Community > Posts By > Tony2blunts

Tony2blunts's photo
Fri 09/11/09 09:55 AM
Love to me is nothing but a memory. Only the pain and tears have remained all these years. As I can't recollect the kisses, smiles, or the sweet serenity.
Our Love so strong then seems insignificant in the end compared to the sin you committed to my heart again and again.
My heart which you left froze, only to make it more easily broken.
Which is why Love to me is the heart's disease. Eventually causing the beating to cease. Leaving me weak, clutching my chest, and dropping from my feet to me knees. Screaming for God to head my pleas.
Love to me is nothing but a memory, one for which time is no remedy.
For as the days turn to months and the months to years, I forget the good times yet relive all the fears.
I still dwell on your lies. As tears still swell in my eyes. Teaching me a new level of dispise, when I think of you, my Angel that fell from the skies, realizing you were just the Devil in disguise.


Tony2blunts's photo
Tue 09/08/09 05:46 PM
We live in a world of suicide bombs,
With crack head, wide eyed moms,
And leaders who lie and con.
While the people, who need to feed,
Face death daily to fulfill another man’s greed,
So he can make money in his sleep,
And bury the facts,
Of a country that worships cash.
They deceive our society,
And spread the lie of their generosity.
This is our country birthing kids addicted to crack,
A country with swarms and sadistic attacks.
As we kill everyone that lies within our path,
Modern day genocide for oil and gas.


Tony2blunts's photo
Tue 09/08/09 05:16 PM
The girl i wrote that about I have known since high school. We didn't date until way after, but we chilled every single day. She would go to my house and clean my room while I was gone and stuff like that. She had a kid too so i think that had something to do with the way i felt. I have always wanted a family. I just freaked her out i think, the funniest thing about it is i told her I wanted to say something but shouldn't and she busted out with the I love you first... lol. Confusing to say the least, but we are still good friends so I guess everything ended up for the better.

Tony2blunts's photo
Tue 09/08/09 05:05 PM
Thanks for all the positive feedback.

Tony2blunts's photo
Tue 09/08/09 04:35 PM
Chance to Fly

Tony2blunts's photo
Tue 09/08/09 04:23 PM
Thank you.

Tony2blunts's photo
Tue 09/08/09 03:53 PM
How can I forgive myself when all I have are regrets?
All the emotions that I have suppressed,
Cause my mind to regress,
To its usual state of being depressed.
One tear I cry,
For every single one of my lies.
One gasp I take,
For ever heart I did break.
One night I lay without sleep,
For every time I prayed for my life to cease.
One scar hidden beneath my sleeve,
For every time I let my anger get the best of me.
I hope you understand that every tear I make, every gasp I take, all the sleepless nights, and every scar I hide,
Are how I apologize.

Tony2blunts's photo
Tue 09/08/09 03:32 PM
Hey... I just moved to Durham from South FLorida, I've been extremely bored as I'm sure you can imagine. I like to read and write, the outdoors, love the beach, and just hanging out listening to some music. Any women in Durham trying to go out for a drink or just some good food? Let me know...

Tony2blunts's photo
Tue 09/08/09 03:28 PM
Falling into ****

At first it seemed we shared the same heart beat,
Every time our lips did meet,
Butterflies engulfed us from finger-tip to feet.
I fall hard and I fall fast,
Thinking every time, “I’ve found the one, at last”.
So, I let the three words roll of my tongue
I Love you. After only one month?
This is when it all starts to come undone,
I pushed too hard and too quick,
Smothering, the flame of Love into a bare, black wick.
Now I sit and write heartbroken again,
With only myself to blame for being so thick,
Stuck in my ways of falling into ****.