Community > Posts By > ma_thompson

ma_thompson's photo
Fri 08/21/09 10:10 AM

Well Bite me Asssssssssssssssss and Color me Purple,,, Its about time you got your Azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz back home,,, laugh

Your canvas is filled with much greatness,,,

Blessed be my friend

Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Marc is home,,, :heart: flowers

flowers blushing WOW!!!!!!!! Thank you mom!!
Blessed be the woman with a heart and soul as beautiful and big as yours!!!flowers flowers

ma_thompson's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:44 AM
Thanka y'all...drinks

ma_thompson's photo
Fri 08/21/09 07:43 AM

Thank you, Jesus, he learned to google - Whoot!

slaphead Hey, thats why I have you! Your my GOOGLE GIRL....rofl

ma_thompson's photo
Thu 08/20/09 07:18 PM

Really soulful...paints pictures in the mind...diggin' it.

Aint' nothin' like paintin' a picture in some ones mind,
I'll take that as a compliment... :laughing: flowers

ma_thompson's photo
Thu 08/20/09 07:14 PM

I wonder if Bobby Bear was a cowboy once. This reminds me of his song, "The Winner!"

(Disclaimer: This post is in no wayyyyyy meant to remind you of Marie LeVoux, so pleeeeeaaaaaase let us stay away from that yell, lmao!)

As Bobby would say............

Down in Louisiana where the black trees grow
Lives a voodoo lady named Marie Leveau
She got a black cat tooth and a mojo bone
And anyone wouldn't leave her alone
She go (greeeeeee) another man done gone.
:banana: :laughing:
Oh lord, do forgive me, "bless the little Pigmies in Africa", and teach this man to google the proper words. frustrated rofl rofl rofl

LOL you two are so cute LOL Love the poem Ma_

Ok darlin how about if we go this way...

A liitle somthin from Johnny Paycheck.. biggrin

Well, I was sittin' in this beer joint down in Houston, Texas.
Was drinkin' Colorado Kool-Aid and talkin' to some Mexicans,
An' we was....what's that you say?
What's Colorado Kool-Aid?

Well, it's a can of Coors brewed from a mountain stream.
It'll set you head on fire an' make your kidneys scream,
Oh, it sure is fine.
Yeah, we was havin' ourselves one of them real good times.

But you know every beer joint that you've ever been in,
Some big, mean drunk who just ain't got no friend,
Sure enough, he wants to fight,
Yeah, he's gonna whip everything in sight.

Well, he took him a big swallow of beer,
And he spit in my Mexican friends ear.
And, sure enough, that made my buddie real mad.
That's somethin' like he ain't never had.

Well, sir, he pulled out a big, long switch blade knife;
Quick as a whistle he began to slice.
An, that big mean drunk stood back, his face full of tears,
Lookin' down at the floor, an' one of his ears.

Ha, he cut that thing off, even with the sideburns.
You might say the little Mexican fella, he just didn't give a durn.
But he was a gentleman about it, an' bent over and with a half way
Picked it up and handed it back to him.

He said: "Now big man, you get the urge to spit a little beer,
"Just open up your hand there, and spit it in your own ear.
"Won't be no trouble that way." That's what I heard him say.

And I said: "Barmaid, set us up a round of that Colorado Kool-Aid.
"An while you're up their, bring this big fella, here, a box of Band

Now let me tell you: if you're ever ridin' down in south of Texas,
Decide to stop an' drink some Colorado Kool-Aid,
An' maybe talk to some Mexicans,
An' you get the urge to get a little tough,
Better make damn sure you got your knife proof ear-muff.

Hey, ain't that right big man? I said ain't that right big man?
Ah, hell he can't hear, not on this side anyway, he ain't got no ear.

Hey barmaid, bring us all a big, tall glass of that Colorado Kool-Aid.
How about it?

How you doin', big man? Still got your ear there in your hand?

ma_thompson's photo
Thu 08/20/09 05:35 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

ma_thompson's photo
Thu 08/20/09 02:47 PM
I have watched the sunrise
from the top of the mountain;
and, I've seen the landscape
outlined by the colors of the sunset.
I have traveled on horse back
to some of the wildest places
and seen the animals found there.
I’ve seen lakes that are as blue as the sky
And unspoiled by man.
I have heard the cry of eagles
as they soar above the trees,
Living life safe and free.
I have traveled mountain trails
To the valley floor
Seeing nature at its best.
I have been where the forest
meets the meadow
Wondering, "how many
have past this way before?"
I have visited ghost towns
that were inhabited by our ancestors,
Knowing they where content
with a simpler way of life
rather than the complex world
we have created.
These things I described to you
exist for all to see.
All you need to do is
Open your eyes,
Mind, and soul.
Then you will know
there exists a higher power
that created this great land
Given to us
by His almighty hand.

ma_thompson's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:10 PM

I wonder if Bobby Bear was a cowboy once. This reminds me of his song, "The Winner!"

