Community > Posts By > Mich63

Mich63's photo
Thu 11/05/09 11:10 AM

OK, things no longer in my life...beef jerky (was it ever good?), oogie woogie (rofl I can't stop), a mental image of cramping pinky toes during sex n the shower, and explanations of why a penis appears to be a different color than the rest of the body...slaphead

Oh, my! The last thing that made sense was "report" this clown! laugh Excuse me, just when I think I've stopped starts all over. rofl rofl rofl

Do not eat or drink or make a serious phone call while thinking about these posts!
rofl rofl rofl

I knew about pinky fingers but pinky toes is a first.

I never ate beef jerky anyway.


Mich63's photo
Thu 11/05/09 11:05 AM

You know...just for the penis looks darker than the rest of my skin tone. And no, I don't put a UV light on it. Don't know why..go ask an expert why.

I guess there are women out there who hasn't seen enough penises before?

Even women. You could be blonde and the brightest white skin ever, you still have your oogie-woogie look like beef jerky down there.

I have heard it called many things but never an oogie-woogie. I will really have to remember that.

How come you can say penis but not vagina?


Mich63's photo
Thu 11/05/09 11:02 AM

You know...just for the penis looks darker than the rest of my skin tone. And no, I don't put a UV light on it. Don't know why..go ask an expert why.

I guess there are women out there who hasn't seen enough penises before?

Even women. You could be blonde and the brightest white skin ever, you still have your oogie-woogie look like beef jerky down there.

The penis looks darker because it is filled with blood when it is erect so of course it will be darker than the rest of your body.
happy :angel:


Please don't tell me people don't know this!!???:heart:

Obviously not everyone knows this.

oops slaphead

Mich63's photo
Thu 11/05/09 10:56 AM

You know...just for the penis looks darker than the rest of my skin tone. And no, I don't put a UV light on it. Don't know why..go ask an expert why.

I guess there are women out there who hasn't seen enough penises before?

Even women. You could be blonde and the brightest white skin ever, you still have your oogie-woogie look like beef jerky down there.

The penis looks darker because it is filled with blood when it is erect so of course it will be darker than the rest of your body.
happy :angel:

Mich63's photo
Thu 11/05/09 06:38 AM

so i talked to the police this morning..
there's nothing they can do unless i dig my tut up and formaly ask the vet for a toxicology report and i cant afford it now . the bill was already close to $600 and it cleaned me out..and i just dont think i could bring myself to dig him up now....locks are changed now to...they said my accusations were just speculation without hard proof

Try talking to the SPCA. They may have a vet that will do it for free so that they can prosecute the guy.
The worst they could do is say no. Then at least you know you have tried everything.
I know if someone did that to my dog I would not rest until I had some sort of justice.
I am so sorry about your cat.

Mich63's photo
Wed 11/04/09 05:09 PM
I heard that it is supposed to be the size of your thumb that counts. Your **** is approximately 3 times the length of you thumb. I can actually personally vouch for that being true as the last guy I dated had small feet but long thumbs.




Mich63's photo
Wed 11/04/09 07:04 AM

get rid of my toys and erotic materials... just in case the wrong people have to pack up my house...
decide what to wear...
make that darn will out..

I guess I would buy toys and erotic materials just to experience them before I go laugh

I think I would probably do the same thing. Would be sad to die without trying out all the things I had never done before.

Mich63's photo
Wed 11/04/09 06:50 AM

Clerks in stores who say, "No problem" after you said, "thank you"
Mistreatment of animals
Loud cell phoning in stores
Frozen dinners with too much prep involved
Mechanics who bs me
Slow drivers in fast lane~Penalty: Death by hanging
Loud laughers in a restaurant
Hairdressers who can't cut hair the way you want it
Clerks in a store who yell at you when you walk in, "STORE'S CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES!!!"

I am with you on all of these.
Plus loud cell phones in a small office all set too loud so the whole office hears them ring and no one answers.

Mich63's photo
Wed 11/04/09 06:48 AM
Don't you just love how they blank out the names of the guilty. Why should I not be allowed to let people know who these people are to stop them doing it to someone else.

frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated
rant rant rant rant rant rant rant

mad mad mad mad mad mad mad

These people should not be allowed to get away with this. I even read on one of the sites I checked about this one scammer who forgot what sex they were supposed to be when chatting to a prospective mark. They were supposed to be a male and started refering to themselves as a female.

