Their just boys and but at the same time you gotta look into steppin your game up
Dude ur kidding me rite speakin of kidding is that a lil kid u got in your ear
My point is women choose to do this stuff and you are secretly infatuated with the thought ! Don't worry I know u saved my posts for later if I wasn't on my g1 id upload a pic to match that man in your fantasies
Look the women I'm refererring to are the ones initiating the fun but I'm the one who is lowdown lol y'all crack me up
Finally! I was waitin for that one... do you know that probably 80 to 85 percent of those women are unhappily married because the man who so called loves her has let their life become routine. People think relationships mellow out after time but its garbage. The dude jus has no creativity, no motivation to keep things new. Its in a womans nature to have creativity in their lives. Now aren't they constantly changin their styles of clothes , shades of eye shadow, types of lotion, various perfumes, color of their hair, and do you men notice it NO but you know what now their changing something else and you don't even notice think about it !
Why thank you for correcting me love!
Lol you're cute ,chow ,adios,bye bye that's funny you have a nice smile by the way -chow-
Just by your reaction I truly feel for you because what seems like too much info is what u should be receiving fr your significant other ahh I'm sorry
Well I'm sayin when a woman swears nsa nsa then after she catches feelings
Please is there someone that can say that's what she wants and leaves it at that NSA