Thank you NYCgirl!
I am happy with myself now! I would never hurt myself again, the way I did then, just to take that "single" lable off. No man should ever be worth that high of a price tag! Selfworth is more important. Have a great day! |
Good morning everyone and Happy Mother's Day to all you lucky mothers
out there! I'm still fairly new to this site, so I hope I will be forgiven for just "jumping into the topic" like this!? Due to personal experience, I can speak from both sides of the fence: A few years back I got skeleton thin, because I was trying to find my prince charming and thought I had to look like that, in order to get him. Turns out that not one guy looked at me. Infact, they told me to GAIN weight for they'd be afraid to touch me......such a disappointment! And I made myself sick (physically and mentally) for the right guy...WOW!!! NOW, I gained weight because I quit smoking last year (better go on a diet, rather than walking around with an oxygen tank someday!) and guys look at me more now, then they did then. Truth is, I think it depends on your inner happiness with yourself, because that shines through and makes you noticeable to others. You surely are a wonderful young woman and the right guy is out there for you. LET HIM FIND YOU!!! Just be yourself! Love yourself, love life and the "love of your life" will come along, when the time is right!! Good luck and Best wishes |