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Christ without Christianity
AFTER we are SAVED Saved from what? A vengeful bully God who will harm you if you don't do as he says? You'd have to believe in a vengeful bully God that you need to be "saved" from before you could even talk about any need to be "saved". Why would I want to believe in a vengeful bully God that I need to be "saved" from in the first place? Just don't bother believing in a bully God in the first place and you won't have any need to be "saved" from its wrath. Problem solved. ![]() |
Christ without Christianity
No, I KNOW I'm right... That is a fool's belief. Then can you admit that you're wrong? When it comes to faith-based spirituality "right and wrong" are a personal matter. What is "right" for you is right for you. What is "right" for someone else is right for them. It's a fool's belief when a person starts thinking that what's "right" for them is right for everyone. That when all HELL breaks loose. ![]() |
Christ without Christianity
Edited by
Mon 11/07/11 04:01 PM
Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error
I have, Cowboy...for months....over and over and over...step by step I went thru scriptures with you...YET each time you come back with the very same erroneous teaching on here...time and time again. ![]() ![]() ![]() Yep, that's my observation too. I mean, I disagree with the actual Bible anyway. But still, even I can see where Cowboy's interpretations are often quite off in left field. Of course, then again, like Jeanniebean says, that's really true of just about everyone. It really is true that modern day Christianity has indeed become an individual hobby. It won't be long before it will be like solitary witchcraft. ![]() Catholicism with their Pope actually represents the last "True Christianity". Protestantism was never anything more than "Designer Christianity" from the get-go, or as some people call it, "Salad Bar Christianity" - take what you like and reject the rest. ![]() |
Christ without Christianity
Cowboy....ONLY because you say you are a christian, am I addressing you about this one ...last.... time: what you are posting here on this forum, is NOT NOT NOT what the bible teaches at all. ![]() ![]() ![]() I will agree with you on that point MorningSong. ![]() Then please, I beg of you. Show me my error. Cowboy, don't worry about it. Everyone these days are making up their own religions. You have the right to do it to. So don't worry about it. It doesn't do any good to show him his errors anyway. He'll just argue that he's not wrong. ![]() |
Christ without Christianity
Cowboy wrote:
No it's just you didn't comprehend what I was saying. Not ment as an insult either. If you tell someone play with fire, they'll wind up burnt. If they continue playing with fire, it is their OWN fault they got burnt. God doesn't condemn anyone. The only one that condemns someone, is themselves. We are told not to do certain things, and the outcome of it if we choose to disobey. Now, who's fault would it be if the someone receives the punishment? It would be the person in question, not God's. God told us not to play with fire. So why not listen, and obey? Why get burned intentionally? Well, I don't mean to insult you either, but clearly you aren't comprehending what I'm saying. Fire can burn you if you mishandle it. And that would indeed be YOUR FAULT for having played with fire. And that would be especially true if you were warned ahead of time that it was dangerous. ~~~~~ However, God is NOT DANGEROUS (supposedly) You can't "burn yourself" by playing with God. If God want to HURT you he's going to have to do it INTENTIONALLY. If he casts you into a fiery furnace and gnashes your teeth he could have only done this with the INTENT to do you harm. Fire does not INTENTIONALLY hurt you. It just is what it is. If you burn yourself playing with fire, you did that to yourself. If a God INTENTIONALLY casts you into a fiery furnace and gnashes your teeth, he did that TO YOU, ON PURPOSE and FULLY AWARE of what he was doing. So such a God would be a mean cruel bully. And to try to pretend that the person merely 'burned' themselves because they didn't listen simply doesn't compare at all. The Biblical God would need to be an INTENTIONAL BULLY. He's a sentient being who has CONTROL over his own actions. He's not just a mindless flame. So your comparison with a nasty BULLY God with playing with fire doesn't even come close to addressing this issue. I hope that you can understand my point by now. I can hardly spell it out any plainer than this. You can't put the "blame" for a nasty cruel God onto the person that he is being cruel to. That's nonsense. And this is especially true in the case of mere "non-belief". That would just be a truly nasty bully of a God. Your analogy with playing with fire doesn't fit at all. FIRE is not a sentient being. GOD is! So if God hurts you, he did it on PURPOSE. Knowingly and intentionally. |
