Community > Posts By > djinn127iamme

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 04/12/10 01:58 AM
I'm always up to meet new people.

djinn127iamme's photo
Mon 04/12/10 01:56 AM
Buy a slip n slide then smear it with butter!

djinn127iamme's photo
Sun 04/11/10 05:41 AM
Reconstruct the hindenburg using fire proof mickey mouse pajamas.

djinn127iamme's photo
Sat 04/10/10 05:47 AM
I would ???????

djinn127iamme's photo
Sat 04/10/10 05:25 AM

I still prefer a little bit younger than me. But since I'm not a spring chicken, younger for me is still older for some. laugh


No fair--speak in English! :tongue: laugh
[/I speak English!quote]

djinn127iamme's photo
Sat 04/10/10 05:15 AM
Olympia, holla!

djinn127iamme's photo
Tue 03/16/10 01:00 AM

I agree resource control!!

lol,, Id much rather ration STUFF than people, we are mostly gluttons in this country and have far more than we need, we can always cut back on STUFF...

give the farmers thier right to grow again. I say stop thinking about negative numbers and focus on nature and her way of life.

djinn127iamme's photo
Tue 03/16/10 12:47 AM
I agree resource control!!

djinn127iamme's photo
Sat 03/13/10 08:55 PM
I just recently saw Bill Gates on youtube and it scared me, tell me

djinn127iamme's photo
Sat 03/06/10 02:54 PM
All along the watchtower- JIMI

djinn127iamme's photo
Sat 03/06/10 04:30 AM
Actually the history of the fed goes back further than 1913. It started in 1791. It was called the first bank of the United States and was established with a Twenty year charter and was set up by the Rothchilds with the help of Alexander Hamilton.
In 1811 the charters renewal is revoked by congress. The war with the British happens America racks up a debt in the fight. 1816 congress passes another bill allowing the Rothchilds to set up another bank this is called the second bank of the United States and is also given a twenty year charter and than the British war ends.The President of The United States from 1829 to 1837 runs his campaign with the slogan (Jackson and no bank). In 1833 President Andrew Jackson started removing money from the Rothchild controlled bank and putting the sums into banks controlled by democratic bankers, 1835 Jackson is almost assassinated.

1836 Jackson suceeds in blocking the renewal of the charter for the second bank of the United States. 1841 President John Tyler vetoes the act to renew the charter for the second bank of the United States, than civil war seems like a trend. Than President Lincoln tries to aquire loans thru Rothchild controlled banks to fight the war but is offered an out right criminal interest rate so he starts to print his own money by America for America than he is killed.

1913 the last incarnation of the Rothchild controlled bank is established the Federal Reserve. The point is look where we are now you have the Fed telling congress its none of thier concern where our tax money went in the big bail out. What are we when a private company tells our government what they can or can't do.

djinn127iamme's photo
Fri 03/05/10 05:00 AM
Things will never get better in the U.S.A. untill we get rid of the Federal Reserve. I recommend Picking up a book about its history than reading the history of all our former presidents that tried to get the fed out of the United States and what happened to them, you might be surprised to learn what J.F.K did a couple of weeks before he was shot concerning the fed.

djinn127iamme's photo
Fri 03/05/10 04:50 AM
This is a really old thread but I had to give a shout out, active OLYMPIA WA.

djinn127iamme's photo
Fri 03/05/10 03:51 AM
Getting laid is easy, realationships are hard. I find that when me and a girl are just hanging out everything is fine, as soon as we put that lable boyfriend, girlfriend into effect a couple of months go by fine than all of a sudden I'm the worst boyfriend ever. What I don't understand is everybodies looking for that connection and wants to feel wanted by another but why do people make it hard with some notion of a movie perfect romance. I am completely honest from the get go and keep my word eventually alot of my ex's come back and just want to be friends with bennies. Not to say I am a slut that sleeps with alot of girls but i'm looking for that connection and want to settle down be with one woman who is my best friend, lover, partner, consel, and everything else two people in love should be. These girls that have come gone and come back all tell me they love me and I think keep me around as a comforter but I tell you it sometimes gets to be to much. All I want is for someone to talk to and go through life with but its almost like i'm collecting ex wifes who will always give me the bad feelings and expect me to sooth thiers, all the grief non of the pleasure. Don't get me wrong I have alot of people who care for me and take care of me when I get down. But I don't have that intimate connection with anyone. Please tell me thier is a beautiful nerdy woman out there who loves to travel and understands sometimes you have to have down time to be able to do something wonderful later. And she has goals and reads likes plays, art, is aware of world politics and is willing to fight for her freedoms. Well I'm done just had to vent felt alittle frustated but day dreams over back to the real world.

djinn127iamme's photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:44 AM
Johnny 5 from short circuit.

djinn127iamme's photo
Fri 09/04/09 03:28 AM
Pixar and Marvel, just to frakin cool!!!!

djinn127iamme's photo
Fri 09/04/09 03:23 AM
You can hook up a human being and run a light bulb from the energy that human produces. So if god made us in his image he must be energy to.

djinn127iamme's photo
Fri 09/04/09 03:21 AM

djinn127iamme's photo
Fri 09/04/09 03:18 AM
Let's go fly a kite

djinn127iamme's photo
Sun 08/23/09 04:28 AM
I think It's a question that is based in culture and circumstance. There are some tribes in africa where a girl is considered a woman at age 8 and can marry. In my own country of the United States our history in the past has had people getting married at ages 10 and 11, understandable if you consider the mortality rate of the old west.