Community > Posts By > welshboy

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 03:18 PM
id rather not have music playing when im making love, id rather here the moans of pleasurehappy bigsmile

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 03:11 PM
hey thats great hundrinker drinker flowerforyou flowerforyou

huge hugs!!!!!!!:smile:

it should clear up before then i would say, just try things like throat sweets and cough syryps to ease any paindrinker

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 03:06 PM
mommy!!smooched flowerforyou

sorry hun, didnt see you had posted.

im great thanks, hows you?flowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 02:48 PM
mine would have to be;

freshly ground coffee!! mmmm!happy

the mettalic smell you get after a lightening storm, cut grass and fresh baked bread

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 02:41 PM
i like loads of colours but my favs are bright reds and black

mostly cos they are my footie teams colours but i just like those colours anyway:smile:

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 02:28 PM
hiya hun, you back again:smile:

hows your wrists? they still soreflowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 02:26 PM
ive found a lot of people are just after sex, and its like that on most sites.
but then you do get alot of great people that you can chat with and who knows, anything can happen if you like each other.

i did meet 1 person and i did fall in love with her big time,we was together for a bit but it didnt work out.

so yes you can fall in love on here, and it can happen when you least expect itdrinker

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:56 PM

welshboy e-mail

eskimo_nell pag 16

iluv2dance page 17

bubbles page 8

peachygirl page 13

thanks hundrinker

peachie is allready awsome in my books:wink: flowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:26 PM
im only here for a quick stop really anyway, just came to send some mails to people and thought id say hi:smile:

any idea when your making the big move?flowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:16 PM

oh, hi Jason ...sorry i missed you dear,

i 've been so busy elsewhere

i am doing well, but have been so sore in my hands & wrists
and i hurt so bad, plus i am getting ready to move ...

i am so excited...
i finally got the direction i have been looking for...
i am going to go back to move out of state
and help my mother in the next few months

thats ok, i only posted just now:smile:

hun thats great, your going to be with your mumflowerforyou

sorry your feeling a bit sore, heres some hugs!!!

hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs!!!!!

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:12 PM

yes you may lil welshboy.......give me a few and I will give ya matches.

cheers hunflowerforyou :smile:

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:05 PM

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:01 PM
can i play happy laugh

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:56 AM
ive always used the word lady when im talking about what im looking for, i call my lady freinds hun and things like that but thats just how i talk.drinker

welshboy's photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:41 AM
morning rapunzelflowerforyou

hows you today?:smile:

welshboy's photo
Wed 01/23/08 03:54 PM
right all im off to bed now as its almost midnight over here, i hope the rest of your day is great for you alldrinker drinker flowerforyou flowerforyou

goodluck tomorrow mommy, you'll be in my thoughtsflowerforyou

thanks venessaflowerforyou

see you all tomorrowdrinker flowerforyou :smile:

welshboy's photo
Wed 01/23/08 03:38 PM

psssst, Jason.....No one is out of YOUR league :smile:

awwwblushing thanks sweetieflowerforyou flowerforyou smooched

You're welcome hunflowerforyou smooched

its the truth tho :wink: :heart:

(((((brenda))))) :heart: :heart: good to see ya flowerforyou
(((((Dougie))))) how's you? drinker smokin

somones having loads of hugs and kisses:wink: flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou smooched smooched
hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs!!!!!!!

welshboy's photo
Wed 01/23/08 03:24 PM
hey kayakdrinker drinker

hiya bgeorgedrinker

welshboy's photo
Wed 01/23/08 03:23 PM

it can be expencive but what they heck, you'll have to send me your mumber again i couldnt find it anywhere. then when i top up my phone on fri or sat ill give you a ring:smile:

okay sweetie...but this time
will you please put it in your address book dear?

so, do you have any ladies that you are interested in ?

you are so sweet and so handsome so so tall and so cute

Young Ladies are you listening ? :wink:

i can't imagine you going very without a lady to visit with

unless you live so remotely the distance is a major issue

first thing ill do is write it down and put it somwhere safe this time.

your making me blush now hunblushing blushing

where i live isnt remote, if i wanted to go out to bars and places id have to travel a few miles except for the odd place around by me.

there just arnt that many single women i talk to be honest hun, there are a couple i think are amasing but are way out my leagueflowerforyou flowerforyou

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

and why do you think they are out of your league ???

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

i dont know hun, ive always thought like that. if you read some of the poems ive posted you would see just from those why i would think that.flowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Wed 01/23/08 03:21 PM

psssst, Jason.....No one is out of YOUR league :smile:

awwwblushing thanks sweetieflowerforyou flowerforyou smooched

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