Christ without Christianity
Cowboy....ONLY because you say you are a christian, am I addressing you about this one ...last.... time: what you are posting here on this forum, is NOT NOT NOT what the bible teaches at all. ![]() ![]() ![]() I will agree with you on that point MorningSong. ![]() |
Christ without Christianity
DEEP DOWN, EVERY MAN HAS BEEN ALREADY GIVEN A MEASURE OF FAITH..TO KNOW GOD. WHEN A MAN IS FACING DEATH... OR IS DROWNING ... OR IS IN A FOXHOLE ...I SERIOUSLY DOUBT THAT THERE ARE ANY UNBELIEVERS THEN!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() I thought we were talking about religion? I'm personally not an atheist. I could never believe in atheism (i.e. a non-spiritual existence). I honestly don't understand how anyone can. Just the same I've met quite a few atheists who would indeed continue to be atheists right up to their death without a problem. It's simply not important for them to believe in an afterlife, and the thought of ceasing to exist simply doesn't scare them. The mere fact that you feel that facing death would be a major trauma explains to me precisely why a belief in spirituality is so important to you. I don't believe in spirituality because I fear death. I just can't imagine a non-spiritual existence. It's partly an intellectual thing, and partly an intuitive thing. But it most certainly doesn't have anything to do with a fear of death. Who fears death? And why would they? Did you read MorningSong's post? No nonbelievers in foxholes, facing death, or drowning? Why would they suddenly become "believers" then if they have no fear of death? |
Christ without Christianity
Cowboy wrote:
I am not, but thank you for showing everyone your arrogance. :D If you going to become hostile and start insulting people it's time to take a break from the computer. No one here is showing any arrogance. The points you made did not address the issues. Warning someone about playing with fire, and a God who is purposefully cruel and mean to people have nothing to do with each other. A cruel mean God is a cruel mean God. The fact that he warns people that he's cruel and mean before acting on these horrible traits doesn't change the fact that he has these bad traits. A cruel mean "god" would be a demon, IMHO. All you have done is confirm that the biblical God is indeed depicted as having the demonic traits of being cruel and mean. |
Christ without Christianity
DEEP DOWN, EVERY MAN HAS BEEN ALREADY GIVEN A MEASURE OF FAITH..TO KNOW GOD. WHEN A MAN IS FACING DEATH... OR IS DROWNING ... OR IS IN A FOXHOLE ...I SERIOUSLY DOUBT THAT THERE ARE ANY UNBELIEVERS THEN!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() I thought we were talking about religion? I'm personally not an atheist. I could never believe in atheism (i.e. a non-spiritual existence). I honestly don't understand how anyone can. Just the same I've met quite a few atheists who would indeed continue to be atheists right up to their death without a problem. It's simply not important for them to believe in an afterlife, and the thought of ceasing to exist simply doesn't scare them. The mere fact that you feel that facing death would be a major trauma explains to me precisely why a belief in spirituality is so important to you. I don't believe in spirituality because I fear death. I just can't imagine a non-spiritual existence. It's partly an intellectual thing, and partly an intuitive thing. But it most certainly doesn't have anything to do with a fear of death. |
Christ without Christianity
I AM TALKING ABOUT REJECTING GOD WHEN HE COMES KNOCKING ON YOUR HEARTS DOOR...NOT BECAUSE YOU DON'T YET UNDERSTAND HIM!!!! There is no door on my heart MorningSong. God flows through me freely like the wind. She has no need to knock. |
Christ without Christianity
