mariaclaracruz23's photo
Sat 05/14/16 08:36 PM

ok I have this guy on local who tried to date me while he still processing his divorce to his wife of 10years, off course I said no way, I don't mess around with married people.... and I'm not a home wrecker not my profession and will never be ..

so after three months he was divorce and last night he was telling me his going to phillipines to meet this girl he meet on fB..

I was wondering if he really inloved with this woman or just being inlove with the idea of not wanting to be alone , as he said he is willing to wait until I'm ready

so how long should you enter into New relationship after a failed one...???

PS : I didn't know he has that many reserved (womens) after I drop him. laugh laugh laugh laugh biggrin biggrin

If he really is willing to wait for you he wouldn't be going to Phils to meet some other woman...
I feel we need time to rediscover ourselves after the trauma of a divorce...a healing period where we try and shrug off any baggage, so when we start a new relationship we start afresh...

Go mikey rofl
Tell them how its really done..
:smile: :tongue: :laughing: flowerforyou

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Sat 05/14/16 08:20 PM
Everytime :)

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Sat 05/14/16 02:29 PM

Maybe he is just a fan of sleepovers :joy:
Or maybe he just wants someone to sing him a lullaby.
Why do you care much about this ?
Hmm it is not your friend right ?
This is you all along ?!
I knew it laugh happy bigsmile brokenheart biggrin whoa slaphead :laughing: :banana:

If it was me I would say so!. Do not jump to conclusions. I just care about both of them. pitchfork


mariaclaracruz23's photo
Sat 05/14/16 02:20 PM
I only cheat during exams :banana:

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Sat 05/14/16 02:14 PM
Maybe he is just a fan of sleepovers :joy:
Or maybe he just wants someone to sing him a lullaby.
Why do you care much about this ?
Hmm it is not your friend right ?
This is you all along ?!
I knew it laugh happy bigsmile brokenheart biggrin whoa slaphead :laughing: :banana:

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Sat 05/14/16 01:54 PM
I dont know why people cheat. I never did it before. :innocent:
Kidding aside, if you feel like you are not happy with the relationship anymore, then get out of it. Cheating is not an option. Cheating is just for a person who wants to reserve his partner for himself and have someone else at the same time.

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Sat 05/14/16 01:41 PM
Its simple if you think someone is lying about her identity then dont send her a message or stop looking at her profile.
Location is not an evidence of lying.
You should give everyone the benefit of a doubt.
Besides, dont be afraid of risking especially if she is fluent in your language.
Most scammers cant be former ESL instructors.
waving biggrin happy :laughing:

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Sat 05/14/16 01:29 PM


A fellow I know quite well found he was not interested in the woman with whom he has had an affair with for some time.
Is it normal for someone to just shut it down, no explanation, no answering the phone or returning texts or emails?

To me, the way he is handling the situation is rude, disrespectful and mean. I never ever heard them fight or even argue, now just stone cold silence. How can anyone treat another with such cold callous behavior?

Any thoughts?????

pitchfork pitchfork pitchfork

Are you sure your friend is still a human? Lol
Being responsible with your emotions and actions is really important.
Thats why he should be sensitive to what the other person will feel about you and the relationship. You say your friend was being rude, treating the woman like that. However, for me, the woman is being a little bit dumb. Women should bring intuition with them, always.:persevere:

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Sat 05/14/16 02:33 AM
Do you feel the same? The agony of not having you near me...

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Sat 05/14/16 02:28 AM
Cheese curls happy

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Sat 05/14/16 02:26 AM

* One nice head-shot photo, nice 10/10
* Standing photo, zip 0/10
* Profile wording, childish (sorry/true) -9/10

** You will get the views, but zero dates. noway
* Your 18, write and think "cool 23yr.old" win :wink:

So he has to fabricate an identity to have dates?think surprised

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Fri 05/13/16 11:19 PM
Who is the woman or man that you cant forget ? And why do you find it hard to forget him/her?

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Fri 05/13/16 10:58 PM
Why would i call you ?bigsmile tongue2

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Fri 05/13/16 09:02 PM
Whoa. So sexy lol :grinning::blush::sweat_smile:

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Fri 05/13/16 08:58 PM
No. I dont drink.
Its not wasting because I love music.
I was a band coach and its mikey im taking lol

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Fri 05/13/16 08:52 PM
If rob will be asking, i will give him my no. On imo, so i get to disturb him while he is busting employees.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy::grin::grinning::blush::smile::laughing::sweat_smile:

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Fri 05/13/16 08:43 PM

i dont have time for dating with you

Im not even asking.

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Fri 05/13/16 08:35 PM
To a videoke hub. So i can sing a song for him :smile:

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Fri 05/13/16 08:06 PM

Chatting girl next dating

Next marriage...
Next divorce...

rofl rofl rofl rofl roflnext searching again back to square 1

Haha...repeat as necessary...
But not to many times...ohwell

If you repeat a lot, you might have consumed a lot of glue to fix your broken pieces.

Mikey has high endurance on that drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker :e

Thats my impression on him the first time he told me about his love stories :joy:
Thats why i pray hard for him to find true love this time :innocent::pray:

mariaclaracruz23's photo
Fri 05/13/16 07:59 PM
Lying on my bed. Listening to pillowtalk :dizzy_face:

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