Community > Posts By > L00k1n4Luvr
Just joined a couple days ago. 36\M. Separated for a year. Have a beautiful and smart 3.5 year old.
I have three years of experience in Southern China(Shenzhen) if anyone has any questions about the culture there. Good luck to everyone in finding friends and\or that special someone. |
Mila. Don't know the rest.
Personally, Katy Perry and Scarlet Johansson(is that spelled right?) are top of my list. |
Yes, it is possible to find a guy online that is honest, loyal, responsible, and dedicated to the family. However, if you're looking for a foreign man, things tend to get more complicated. The man has a job and can't leave on vacation whenever he feels like it. Or, he has no job, is looking, but won't be able to afford to visit an international country to meet his lady for quite some time. Another bump in the road to happiness, a lot of us foreign guys are divorced or separated and have children of our own to consider just as you have two of your own. In my personal example, I taught English in Southern China for three years. Got married to a Chinese woman whom I thought I'd be with the rest of my life. After two years in China, we went to Canada where we had our son. In January of 2014, I was laid off from my job in a call center(that ironically, moved to the Philippines, lol). I felt lost and I missed being in China so my wife, young son and I went back the following month. My wife and I, our relationship, it was already falling apart before the move back. We fought all the time about big and small issues. We just about hated each other. We broke up a few times. Then, she left China with my son, without me back to Canada. I spent one Mon h there on my own, but for my son, to be a responsible father, I came back to Canada even though I was making $2400 per month part-time. So then, we were living with my dad. I had no job, I looked, no one would even give me an interview. My wife and I made up one more time but to no avail. We separated, she moved out, I stayed with my dad. She applied for income assistance and had the baby bonus money so she was fine. I wasn't. I continued searching for work and to this day, a year and a half after arriving back to Canada, still no work. Minimum wage jobs won't give me a chance to prove my worth. I was eventually forced to also go on income assistance. I'm attempting to save enough to move out of my dad's place closer to where jobs are available. I realize I'm rambling, if that's possible in text, ha-ha. To get to the point, everyone's life story is different with a multitude of hurdles to get over in order to be ready for a serious relationship with someone that's probably not in their own country. There are people like me that are absolutely 100% serious about being with a lady as yourself, but just don't have the means. It's not because we're irresponsible, it's because life can be hard for some of us. Even if our intentions are honest and true.
You are a beautiful lady, keep trying, never give up! |
Halifax, N.S. here.
Just joined, literally. Yeah, tons of scammers on all dating sites. They are very easy to spot. If they didn't ask for money immediately or offer you some kind of miracle deal to make a load of money...then they are often using words and phrases such as: "God fearing" and "beloved". They also try to get you to join other websites(which are always $$$) or give you their personal email address within the first couple messages. In which then they ask for money or time offer a deal. If you ever visit Halifax and take a trip out to Peggy's Cove, please follow the warning signs! So many tourists are coming here, ignoring the warning signs and getting swept into the ocean from rogue waves. If a sign says " Stay off black rocks, drowning hazard", then stay off them if you like to be alive. :p |