Community > Posts By > xCoyoteGirlx

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Fri 09/04/09 09:13 PM
Sounds like Philly and Kentucky have a lot of words in common. I was born there and live most of my life there. i heard most of those words back it the sticks. lol. happy

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Fri 09/04/09 09:06 PM
thats just wrong. scared shocked

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Fri 09/04/09 08:48 PM
does opening it twice count? :smile:

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Fri 09/04/09 06:11 AM
Nothing like that will cease to exist. There will ALWAYS be someone who disagrees with what is being said.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Sun 08/30/09 01:56 AM
aww. thats sad but sweet.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Sat 08/22/09 02:14 AM
Edited by xCoyoteGirlx on Sat 08/22/09 02:15 AM
maybe i should have titled this i need tips on how to help. thats what i was going for.

double post...oops

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Sat 08/22/09 02:14 AM
maybe i should have titled this i need tips on how to help. thats what i was going for.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Sat 08/22/09 02:04 AM

Depending what condition their camper is in and where it is at going to Habitat for Humanity for Humanity Restore you could probably find insulateing materials. Skirting material will help prevent heat loss. The best thing to maintain body heat is a fleece or knit cap.

thank you. you have been the most helpful yet.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Sat 08/22/09 01:51 AM

Sticking your nose up someones azz is one thing, sticking your entire head up there is yet another.

When I was a child.. a friends house burned down, no Insurance, they lost everything.
So they lived in the chicken coop for many years after that,
The kids were always clean and clearly well fed and most of all, they were happy.
Hard times make us much stronger!!!

Renting is a hell of a lot of money down the toilet, gone forever and nothing to show for it.
at least living in a camper.. overhead is really low (so to speak) much easier to pay off bills and save money.

If people worried as much about themselves as they do about others, There would be a lot less screwed up people around.\

You are only 18, you haven't had to really live your own life yet,
You have no idea what is waiting for you in the future, but will soon find out.

come back in 20 years, then give us your opinion.

Seriously not meant to be condescending, Just being real.
and I just don't do sugar coating.

you are right i am only 18 but some 18 yr olds know a lot more than you think. i just might be one. you never know.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Sat 08/22/09 01:49 AM
i wasnt planning on calling childrens services of any kind. i just wanted ideas on how to help them stay warmer and things like that. i wouldnt wish separation of child and parents on anyone. unless the were being abused like some of you have suggested. i wouldnt have wanted it to have happened to me. unless of course had i lived with my father but then i would have left on my own. but i love my mother with everything in me.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Sat 08/22/09 01:27 AM

Houses---been there done that---retired and live in a 5th wheel---rents 150 a month where i park etc---sounds like they have a good deal and maybe a plan??? I dont like giving money to fat "as-" bankers---did it for years

this thing is smaller than my bedroom.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Sat 08/22/09 01:26 AM
Edited by xCoyoteGirlx on Sat 08/22/09 01:26 AM
Did you people just by pass the whole part where i said i KNOW the family?

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:46 AM

hyper venalate.


xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Sat 08/22/09 12:32 AM
if i had any possible way of getting to the south i would do so.:smile: but i cant.sad2 i wasnt planning on calling childrens services of any kind.noway i just wanted ideas on how to help them stay warmer and things like that.:smile: i wouldnt wish separation of child and parents on anyone.noway i wouldnt have wanted it to have happened to me.noway unless of course had i lived with my father but then i would have left on my own.happy but i love my mother with everything in

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Fri 08/21/09 10:25 PM

Unless you KNOW what their circumstances are, leave it alone. There is nothing wrong with living in a camper, I did it with my daughter for 3 years. It was a 30 ft. one. She had a bed, her toys, t.v., food to eat and a yard to play in. She was taken care of. I traveled alot working construction and the camper was more practical than renting a place for 2 weeks or 3 months.
Don't be judgemental because they choose to live differently than you do.
Are the children fed? Warm? Do they appear happy?
I think it's wonderful that you care, so why not put that attitude where it can do some good? Volunteer at a homeless shelter. Give out blankets or food to the homeless that are living under bridges or in alleys.

I DO know their cirumstances. thats the whole reason i posted this. they act like they will be there for the entire winter. its already been 9 months. not 2 or 3 weeks.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Fri 08/21/09 03:18 AM
The Bible does not say that Adam was the first man. It says he was the first one in the Garden of Eden. Every Pastor/Preacher i have spoken with on the subject says there were other people outside of the Garden of Eden. That way when his children started reproducing it wasnt with their mother.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Fri 08/21/09 03:04 AM
but it would be nice to know if i enjoyed it or not.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Fri 08/21/09 02:34 AM
i would do just about anything to have my childhood memories back.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Fri 08/21/09 02:26 AM

Wait a minute. Isnt that like blocking your own screenname on AIM? Which means you have control to unblock it! YAh!! I knew we could win by talking this out.

actually i cant. head injuries can cause this problem.

xCoyoteGirlx's photo
Fri 08/21/09 02:25 AM

Did you have an insane love for yourself when you were 5?

I'm certain coyote has an insane amount of love FOR the young children and only wants to see them living in what she may see as a better home, perhaps with their own bedroom, enough room for toys and the things the majority of our children enjoy on a daily basis. But, perhaps this is a temporary situation....? Bottom line for me, would be if I thought they were not healthy and happy... enough food and warm clothes. Only You can decide what you feel should be addressed, coyote. Maybe you could talk to the parents yourself and express your concerns. I know a family that someone called the ADCF, which caused them so much pain and constant scrutiny... I myself would only report something in dire straights. Very good luck to you! at leastit is obvious you CARE...!


if you consider 9 months temporary....