Community > Posts By > Bri1980

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 04:34 PM
Edited by Bri1980 on Sun 09/06/09 04:54 PM
Ok so we might as well call this Funday instead of Sunday because the way people drive in the oh-so-affordable round-a-bouts makes me think i just got on a marry-go-round of horror at the local summertime fair. If the clowns at the carnival don't creep me out enough, the jack ***'s driving around and around sure did! How hard, and how much COMMON SENSE does one person need to drive in a circle without causing the latest traffic report...most of the time it's not even a full circle turn to your primary destination, but a half moon of sorts. What happened to the reliable, tax dollar paying, red & green that makes me and a hundred million others feel safe. I would fully rest the blame square on the shoulders of the Europeans...if I wasn't already German. I just don't think we should be mixing Euro ideas with North American or vice versa, it just doesn't work....examples...David Hasselhoff(from Baywatch...basically a PG rated beach porn) is an international singing superstar in Germany...have you heard this guy sing? Next, I LOVE soccer...but it has been trying to gain popularity over here for more than 50 years....they failed with Palay(not sure how to spell it) and will never replace Football, Baseball or Hockey! These are just 2 examples from thousands as to why we should not adopt ideas from one another. There's an old saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

I'm Just Sayin'...

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 04:14 PM

no comprende senior

that is why he translate for you . laugh laugh

ya no kidding glamgirl....jeez all looks, and no....nevermindlaugh

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 04:11 PM

I use facebook to give a hard time to my bro's that don't live around me. I can see whats going on in there life, maybe they had a party or wedding they attended with another friend that I could not attend, and they put pictures up. I get to see them and it's cool to stay in touch.

It could be done through email - that isn't the same layout or easy access to joking around with them as it is on facebook.

If I'm at work, I'm on the computer 80% of the time it seems like - its right there if I want to take a 10 minute break and see what Billy in Virginia did this last weekend - or see updated photos of his kids - whatever.

I do believe that twitter, myspace, facebook - it is like a pinball chaotic mess in "some" peoples brains. They need to know what is going on at all times, what are you doing now!? what are you doing now!/ what are you doing now!?

A lot of younger kids don't stop to relax and enjoy the moment - sit out on the lake and watch the water or watch the sun set. Too busy texting.

Those moments - people don't have time for anymore. Communication could be a problem face to face to a lot of kids in the future? maybe.

That's my quarrel with facebook or twitter or myspace.

AMEN 2 TIMES Muscle Man!!!!!

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 04:11 PM

Myspace, Facebook, Twitter.....does anyone really care? And when did it become more popular to hang out and chat on a site, then to hang out and chat in person? And if the idea of these sites is supposedly social networking, then why do you constantly hear people talking about never meeting anyone from the internet? It just seems like the ultimate purpose of sites like those, is to have an entire set of friends without ever leaving the comfort of your computer chair. Now, granted I am talking about all this from the comfort of my home, where I can choose what I wear, I can burp, I can lie, I can pretty much do anything and it's what you perceive based on what i choose to tell you about myself that you base your opinion or judgment of me on. The real goal of getting to know people without actually getting to know them has been accomplished and we all bought into it. Why intimately know someone from up close, when you can vaguely love from afar, right? I'm just sayin'...

i de-activated my facebook account months ago, and rarely used it prior to that, because of the fact that i think it to be a rather superficial and juvenile way of conducting "friendships".

i've decided that if a friend wants to find out whats going on with me, they can either call me up, hit me up on messenger, or meet up with me in person. i'm not yelling into the wilderness of cyberspace on the off chance that one of hundreds of "friends" gives a damn about what's going on in my life. methinks if a "friend" doesn't put in the effort to know me, then they don't deserve to.

also, i hate the idea of staying in touch with people that i deliberately chose to fall out of touch with for one reason or another. i like a simple sort of existence... i don't need random acquaintances from elementary school cluttering up, and being privy to, my present life. "drifting apart" is a lot less messy than refusing "friendship requests".

the need to accumulate fans rather than actual emotionally intimate friendships is what's creating a society of self-promoting narcissists and attention-at-all-costs seekers rather than individuals who can look outside themselves at the world.


Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 10:42 AM
and Johnny holds the envelope up to his forehead and says....things people think and do before a mass killing

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 09:57 AM
That is true. I constantly find myself ironically disappointed with my choice of friends and activities, and you're right, it is more interesting.