(Disclaimer: This post is in no wayyyyyy meant to remind you of Marie LeVoux, so pleeeeeaaaaaase let us stay away from that yell, lmao!)

As Bobby would say............

Down in Louisiana where the black trees grow
Lives a voodoo lady named Marie Leveau
She got a black cat tooth and a mojo bone
And anyone wouldn't leave her alone
She go (greeeeeee) another man done gone.
:banana: :laughing:

ma_thompson's photo
Thu 08/20/09 11:11 AM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

oh no, thats the end of all the fun
now she needs to edit you?
whats next?
finish your sentences?... make you rack'em so she can break each time?...

where does it end..............................................

KACE, I didn't know you had GREEN eyes! Guess what, Mr. Mansy, I finished his sentences and rolled with his thoughts within two days of meeting him. As for the break, nahhhh, he's a much better ball buster than I am, but you're right up there with that Raz-ma-bility so when you pick yourself back up off the floor from rollin around laughin, you smart**O(P)&*(&^^&*)(*(&^(&^&*^*(& give me a cheek - smooched Oy, to be blessed with smartass, brothers - I tell ya what!!!

slaphead rofl slaphead rofl slaphead rofl slaphead rofl

ma_thompson's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:58 AM
Nicely done, great flow. drinker

ma_thompson's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:54 AM

Wow ma_t, Absoulutely lovely is right!

Sounds like "you prayed each other" into each other's existence flowerforyou

Alls I can say is I know the good Lord was workin' in my favor. :angel:

Thank you Angelflowers

ma_thompson's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:46 AM
Seeing life in hues of blue and gray
Is much better then through

Nicely done

ma_thompson's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:42 AM
He takes a chance
And knows at a glance
He’s drawn a mighty rank brute.

A cowboy never knows
How long he can go
'Til the moment
He’s out of the chute.

The seconds begin tickin'.
That brute's tail is

They spin left
Then right,
Sometimes leavin’ the ground.

With a leather fist,
He takes a firm grip
Just tryin’ his best
to hang on.

His hat and one arm fly in the air
He makes corrections
As the beast changes direction,
But it doesn't seem enough
When he loses his grip and seat.

As he’s flyin’ through the air,
The cowboy says a prayer
Hopin’ to land on his feet.

With his ride now over
His hat back on his head,
He waves to the crowd
With a Copenhagen grin
‘Cause the cowboy knows
Next time
He just might win.

ma_thompson's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:26 AM
Nice write

"Rising and falling
Is meant to be
It makes the heart grow stronger.
Teaching the soul
Compassion and love.
So don't be weary.
The Lord will grace you
With His love and tears,
Mending together all,
And last you for years".

ma_thompson's photo
Wed 08/19/09 08:52 PM

Great write....

flowers thank you very much

ma_thompson's photo
Wed 08/19/09 01:33 PM
waving BEAUTIFUL as always Angel!!!flowers

ma_thompson's photo
Wed 08/19/09 01:32 PM
Edited by ma_thompson on Wed 08/19/09 01:35 PM

Beautiful, :heart: is in the air...

laugh darlin LadyWench (a.k.a. dkw)have been living together for over a yr. now. laugh
But thank

ma_thompson's photo
Wed 08/19/09 12:33 PM
flowers nicely done!!

ma_thompson's photo
Wed 08/19/09 12:30 PM

Damn you, Hondo! I remember where the inspiration for that one came from bigsmile BTW, can I edit that one now, can I, can I huh-huh? lmao!

:laughing: Sure go ahead with your badazzzzzzzzzzz self...rofl rofl

ma_thompson's photo
Wed 08/19/09 12:00 PM
:heart: This one goes to my LadyWench:heart:

On a gentle breeze
A sweet lilac scent
its fragile whisper drifts
Through the air
Like a mystical spirit
Manipulating this eagles flight.
Soft shadows dance in my mind,
Waltzing in the candlelight.
Silhouettes in a loving embrace
As I listens to the symphony of nature,
Seeing her soul in streams of moonlight
My eyes gaze upon the petals of lilacs
Like soft silk she wears.
As we sway in a loving embrace.
Exhausted breaths shatters the night
Easing into a rhythm of delight.
Exploring the borders of reality
Our lips together whisper
A lustful, loving tune.
As a cloud casts darkness across the room,
The love of the lilac comes to bloom.