What Up NY!!!!
why post
You take this to serious but I agree with the disrespect
please pleasure..,
Say you product of Gardenia HS.
Az is sorry too. They will split but I don't see them winning the
division or going far in the playoffs. They are coming back but it's slow. |
Say man their is law about smoking crack on this line. SF is about 8-8
If you COULD..
Do each one a day at a time. That would keep me going for about 3wks
If you COULD..
That a tough question I can't pick one right now. All the ladies are
good people. |
Greatest Love Of All by Whitney Houston
Friendship Train by Glaydis Knight
It's Alright by The Impression.
Shake Me Wake Me by 4 Tops.
RIGHT ON!!!!!!
Beauty Only Skin Deep by The Temptations
Hot Fun In The Summertime by Sly Stone
Just Chilling by Norman Brown
Wake Up Everybody by Teddy Pendergast
I listen to music. I dream of pretty ladies.
Please ignore the
I call it disrespect.I try to nice to people on JSH.
Newbie from Sacramento
What's up SAC?-------Welcome!
Hey chubby what up.