I say betrayal because to acknowledge a positive notion about death(or Darwin's theory) is to readily admit I'm comfortable with the thought of death having any tangible desires towards me or my soul...and to view death as something other than a mass of evil would be selling my soul, and that is a treaty I cannot sign.

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 09:43 AM
well let's start with your name, Death's Treaty would ultimately be the oxymoron of the day. One's agreement with death is hardly a treaty, but a betrayal of one's immortal soul.

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 09:34 AM
no comprende senior

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 09:01 AM
Edited by Bri1980 on Sun 09/06/09 09:13 AM
thankyou motown for making a logical and easy-to-read paraphrasing of my you taking notes Chrissy flowerforyou...but I don't think we can blame technology, we must take responsibility for our own in-actions. I mean, you can't blame the gun for shooting another human being(if you grasp my analogy).

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 09:00 AM
Why am I getting the undiscerning feeling that we have strayed off my topic completely and have now moved on to flowers and pie, which is quaint enough, but definitely not my cup of tea today.

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 08:54 AM
...(Ted continued)...unless you're a fork kinda guy.

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 08:54 AM
Well Ted, you get the plates and I'll try to locate the spoonslaugh

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 08:51 AM
Oh To stop and smell your roses would drive me bonkers.

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 08:50 AM
P.S. Lewis, I wish you first place in your friend Jenn is a mara-runner as well and has qualified for next years Boston marathon.

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 08:48 AM
Lewis my computer chum, when was the last time you read a novel, let alone a book without pictures? I have the utmost respect and love for the future of my life, yours and others....which is why it's imperative that we all not just tolerate our differences & commonalities, but respect them as well...not just turn a blind eye and say, oh well.

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 08:44 AM
Ted...obviously a former hippie who has taken to the internet, which might i add goes against the hippie vs. corporate understanding. I appreciate your insight into my "tightness", but if we are to remain the most dominant species, we must, for lack of a better phrase, we must all get along, and with that comes the responsibility of the awareness of others. And a little humble pie wouldn't hurt now and again either!

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 08:37 AM
It's ok Chrissy...usually "gun-shy" people are not the first to respond, but I'm glad you at least attempted to navigate in my verbal direction.

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 08:25 AM
Sorry Chrissy, didn't realize you needed a Coles book to understand the complexities of my ramblings.

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 08:10 AM
So I had a "family breakfast" with my mother & grandmother this morning. First of all, most of the breakfast I was trying to contemplate the decibel to annoyance ratio of the zoo that inhabited the restaurant. Now before I proceed, I will concede that our service was outstanding....the food came in a fashionable time frame, our waitress checked on us only twice and had a very amicable disposition, and the meal itself was well cooked and in proportion to a normal size serving! Now here's where the problem lies...there was an empty table behind us, none in front, and an empty table to the lower right diagonal from where we were seated. A waitress(not ours) was seating a family who had required a booster chair for their offspring(ok ok, their c-h-i-l-d, sorry, to harsh considering...). So there was an extra chair that needed to be moved, and where did the waitress decide to place said chair, right behind my mother & grandmother's chairs that they were seated in. Before I could do anything, the woman at that table came back and picked up the chair and was considering placing it at the table for what I assume was another arriving member of their brood. When she took all of 3 seconds to think about it, she decided to place the chair back where she got it...RIGHT BEHIND MY MOTHER & GRANDMOTHER...and then almost immediately an elderly couple sat behind at the table, and instead of moving the extra chair away, the elderly woman struggled to make herself fit into the seat without disturbing the apparently unmovable chair. So without hesitation, I get up, firmly grab the extra chair and slam beside the EMPTY table in the lower right diagonal corner from us, and sat back down. I don't quite understand how two seemingly normal everyday people(one of which who works there), could be so oblivious to their surroundings which we commonly share. Have you ever been to an outdoor market or even at your local mall, its not shopping that people dislike, it's the disregard for the aforementioned figure no more than 3 feet in front of them whose careless attitude destroys the ambiance of any public enjoyment. I'm just sayin'...

Bri1980's photo
Sun 09/06/09 04:47 AM
Edited by Bri1980 on Sun 09/06/09 04:49 AM
Pink_Lady....That was an honest synopsis of why you came out online, and p.s. you have just given me my new fav quote of the week, "weed out the wheat from the chaff" My intent is not receive any answers to my statements, but to invoke like-minded conversation or provoke thought about topics that come up constantly, but are never generally or fully addressed on an intellectual level. P.S. I hope you and your boyfriend get to be together soon!smile2

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