No one can forsee the consequences for a behavior or behavior pattern .As far as placing the blame for events that unfold after a circumstance is ludicrous.Everyone has a choice or decision to make the outcome of that decision relies solely on the path that one has chosen to take.The consequences for making the wrong choice can never be blamed on anyone but themselves.If you commit a crime you have to face the punishment .The same goes for a sin you can be forgiven but you still have to face the punishment. Now how this has to do with the pros and cons of spanking is beyond me lol.Just a side note spanking is advisable only on younger chikdren the parent will know when they reach a certain age when it is no longer effective.The sad truth is that too many have taken it to extremes where it is more than just a deterent.This does leave not only emotional scars but real ones as well.Sometimes it is just a reminder of a cruel childhood and other times it is an example that is carried on to the next generation.Violence never solves anything
there are 2 ways of looking at it.Spanking with the intention of correcting an attitude or behavior is beneficial... in adverting a severe pattern from forming or keeping the child in check..Spanking out of anger because of loss controll of a situation Ie breaking the rules or not following instructions is not advised.When this happens the adrenaline is flowing in both the reciever and the adminitrator.Oddly enough the punishment goes beyond the needed measure and can result in physical and psychological damage.Someimes the child can become completely immune to the punishment and at other times the parent will over compensate the punishment just to enforce who is in charge.You have to explain why the punishment is being administerd and how to not have this happen in the future .Above all else have to litterally explain it is out of love not hatred.
There has always been contrversy as to which is considerd as satanic worship.There are things in this world that cannot be explained and some that never will.The sorcery that some aquire as innocent as it seems is not of our one and only true God.Be wary the devil is like a lion waiting to devour.Take into consideration that any kind of worship that does not have christ as the center is considerd as satanic.Even if it has no evil intentions whatsoever it is still considerd as evil . Like all of the religous practices there are those that are subtle and extreme.I dont deny others thier own beliefs it is not me to judge that is reserved for our father,judge not others lest you be judged yourself.
comparing Gods creation to evolution is just not the same by any means.For centuries man has tried to explain in its own mind as to where we came from .As centuries progressed we have found fossils to help determine events of our past.Links to the beginning by some scholars have always been acknowleged and later dismissed because of contradicting evidence.To say that we have evolved from spittle is ludicrous,from an ape preposterous.One has to fully grasp an important fact God created us from dust and by his word brought forth life.As far as all the intricate details of animal, plant, and birds and sea creatures each one has been instilled into adapting to its environment to surrvive.The complexity of how each one relies on the other is mind boggling even scientists are still learning more and more of the diversity of each one dependent on the other one to survive.What is so unique is that we are still discovering new species that have either not been seen before or ones that are evolving from climate changes.Because of advanced scientific tools we can see creatures that move so fast that the naked eye cannot even begin to realize thier existence.The immensity of what we know is dwarfed by what we will never fully understand.Man has created substitutions for life cloning, grafting, embrionic duplication, artifical insemination,the list goes on and on.Unfortunately we have also tapped into the instable elements as well.By combining diff materials we have created substances that are lethal and unfortunately have terrible consequences that cannot be reversed.An old joke came about from a colledge proffesor after the 1st succesfull cloning attempt.The scientist challenged God to a duel to create man.God was impressed at mans arrogance and agreed to the challenge.The scientist then eager to prove he was the superior intellect said he could create man in less than 1 day.God said show me,the scientist then went to work God said stop 1st you have to use dust .The scientist said okay a minor set back but I can work with that.Then God laughed and said now make your own dust you cant use mine .The truth is in the word In the beginning was the word and the word was with God