quoting my post. I'm drunk. It's 8pm here and I need to deal with a cat who's about to give birth. Forgive me hahaha. I was like, "What's this guy on about? I totally agree that church authorities took way too much out of the Bible."

Well neither am I, religious. The bible has nothing to do with religion and Christianity is NOT in the bible. That does say something about Christianity. It's a power structure. Their goal is to bewitch and rule the world and additionally they sell prayers for money. Today, many churches preach a prosperity doctrine as if God cares about money. Okay, maybe God needs a new 1.7m car.;). It's high time to cast down imagination and lies. My post was meant for those who say they know God or have a relation with Him. No offence to you bro. I hope your cat gave birth to many strong and healthy kittens.

tdion's photo
Sun 01/19/20 04:48 PM

In all the pics I have seen he is a white man with a big beard , looks a bit like a 60's guitarist

That's how the artist pictured Him to look like, and sometimes naked or half naked. Maybe he didn't have money to buy clothes;).