Mother Toungue
cruelty is not a mountain to be balanced or scaled
cruelty is not an ocean to be assumed long , wide or thin cruelty is not a visual fire to be felt by Calorie cruelty is not a parsonality to be good or bad The Scale of the cruelty is not weigh-able The measure of cruelty is not find-able (undefineble) There is no assention, declinsion or median term of cruelty Cruelty is just cruelty and is known to be remembered by Cruelty Taking someone from somebody is cruelty Grabbing someone's bread or right is Cruelty Even despising somebody is Cruelty Kidnapping a baby from its mother is cruelty Children are inheritedly known by their geniune parents Separating parents from their children are cruelties Mother toungue is an identity of every human Depriving a human from its identity is cruelty |