Community > Posts By > djinn127iamme

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/17/09 12:55 PM
Edited by djinn127iamme on Mon 08/17/09 12:59 PM

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/17/09 12:52 PM

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/17/09 12:49 PM
He started a cult and gave everyone free otter pops.

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/17/09 12:46 PM
I just need tequila lol

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/17/09 12:38 PM
All Along The Watchtower-Jimi Hendrix

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/17/09 12:36 PM
Is nice but needs a hug

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/17/09 12:35 PM
I'm ready to start the day need some damn coffee.

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/17/09 10:12 AM
Walking, stalking myself
I traveled west to find myself
And I see, cheshire cats beside wayward men
And fairy tale ladies with evil grins

I pray Cyan Odessa lead the way
As desert skies mello my summer days

Walking, stalking myself
I walk a line drawn in crooked black
And I see, mars streaking lights
With movie stars
And evenings hear the weirding way
Of a talking Aardvark

I pray Cyan Odessa lead the way
As desert tones mello my summer plays

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/17/09 09:50 AM
Olympia here, Holla!!!

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/17/09 09:48 AM
I like women In there mid thirties to forties no games just fun.

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/17/09 09:45 AM
Just started watching Season 1 love it so far

djinn127iamme's photo
Tue 08/04/09 05:07 AM
See for me gypsy eye's
Weave your mystic tempest
chimes of deeds and moments insistent
Reveal your surrealistic prayer
Advise me my soothsayer

Everything is connected forever in dreams
Where the shadows dance a souls romance
And the true nature of us all takes it's time
For a gypsies eye's to guide

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/03/09 04:55 AM
We are all connected. When a person reaches the point that they feel suicide is the only answer the fault is placed on us all. Life is a miracle of magic and it can not be explained simply, whether you believe in God or Evolution it doesnt matter we are here. To hurt yourself is to hurt others as well as to hurt others hurts yourself. To continue on this course of greed,power, and persecution will ultimately be the end of us as a species. Think of what we could achieve if we all focused on uplifting each other through a better knowlegde of ourselves and others while using our collective powers towards traveling this infinite universe and understanding life. So should a person have the right to commite suicide? I think we all are already.

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 08/03/09 03:45 AM

So I have this problem, the women I meet that can carry a conversation and have fun and not take things to serious become my life long friends. The women I meet that can have fun and only care about american idol or E T.V. I start a realationship with and it last six months. I try to break the cycle but find that it is hard. True story the last girl I dated only read goose bumps or trash mags and she was 29. It gets lonely when you get picky than you settle and it never works out. Can anyone give me other options than the bar or friends hooking me up?frustrated

You have a warped perspective of what makes a desirable 'mate' is all.

Somewhere in there, you see intelligence and maturity as 'stable'...but not sexy.

Somewhere in there, you see irresponsible as sexy...desirable.

One is threatening to someone who is not mature and 'stable' themselves..the other... a no 'work' required.

It's not gender specific.

I am a very stable and mature person who has an excellent sense of self. It's not that I think It's gender specific just the women I seem to date. I do agree with your view to some extent but I hardly feel threatened by a woman with brains and maturity In fact It's a turn on. As far as putting in the work required I think It's harder with the other because alot of the times you have to come down to their level and that can be taxing.

djinn127iamme's photo
Sun 08/02/09 04:57 AM
Edited by djinn127iamme on Sun 08/02/09 04:58 AM
So I have this problem, the women I meet that can carry a conversation and have fun and not take things to serious become my life long friends. The women I meet that can have fun and only care about american idol or E T.V. I start a realationship with and it last six months. I try to break the cycle but find that it is hard. True story the last girl I dated only read goose bumps or trash mags and she was 29. It gets lonely when you get picky than you settle and it never works out. Can anyone give me other options than the bar or friends hooking me up?frustrated

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