CaptainFantastico's photo
Wed 04/25/07 07:14 PM
My dad asked me that question when I was 13, what did I like about
girls. I couldn't think of any answer but I knew for sure I liked them.
I like the way they can be so unbelievably kind. When I was 8 I heard
this women singing a song on the radio, I didn't understand much of it,
but I could feel the emotion of her words and it was love and I was in

CaptainFantastico's photo
Wed 04/25/07 03:48 AM
They use to sit around the fire sharing thoughts, one person would speak
and everyone would consider it, then another person would take their
turn and speak and everyone would consider it.
Kinda like a forum. A lot of people in our culture just speak and speak
until they are the only voice heard.