Community > Posts By > Englishrose2
I knew u was on viagra Anna x
Welcome Anna x
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 16
Single and loving it although i am open to offers
Going to bed goodnight Anna x
Scotch on the rocks
Bacardi and coke Anna x
Pls look at my head my boobs cant talk! Anna x
Hello, New to Mingle.
Welcome Anna x
please rate my profile
Very good i wish you well. Anna x
Last to post wins! - part 69
Am ahead for at least 2 seconds!! Anna x
very good. Anna x
Hero..... well she does have a purple heart Anna x
Is sex is a Force or desire
When i desire her sometimes i have to force her to agree Anna x
Clint Estwood
The Pope
Lovers Of Antiquity
I am very disturbed that such a refined young English Lass is even aware of The Waltons. Hey dont knock The Waltons a beautiful series of a romantic idealistic world that many wanted to be part of Goodnight Ma Goodnight Pa Goodnight Granpa Goodnight Granma Goodnight Johnboy Goodnight Ben Goodnight Jimbob Goodnight Erin Goodnight Elizabeth Goodnight Mary Ellen.....Anna shut the ....Up we all got chores to do in the morning!! Anna x |
Must stop these crazy nights out on a friday as my head suffers saturday morning plus my friend thinks i have a drink problem.
I told her i dont have a problem look i have a beer and maybe another after a dance a Bacardi and coke while chatting i may have a J&D with ice followed by a nice smooth rum and coke on my way to the loo i may have a swift half lager and on my return a gin and tonic then i will sit chatting with my friends and have maybe 2 or 3 Vodka and tonics and when i finally stand up and hit the floor it aint a PROBLEM!! Anna x |
Lovers Of Antiquity
did she cook with granite wear? (EDIT)....perhaps this IS about sentiment...and wishes of simpler times Anna Yes it is sweetie i must stop watching The Waltons!! Anna x |
Lovers Of Antiquity
Ok i maybe off the mark here but are we talking about stuff that seemed so normal and quaint and we treasured yet has faded with time? if so Home cooking traditional home cooking smells of apple pies and jam scones and fresh bread smells around the home non of this fast food quick meal crap so many live on these days i miss my grans cooking and all those lovely smells. Anna x
edwards showed absolutely no morals or scruples. his ambitions for high political office, though, during all this were supported by his wife and with some apparent knowlege on her part of his affair. mrs. edwards appears to be self-serving and an enabler of her husband's behavior. John Edwards has worked hard for the poor in fighting poverty. I was disappointed when he quit his campaign..I had met him here at a rally and from all I've heard abut him outside his affair he's a very decent person....human too. His ambitions were to serve the people... To blanketly call him "immoral" is short-sighted, I hope he'll continue to fight poverty. His ambitions were to serve the people... Sorry cant stop Yep by the affairs he had he certainly SERVED some people!! Anna x |