sexy or pretty?
Are you kidding me? Jennifer Anniston is the poster child for the pretty girl next door. She just lacks the sexiness or "womanly" quality if you will that it takes for a woman to be sexy. She does seem these last couple of years to be gravitating more towards a sexier sort of role in movies though which I think has helped her break away a bit from the "Friends" typecast.
who viewed me
What is and how do you obtain "stealth mode"? Just curious because my memory is awful and I have to go back all the time to check out people's profiles to remind myself of whom it is I am talking to..
sexy or pretty?
Well men being men obviously would like to have their cake and eat it too.. meaning that we would prefer both. It is hard to say.. I don't think that someone can really be sexy without having a pretty face.. but the difference between being sexy and pretty is like contrasting Jennifer Aniston (pretty) with Angelina Jolie (sexy). The pretty one more often than not is the safer play but the relationship often has less passion than it would with the sexy woman.
New Member in Denver
So i'm new to Denver as well as to meeting people online.. So i'm interested in meeting some people locally to chat with or possibly even show me about town a bit..
Hello, I'm a new guy.. not only to this site but to this sort of thing.. Interested in meeting new people in Denver..