That is the same as condemning yourself for making a very bad choice in life, like doing drugs and getting addicted. In non-Christian terms it means (to me) that if I chose a life of hatred and negative thinking, and crime and drugs... by my choices I have condemned myself. To "reject God" in non-Christian terms means to reject love and joy and compassion. Exactly. As that kind of abstract metaphor the overall ideal can work. But let's face it, in the Christian doctrine there is a clear and blatant attempt to associate this directly with a belief and acknowledgment that "Jesus" was the only begotten son of God. The Christian doctrine is designed specifically to gain a "copyright" on God through Jesus as "The Christ". This is why, IMHO, this religion was clearly the work of mortal men who were out to create a religion that has absolute authority. And I have to hand it to them, they certainly succeeded in their goal. |
Christ without Christianity
You are misunderstanding this scripture ,Abra.... "John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." Abra.... when God says they are condemned already, it means they have condemned THEMSELVES by not believing.... it NEVER said that GOD condemns them....noooo......again, it means that they THEMSELVES have already CONDEMNED THEMSELVES!!! BY REJECTING GOD!!! The same goes with God NEVER sending anyone away , Who calls upon His Name...they just send themelves away by REJECTING Him !!! Praying this scripture is finally made clear. ![]() ![]() ![]() Hi MorningSong. ![]() I've heard this excuse more times than I can possible remember. I don't buy it. To not believe in a God is not the same as "rejecting a God". On the contrary it would be impossible to reject a God that you don't even believe in. You'd first need to believe in a God before you could even reject that God. So not believing does not equate to 'rejecting God'. That very propaganda right there is false propaganda that was created by the church itself. If you refuse to believe in our religion God will hate you! ![]() That's a psychological brainwashing tactic to get people to fear that if they fail to believe in the religion they will be condemned by some horrible God. |
Christ without Christianity
Cowboy wrote:
Sure you do, or you wouldn't be here. Or are you just here to spread your hatred towards other religions? Especially the Christian faith? I'm sorry that you have chosen to take such a negative view Cowboy. There is no "hatred" being spread by me. I'm addressing serious issues concerning the writings of an ancient culture that accuses all of humanity of having "Turned from God" and in dire need of being "saved" by a God who is appeased by blood sacrifices. Why should you view that as being 'hateful'? If you feel negative emotions associated with my views, I would ask that you quit reading them. Why read the views of others if they upset you? Just ignore them. According to Matthew Jesus said that they will be case into a furnace of fire and there will be wailing and the gnashing of teeth. So the Bible is threatening severe discomfort and torment. Will it last for all of eternity? Well, the Gospels also have Jesus stating that this will be 'everlasting punishment'. He also said that the fire will be unquenchable. No threats, merely informing us of such knowledge. If God would have told us not to play with fire, or you might get burned... Would it be a threat? By your logic, it would be. Your analogy here doesn't fit. Telling someone not to play with fire because they might get burned in no way compares with a God who would actually CAST people into a fiery furnace and gnash their teeth. You're analogy doesn't even come close to acknowledging the issue. Personally I'm not impressed by a God who would even stoop so low as to be so cruel to people even for a brief period of time. And for what? For merely not believing that Jesus was the son of God? No one will be punished for merely not believing in Jesus. The only reward for sin is death. Jesus is the only way to receive forgiveness of the sins. So it would be the sins you would be punished for, not specifically the disbelief in Jesus. I was addressing what the Bible actually says Cowboy. Not your make-believe version of the religion. John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. It clearly states that he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. This is written in the Bible, therefore it must be "God's Word" right? So why should I take YOUR word for why this God will condemn someone when the actual Bible tells me that God will condemn those who merely do not believe in the name of the only begotten son of God. You're trying to re-write the religion to suit your own agenda. I speak to the issues of the actual doctrine. I'm not interested in your hypothetical Cowboyainity. |
Christ without Christianity
Question: "Is the Bible truly God's Word?"
