Community > Posts By > steampunkzombie

steampunkzombie's photo
Sat 11/07/15 04:53 PM
Ok allow me to weigh in as an actual tattoo artist.
1. The industry standard for the inks that are used now a days are so different from what older generation had that comparing doesnt apply
2. Keep in mind that it does not matter how good the ink is if your artist is no good then of course the tattoo will come out like **** and not stand the test of time.
3. The body is a temple if your gonna adorn it with art make sure its meaningful an unique be patient and shop around for an artist that can make your vision a reality.
4. Getting a small tattoo isnt always best most people that get them cause they dont know what to expect end up regretting them or covering them up. Get what you want just find the right artist to do it.
5. For any design you come up with make sure especially for woman that follows the nature curves of the body to accent the beauty of the female figure.

-drops the mic