Community > Posts By > pillowfightlol

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 08:56 AM
haha well i would like to know where the younger guys are.... that would be nice LOL:laughing:

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 08:49 AM
A smiley face isnt useful whatsoever so an actual reply would be nice because i cant do nothi with a weird smiley. thanks

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 08:48 AM
I dont think its very fair actually. im happy with my profile thank u very much. and you know what? ive seen PLENTY of guys, older and younger with scarcley anything on their page! their name, age and favourite sport and there done. All thigns considered, ive done well actually compared to some other people

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 08:47 AM
waving Ahhh lol well i just joined yesterday so i wouldnt know!
And umm oooh 19? haha great

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 08:29 AM
finally. well thats good. either i havent looked around that much or yeah. i want to talk to people my age so thats good

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 08:20 AM
Ive yet to see someone around my page lol

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 08:09 AM
um nothing just dedcided to reply to your post lol

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 08:08 AM

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 08:04 AM
Anyways. im a lot younger than you are soo um you know what never mind. im just saying. still working on my profile after all I JUST JOINED YESTERDAY. so seriously...

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 08:03 AM
Well um sorry im kind of new here so i dont know.
i just joined yesterday.

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 07:58 AM
I dont see that as an option but ill ask anyway. is it possible to make a caption under your photo or no?

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 07:56 AM
No offense lol but i see alot of older people on here, are there like any younger guys on here at all or no

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 07:46 AM

i dont give up so, i dont think your profile maters too much as we will get to know you from your posts. i was just warning you that some people drop into threads to try and appear funny. and useually they are.
damn funny

I usually dont take those kind of people seriously and just to let you know theres actually a big age diference between us so what i should have on my page and what you should have, is a bit different
and honestlyu people can be sarcastic if they want to why should anything thats not helpful matter to me anyway but thanks

pillowfightlol's photo
Sat 06/20/09 07:39 AM
all good advice thanks =[ and you guys are right.
i still have a lot of time and i mean i have had my share of relationships- bad ones and i guess now i rather just enjoy my life with my friends and relationship wise: just wiat and see what happenes. thanks

pillowfightlol's photo
Fri 06/19/09 09:59 PM
I hate smiling. i have braces.
And you? hmm. 6. or a 4.

pillowfightlol's photo
Fri 06/19/09 09:57 PM
LOL a runner? someone who competes in marathons or long races.
Its something u do with ur legs XD sorry

pillowfightlol's photo
Fri 06/19/09 09:52 PM

Im done posting here. Whatever. No ones being nice anyoway

Hey, don't be upset. I just read your profile. Its looks pretty much ok to me. You're very clear with your choices. And thats good.

Lonestar is correct, when he said you're lucky not to get any sarcastic replys today. I've seen quite a few myself. And if you hang in the forums, you'll notice that yourself.

There's nothing to be upset here. Cheer up lady. Enjoy and have fun here.

And hey, welcome to this site.

:D thanks! i really do appericaite it. And by the way guys, i changed my profile a bit and i also added a bit more information! cut me some slack lol im new here and im still working on my page!!!

pillowfightlol's photo
Fri 06/19/09 09:51 PM
okay thanks for the advice guys it was very helpful and i agree.

pillowfightlol's photo
Fri 06/19/09 09:31 PM
Im done posting here. Whatever. No ones being nice anyoway

pillowfightlol's photo
Fri 06/19/09 09:30 PM
Some people honestly... are very rude i was just asking geez and keep in mind that im 18 and unlike you which you guys are like 30-40 so clearly theres a difference. seriously... and if your not going to say anything nice than maybe keep your posts to yourself thanks