Answer: Our answer to this question will not only determine how we view the Bible and its importance to our lives, but also it will ultimately have an eternal impact on us. If the Bible is truly God’s Word, then we should cherish it, study it, obey it, and fully trust it. If the Bible is the Word of God, then to dismiss it is to dismiss God Himself. The Bible is not God's word in my opinion. I do not dismiss God but the Bible has too many inconsistencies and mistranslations to be taken as Gods word. Just because it claims to be "Gods word,' that does not make it true. Prophecies: Just because there are prophecies in the old testament that "appear" to have been fulfilled in a later written "new" testament, that is not not evidence that there is anything magical or divine about the Bible because these prophecies were well known myths even before the New Testament was ever written, so they could easily have been borrowed and used in creating the fiction of the new testament. People 2000 years ago may have easily believed anything that was written down and taken it as fact. People were like children and they believed that if it was written, that somehow meant it must be true. Not many people could read or write back then so anything written was regarded at almost magic. The evidence for supporting that the Bible is Gods word is very weak and only works for people who already choose to believe it. If a cheesy magic act could time travel back 2000 years ago he could easily fool everyone into thinking he was a God, or that he could heal people and perform magic. People today are much more evolved than than, they would not fall for that line in this day. Yet they still cling to 2000 year old stories and believe they are written by God. There are many spiritually enlightening books today that far outshine the ancient child's stories and myths of the Bible. I'm in total agreement with every word you wrote here. Very well said. ![]() |
Christ without Christianity
Cowboy wrote:
And last but not least, to refute the idea of torture in hell for those that do not receive the gift of Heaven. Take it up with the Pope Cowboy, and with other fundamental Christians who vehemently support the concept of hell for human souls. I really don't care about your views on hell. My point is that no two people can agree on these kinds of things. Therefore to say that the Bible is "easy to understand" or "crystal clear" has no merit. All you're doing is arguing for YOUR PERSONAL VIEWS on what you think about hell. Who cares? I sure as hell don't. According to Matthew Jesus said that they will be case into a furnace of fire and there will be wailing and the gnashing of teeth. So the Bible is threatening severe discomfort and torment. Will it last for all of eternity? Well, the Gospels also have Jesus stating that this will be 'everlasting punishment'. He also said that the fire will be unquenchable. So I can certainly see how the Catholic Church and many others would easily conclude that this burning state of wailing and gnashing of teeth in an unquenchable fire would be "everlasting punishment". You'll have to explain your objections to the Pope is all I know to tell you. ![]() Personally I'm not impressed by a God who would even stoop so low as to be so cruel to people even for a brief period of time. And for what? For merely not believing that Jesus was the son of God? No way do I accept that notion as being "righteous". So your point about hell is totally moot. It doesn't matter whether it's eternal, or merely for a finite time, it's still disgusting, IMHO. I don't believe that any all-righteous God would be involved in such horrible behavior. What GOOD would it do God to be torturing people anyway? Would God get a THRILL out of that or what? What would be the PURPOSE of torturing people that God doesn't even want around? ~~~~~~ Remember, we're talking about trying to understand these biblical stories, scenarios, and claims about how God will act toward people. Well, I cannot possibly understand what GOOD it would do to torture anyone even if only briefly. What would be the point to it? That would just be downright nasty. Surely an all-powerful God who can do anything could just wave his magic wand and make the people disappear that he isn't interested in. No need to be casting them into furnaces and gnashing their teeth. What would be the POINT to that? That's what I don't understand. So you understand what GOOD there is in being mean and cruel to people that you are just going to kill anyway? |
Christ without Christianity
Slowhand wrote:
![]() Hi Abra ![]() Well I don't believe God condemns anybody. But that is just me. I don't even believe in heaven and hell as reward and punishment. I just don't see any substantive difference between Taoist, Pantheist, Abrahamic, Hindu or any other major religions on teachings on ethics and the nature of God in monotheism. I do believe that there are a wide variety of disparate and inconsistent interpretations of the religions by different people. But there is nothing evil or even misguided about the religions themselves. When I read the New Testament and it says you have to believe in Jesus - I interpret that to mean that yon need to follow his divine example - not just have this idea in your head that he really exists. Otherwise you'd have the ludicrous situation arise where someone is convinced that Jesus exists but still does unspeakable and heinous crimes - such a person should never be lauded or "saved" just because they also agree that Jesus existed. Now I think most Christians would say that you don't truly believe in Christ without following his example - so it is a moot point in their view and I'm fine with that. I also believe that you don't understand the bible. And I will go even further and agree with you that there is no such thing as a common understanding of the bible. It is a set of parables and ethical teachings and some of humankind's earliest grappling with philosophy and theology. Like the early writings on the Tao and Hinduism and Buddhism. None to be taken literally but to serve as a point of discussion on our