Mich63's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:21 AM

That's y I don't go on yahoo anymore.most scammers want u to go on there right away.:angry: that is one sure sign.explode

Really? Why is that? Beyond sad that people perpetrate such madness. As for you, Mich63, I'm sorry, especially since you're new. The forums are great and you get to know people over time...and there are some great folks here! Don't give up. flowerforyou

Thanks for that. I may just stick to the forums from now on.
:smile: flowerforyou

Mich63's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:19 AM

That's y I don't go on yahoo anymore.most scammers want u to go on there right away.:angry: that is one sure sign.explode

That was just it they did not go to Yahoo immediately. We exchanged emails on Mingle2 for a couple of weeks first.

Nathaniel was only ever on mobile and really hard to contact most of the time.

Kenneth was really sweet and well spoken. His punctuation and grammer was perfect and all the scammer sites tell you that they deliberately mis-spell words and don't use punctuation to avoid scammer filters or something. Plus the photo of his son was the spitting image of him. So whoevers picture they are using they obviously have the whole family.

Mich63's photo
Tue 11/03/09 09:14 AM

When I first got on here, I had a couple like what you describe, but learned really fast. There's another social site I am on where the scamming has become so prevalent I think there are more of them than real people.

Which site is that? So I know which to avoid.

Mich63's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:57 AM

under each email, there is are 3 buttons....delete, block user and Report Abuse/Spam. there is, also, a button to the right of each members main picture that says


I don't like scammers any more than any one else. Hope this helps

Thanks but they have both de-activated their profiles so I can't report them that way.

just keep an eye out for them again or new ones. Keep your chin up flowerforyou

Thanks for that. flowerforyou :smile:

I have been checking to see if I could find the pictures they used but no luck so far.

Mich63's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:55 AM
Edited by Mich63 on Tue 11/03/09 08:55 AM

You have to be careful on the internet, I don't trust anyone.

You have to trust some people or you never get to meet anyone. You just have to learn how to sift out the **** from the gold.

I think I am starting to get pretty good at it.

Mich63's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:54 AM

under each email, there is are 3 buttons....delete, block user and Report Abuse/Spam. there is, also, a button to the right of each members main picture that says


I don't like scammers any more than any one else. Hope this helps

Thanks but they have both de-activated their profiles so I can't report them that way.

Mich63's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:52 AM

Thanks I will remember that next time.

They both claimed to be from Houston, Texas. ********* was supposedly living and running a business in London.

******* was working for Devon Energy in Houston and then was suddenly "transfered" to Madrid for work.

Just sort of destroys your faith in human nature really.

to let you know if you notice that when they say there from texas or another state but at the moment there in london, nigera, or where ever
most of the guys that state that are normaly scammers

Nigeria immediately sets off alarm bells as that country is huge for internet scammers.

They have huge rooms full of computers and men and women just scamming people on dating sites. They have photo's of all these different men from around the world and set up profiles on every dating site.

Where I live in Perth, Australia over $4million has been stolen from peoples accounts by scammers online using skimmers on ATM and EFTPOS machines in McDonald's stores.

Mich63's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:48 AM

Please report any one you believe is a possible scammer. The site can't do anything without knowing. flowerforyou

How and who do I report them?

They are not possible scammers, they are definite scammers.

Since I told ********* that I could not and would not send him money to bail him out of his "problem" in Nigeria (of all places) he stopped contacting me.

As for *******, Devon Energy just confirmed tonight in an email to me that he is not and never has been employed by them.

Mich63's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:45 AM

Thanks I will remember that next time.

They both claimed to be from Houston, Texas. ********** was supposedly living and running a business in London.

********* was working for Devon Energy in Houston and then was suddenly "transfered" to Madrid for work.

Just sort of destroys your faith in human nature really.
yeah it does. I have pretty much lost all faith in humans. I know there are SOME good ones left. Just takes work to find them. Good luck!

Thanks. I am not quite ready to give up completely on love yet. I know there has to be someone genuine out there for me.

Mich63's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:34 AM
Thanks I will remember that next time.

They both claimed to be from Houston, Texas. ********* was supposedly living and running a business in London.

******** was working for Devon Energy in Houston and then was suddenly "transfered" to Madrid for work.

Just sort of destroys your faith in human nature really.

Mich63's photo
Tue 11/03/09 08:27 AM
The same guys?
mad explode noway frustrated

It is hard enough trying to find someone special without scumbags like that out there.

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