dividing_by_zero's photo
Sat 10/14/17 10:14 AM
bloodborne, demons souls, dark souls MGS, infamous

dividing_by_zero's photo
Sun 10/23/16 05:52 PM
this site has far too many problems for me to ever consider paying for membership. taking down the log out option is this sites simple fix.
you want me to pay? start policing the site!
a minimum of 40 percent of the women here are scammers.... 20 percent of the remaining are hookers/ escorts/ call girls/ phone sex or web cam sex workers.
and im being generous on those percentages.
yeah, removing the log out option will do the trick
seriously, clean up the site and you will probably get more paying members

dividing_by_zero's photo
Sun 12/15/13 06:52 PM
Dr Who, simply because its just that good

dividing_by_zero's photo
Sun 10/20/13 08:05 AM
Its not just the banks, the oil company's make that in their quarterly profits.

dividing_by_zero's photo
Wed 06/05/13 10:24 AM

OMG, give it a rest already. Its old, its tiring and its boring.
Be honest with yourself... he is black and you cant stand that a black man is in the white house.
Go be a racist someplace else

First I am not a racist. Second, I did not write the article. I put it up here for intelligent discussion not accusations. So for heaven's sake try to find something intelligent to contribute.

If the article was intelligent then there would be intelligent replies.
And your posting it shows your lack thereof and your racism

dividing_by_zero's photo
Mon 06/03/13 11:04 AM
OMG, give it a rest already. Its old, its tiring and its boring.
Be honest with yourself... he is black and you cant stand that a black man is in the white house.
Go be a racist someplace else

dividing_by_zero's photo
Fri 03/29/13 10:23 AM

dividing_by_zero's photo
Wed 08/24/11 03:57 AM
the top 2% of the population control over 70% of the wealth, theres something wrong there.

dividing_by_zero's photo
Wed 04/27/11 11:15 AM
Just watched the Time Crash short on the season 4 DVD of the Titanic episode and seeing Peter Davidson and Tennent together was great. I also thought it very interesting that Tennents girlfriend is Davisons daughter.
All the more so because she played Tennents daughter (albeit only a genetic replica) in one of his episodes.... Now that is what I call keeping it in the family :D

dividing_by_zero's photo
Tue 04/26/11 06:51 PM

Exterminate, Exterminate. Atleast they kept the Darleks. What do you think? Would a Darlek make a better lamp or a hat rack? I am still thinking of new ideas for my man cave.laugh Do you know where I can get a good stoned Darlek? I like how Dr. Who brought all of his enemies together with the Pandoric.

Might be able to find some good Dalek stuff on Amazon or the BBC online store ;)

dividing_by_zero's photo
Tue 04/26/11 01:02 PM

Years ago BBCAmerica used to air the Tom Baker Doctor Who, now they only air the new series.

Anyone remember the American Dr Who TV movie that premiered on Fox in the 90's? I think Eric Roberts played the villain. The studio tried to get a big name American actor to play the 8th Doctor, Tom Hanks was one of them and turned it down because he thought it should only be played by UK actors, the role went to Paul McGann.

I know of it and plan to get that movie at some point to add to my Dr. Who collection. Been trying to get at least one storyline from each of the 11 Doctors. Got tons of Tom Baker :)
Problem being though is that most of the Hartnell, Troughton and Pertwee episodes were lost or destroyed mostly by very poor BBC storage and retaining processes. I did find some Hartnell and Toughton dvds on Amazon so Im pretty happy. I think McGann is the only Doctor I dont have yet.

dividing_by_zero's photo
Tue 04/26/11 10:57 AM
Yea that was funny. And thats the thing about the show, there is so much great humor going on as well as high drama and suspense.

dividing_by_zero's photo
Mon 04/25/11 10:37 AM

Don't know his name but he whore the black leather jacket. And appeared in the first season of the new one's.

That would be Christopher Eccleston. And he was very good.

dividing_by_zero's photo
Sun 04/24/11 06:12 PM

Tom Baker for sure. Although I was really intrigued by the Weeping Angels.:smile:

The Weeping Angels are quite arguably the best villains/ monsters in all of science fiction. Simply put they are damned scary creatures and Moffet outdid himself in creating them.

Their initial appearance in Blink laid a great foundation for them and in The Time of Angels/ Flesh and Stone episodes they were fleshed out so to speak superbly. Truly scary.

dividing_by_zero's photo
Sun 04/24/11 05:11 PM

Sorry for posting it twice. My browser is being a nuisance. Lol

No worries :) Them browsers can be pretty pesky

dividing_by_zero's photo
Sun 04/24/11 12:51 PM

Don't know if you heard, but Elisabeth Sladen who played Sarah Jane Smith passed away on the 19th of this month.

Yea, I saw the 'in memory of' for her at the end of the episode last night. I always thought she and Romana (2) were the best companions for Tom Baker. Gonna miss her.

dividing_by_zero's photo
Sun 04/24/11 09:58 AM
Edited by dividing_by_zero on Sun 04/24/11 09:59 AM
Who is your favorite incarnation of the Doctor and why?

I was brought up with Tom Baker and for me he was (with the sole exception of William Hartnell) the only true Doctor. Now with the 11th firmly entrenched in the role and beginning his second series (season) Im finding myself placing up on the pedestal with Hartnell and Baker as a full equal.

dividing_by_zero's photo
Tue 04/06/10 07:07 PM
A man walks out of a courthouse after losing a huge lawsuit.
He makes his way over to a bar across the street, enters and orders a dram of single malt.

After a couple of these and still stewing over the defeat he rises and yells at the top of his lungs... ALL LAWYERS ARE ********!!!!

Feeling a little better he sits back down and sips his drink.

As he is sipping, a man at the other end of the bar stands up and yells back... I resent that remark sir!!

The first stands and says... I bet youre a lawyer arent you?
The second just shakes his head and says... no, Im an *******.