origins and virtue. All of these works are inspired and valuable. But people should respect each others religious viewpoints and avoid coercion and disharmony. In terms of mere moral values, and in terms of a totally abstract concept of "god" in general I would tend to agree with you. Sure, I too can view the Bible in that way. And in fact, I do to some extent. But you know as well as I do that that view is NOT the view of "Christianity" in general. They would totally reject our views. They demand that Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus is the Lord and Savior of the world. He died to pay for your sins. There is no other way to get to God but through the acceptance of Jesus as your "Savior". Etc., etc., etc. The way that you are viewing the Bible is as "Just another spiritual view of God", not really all that much different from Taoism, Buddhism, etc. And that Jesus is merely a metaphorical example of the kind of moral values we should strive to be like. In that metaphorical sense I'm about as "Christian" as a person can possibly be because I am extremely "Christ-like". I even call the Pharisees hypocrites. ![]() If to be "Christ-like" was the only requirement then I'd be a shining example of what "Christians" should all strive to be like. I have no problem with any of the moral values that are associated with the teachings of Jesus. On the contrary, he basically described my own personal moral values. I've said it many times before, it would be pretty darn hard to "follow" the teachings of someone who just got done teaching precisely the character traits and moral values that I already hold. How can you "follow" someone who is asking you to do precisely what you are already doing? The things I argue with concerning the RELIGION of Christianity typically don't have anything at all to do with the moral teachings of Jesus. And I also agree with you that to follow the teachings of Taoism, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha, etc, would be precisely the same thing as following the teachings of Jesus. They all taught basically the very same things in terms of moral values. In fact, that's a point that I make quite often. Jesus didn't teach anything new or unique. He taught the very same things that had been taught for centuries before he ever existed. This is why I'm convinced that Jesus was indeed a Mahayana Buddhist who was trying to teach his Hebrew brothers better moral values than they had been taught by the teachings of the Torah. ~~~~ However, even when it comes down to that, I'm only in agreement with you in terms of the moral standards that Jesus taught. I would still argue that the teachings of the Torah or Old Testament are far more closely aligned with the teachings of Greek Mythologies. So concerning the Old Testament, I would say that it has about the same spiritual value as Greek Mythology. And you can take that however you like. I don't totally dismiss the value of Greek Mythology myself. There are moral and spiritual values in many fictitious stories. All I'm saying is that I don't see where the Hebrew Torah had anything better to offer than Greek Mythology. They were both most likely superstitious rumors made up by men. Maybe some of those stories were associated with divine inspiration and interventions - in BOTH CASES: Greek mythology and Hebrew mythology. I don't don't totally dismiss that. But I'm certainly not going to take either mythology to be the inerrant infallible verbatim commandments and directives of any "real" God. If there is any spiritual truth to any of those stories it's no doubt that they were also contaminated with the views and opinions of the mortal authors who wrote them, retold them, transcribed them, and so on. So I see no reason to take anything too seriously in terms of details. I'll never believe in, or support a male-chauvinistic God, for example. I also have extreme problems with any God who would condemn same-gender love. I can't imagine a God who would be so physically prejudiced against LOVE. As metaphors that aren't taken too seriously. Sure, let the Bible be 'spiritual' in that way. But as a verbatim manual of precisely what some male-chauvinistic God is demanding that we be like lest we be severely punished. I don't think so. |
Christ without Christianity
Cowboy wrote:
1. There is a father, he is our God. 2. His creation has turned from him 3. You are a temple of God 4. You have made mistakes 5. You need to make amends for these mistakes 6. If you do, if you show that you are obedient, you will be rewarded with what was taken away because of disobedience. 7. If you refuse, you will die, as that is the punishment given to us for our disobedience. There you go Slow! People aren't even in agreement with the BASIC story. ![]() Cowboy is one of those who rejects the concept of hell or eternal damnation. A lot of people (The Catholic Pope included) are quite adamant that the Bible clearly refers to a hell where people will be tortured endlessly. So even the Christians can't get this story straight between themselves. Much less being in agreement with the Jews or Muslims. So for a story that is supposed to be "Easy to Understand" why is it that everyone has such drastically different ideas of what the story is supposed to be about? These claims that the Bible is "Easy to Understand" simply doesn't hold water because everyone apparently has a different understanding of what it's supposedly saying. If anything is CRYSTAL CLEAR, it's that nobody understands these stories. Nobody. Everyone makes up their own little versions of it. And quite sadly too many of those people become quite arrogant about attempting to proclaim that their understanding is "correct" whilst everyone else is in the dark. ![]() Today we now have a brand new religion that we should call "The Hell-less Christians". ![]() Those who totally reject the concept of Hell for human souls. Make-up your own version of the religion and proclaim that your version is the "gospel truth". That's where Christianity stands today. |
Christ without Christianity
That is why it is obvious that "jealous" is a mistranslation.
