I'm an artist and photographer we have a bit differant sort of resume than other jobs
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Fri 08/14/09 03:10 PM
Dishonesty is unattractive period. I agree completly! Looks don't matter it's the personality that I go for meeting on the net and talking there gives you a chance to get to know the person as long as they are honest I've dated ugly heck I've even married ugly! Lies get you no where Once I went to a job interview where I was told that the photo on my resume was the first they had seen where the person actualy looked like the picture What's up with that? I also dated a guy who told me he was one age when we met in person he told me he had lied about his age then a few weeks later he got older when he confessed to being yet a bit older then he confessed again Until in the end he was like 25 years older than he orignialy stated his age to be I dumped him |