Then add that to ten thousand other mistranlsations. Looks like the whole Bible is pretty much a mistranslation. There certainly are a lot of difficulties in reading ancient texts and translating them into multiple languages. But it is really pretty easy to understand and is not that confusing for anyone who actually takes the time to try to understand it a little bit. ![]() Anytime anyone gets into a debate about anything in the Bible or about an interpretation, I hear all about "mistranslations." It gotten to where that's all I hear. I am not confused in the least about the Bible. I read a word as I see it and for what it is supposed to mean. Jealousy means Jealousy. Period. It means that God does not want his followers to worship any other Gods, and as such proclaims that he is the only one that exists and commands people that thou shalt not have any other Gods before him. That's pretty clear to me. Not confused at all. I agree. There's no question about it, you can tell from the context that it means precisely that. It's referring to a God who will not tolerate other gods being placed before him. That's precisely what Jealousy means. He won't stand for anyone being given more attention than him. I personally don't believe that this idea came from any God. I believe that this is just a man-made religion. They should have been more honest and wrote: "Thou shalt not have any other religions before ours because ours is a jealous religion and we won't tolerate other religions." That's what they really meant. I think I understand the bible very well. ![]() |
Christ without Christianity
That is why it is obvious that "jealous" is a mistranslation.
Then add that to ten thousand other mistranlsations. Looks like the whole Bible is pretty much a mistranslation. There certainly are a lot of difficulties in reading ancient texts and translating them into multiple languages. But it is really pretty easy to understand and is not that confusing for anyone who actually takes the time to try to understand it a little bit. ![]() I have never met anyone in my entire life who has convinced me that they understand the Bible. ~~~~~ I mean, sure, if you're going to over-simply to the point where you're just speaking to the basic story: 1. There exists a God. 2. Humans are misbehaving. 3. You are a human. 4. You have misbehaved. 5. You need to turn to God and ask for forgiveness. 6. If you do, you will be loved and given a great gift of everlasting life. 7. If you refuse, you will be punished for eternity. ~~~~~ A person would need to be brain dead to not understand that basic story. Even a Child can understand this, in fact they are basically given the very same story in Santa Claus. 1. There exists a Santa Claus. 2. Children often misbehave. 3. You are a child. 4. Don't misbehave. 5. If you are good Santa will bring you nice gifts. 6. If you are bad Santa will bring you a lump of coal. (actually at todays' prices that might not be too bad) ~~~~~ But seriously Slowhand, the crux of the story is extremely simple to understand, and I'm sure that everyone understands that basic ideal. But that doesn't even come remotely close to understanding the bible. That is an extreme over-simplification of this religion. ~~~~~ To truly claim to understand the Bible a person would need to fully understand how this supposed God could condemn people for merely not believing in him. Because, after all, this is part and parcel of this religion if we are going to hold these scriptures to what they actually say verbatim. John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Do you claim to understand how a supposedly just and righteous God could condemn people for merely not believing in him? I certainly can't! This would be like telling a child that if they don't believe in Santa Claus he will be mean to them and hurt them. What kind of a Santa Claus would that be? ![]() ~~~~~ When you say that the bible is easy to understand if a person merely tries a little bit, you are either totally ignorant of many of these kinds of issues, or you don't recognize their significance. Or perhaps you're just sweeping them under the carpet as being irrelevant in some way? But for many people there are tons of these kinds of issues in the Bible that are not at all "easy to understand" or accept. ~~~~~ Moreover, neither the Jews nor the Muslims accept that Jesus was the promised messiah. And they would say to you that this is easy to understand because the messiah that was promised by God in the name of King David was supposed to be handed the throne of King David and become the King of the Jews. Clearly that never happened for Jesus. Therefore it's extremely easy to understand why Jesus could not have been the promised messiah associated with King David. So you've got that whole issue to deal with right there. "easy to understand"? If that were the case then why is the Abrahamic religion so utterly divided and fragmented between the Christians who believe that Jesus was "The Christ", and the Jews and Muslims who don't see where that could be the case? This claim that the Biblical stories are "Easy to Understand" simply can't be supported in terms of actual cultures and their "understands" of this basic religion. ~~~~~ Even go over to the Christian side of things and look at how the Catholics and Protestants are divided in their "understandings" of the bible. The Catholics are quite adamant about there being a "Hell" for humans who do not satisfy the requirements of this God. However, many Protestants reject the notion of "Hell" for humans. Of course even the Protestants are in disagreement on that one among themselves. But a "hell-less" Christianity is more attractive and the "hell-less" Protestants are on the rise. ![]() ~~~~~ But seriously, when you say that the bible is "easy to understand" what exactly are you talking about? The basic Santa Claus idea? Yes, I think everything understand that idea. But that hardly constitutes "understanding" the Bible. ~~~~~ There are a LOT of issues associated with the Bible that I don't understand. Like I mentioned above, "A God who condemns people for merely not believing in him"? That makes no sense to me, and I cannot understand that in terms of a supposedly righteous God. Sounds more to me like a ploy invented by men to try to mentally coerce people into buying into their religion. (If you don't believe in our writings God will condemn you and we wash our hands of the whole affair). ![]() I simply don't buy it. Sounds like a man-made brainwashing scheme to me. Certainly not something I would expect from a truly righteous God. ~~~~~ And there are many other issues that I don't "understand" either. Blood sacrifices can "pay" for sins? And that just gets extremely complex when it comes to Jesus being the "sacrificial lamb of God" sent to pay for the sins of men. In fact, in my mind, that cannot even be made to be understandable in terms of a truly righteous and all-wise God. I just personally can't see anything either righteous, or all-wise about such a solution to problems. That's just not my idea of a wise solution to problems. Especially if this supposedly all-wise all-powerful God had other options available. And he would have had to lest he be less than all-powerful and all-wise. So I can't even imagine understanding how that could ever make any sense. ~~~~~ So no Slow, I cannot even imagine understanding the biblical story as an actual account of some supposedly all-wise all-righteous God. For me, it's far easier to understand that the whole thing is nothing more than superstitious man-made rumors. Now THAT, I can understand! ![]() |
Christ without Christianity
They have violated their own idealism.
Not really. They have individualized it and done exactly what they wanted to do..... interpret it themselves. Eventually every single person on earth will be a church unto themselves. I know I am. ![]() Well, if they stop there, then they are indeed respecting Protestantism. And many Protestants do stop there. I know my family did. However, those who try to hold out their personal interpretations as the interpretations that should be "clear" to everyone else, are the one's who are in violation of the ideals of Protestantism. In a very real sense I have taken taken Protestantism to its ultimate epitome by interpreting the Bible to be false rumors. ![]() I don't claim to be a "Protestant" though. ![]() But I guess it could be said that I'm a Protest-ant. I too protest against other people's interpretations being pushed onto me. Is that the same as being a Protestant? |