Community > Posts By > theboss12

theboss12's photo
Fri 11/05/10 10:53 PM

theboss12's photo
Fri 10/08/10 07:50 PM

Let me know if this would be a good back piece or not. Pictures in my profile.

theboss12's photo
Sun 10/03/10 09:04 PM
laugh :tongue:

theboss12's photo
Sun 10/03/10 08:44 PM

way toooo serious just for nudging you??
good gawd!~

laugh laugh laugh

Last nudge I got was from someone I know is in a relationship, like over a week ago...grumble grumble grumble


nudge me view me beat me whip me---j/k I mean its a site where ya chit chat mingle blah blah---if ya cant have some fun on here than poor you in the real world, must be a LIFE OF STRUGGLING---always havin fun ya

theboss12's photo
Sun 10/03/10 08:40 PM
ya not bad having like one the smallest payrolls in baseball & having tooo play the 2 highest in your own division
Red sox

theboss12's photo
Sun 10/03/10 08:22 PM

loses and sends 2 to the playoffs,well san diego theres always the sharks

gawd plz cut down regular season too like 110 games my geeez 162 is nutttz....

long shot W/Series

Twins win in 7

theboss12's photo
Sun 10/03/10 08:15 PM
way toooo serious just for nudging you??
good gawd!~

theboss12's photo
Sun 10/03/10 10:03 AM

I am! I love football season. Especially the NFL. My favorite team is the Packers. I grew up in Green Bay, Wi. and have many fond memories of Packer Sunday. Now I am in Tucson, and it's in my blood! If anyone else feels like watching a Packer Game with me, come on down to tha OldFather Inn in Tucson. Or make a suggestion for a meeting somewhere else in town. Hope to see you there!

ME & A BUDDY BET ALL THE GAMES& im in a work pool with 3 teams i cant get enough!! & ya im WINNING$$$

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 03:32 PM

see, we learn something new every day. I did.

i try tooo learn summin new a day also
even though i think i know it all...not!!!lol

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 03:16 PM
got it got it
thnx all

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 03:11 PM

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 03:10 PM
is this due too the fact that i re acctivated my account today
& will it be unlimited when??

You have reached the limit for the maximum number of users you can contact per day.

Please wait until tomorrow before mailing additional users.

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 03:05 PM

You can't contact more than a certain number of times without them responding.. That prevents spammers I believe...

The only way to change your name is to deactivate and make a new account...

no i sent messages too a number of peeps & it said>>

you have reached the limit for the maximum number of users you can contact per day.

Please wait until tomorrow before mailing additional users.
i think its for that i just re acctivated account today...

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 03:02 PM

Yes, there is a limit on first contact emails. Without getting into specifics, first contact emails sent within a certain time frame, will trigger the lock. This will auto clear within the next day.

There is no limit on premium accounts, however, there are anti-spam/scam measures in place for all accounts.

So re acctivated my account today will i be able tooo message as much as i want?? & when??/

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 03:00 PM
You have reached the limit for the maximum number of users you can contact per day.

Please wait until tomorrow before mailing additional users.

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 03:00 PM

thats umm ummm
also since no replies on HELP board do ya know answer too this luv??

are we only limited too a certain ammount of messages per day??((its telling me i reached my limit on messages for day)))

and if we use PREMIUM SERVICE is it unlimited ??

I don't think so .. I post as much as I want and have never had a prob. I believe you pay for premium service .. but mingle is free ... are you looking at a pop up ad?
heres what i get & wonder if it has too do with 1st day back today(((RE ACCTIVATED ACCT.

>>.You have reached the limit for the maximum number of users you can contact per day.

Please wait until tomorrow before mailing additional users.<<<

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 02:57 PM

Wolf's right

You'll have to deactivate

And get a new screen name that way , basically a new account
thnx bud...

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 02:56 PM
thats umm ummm
also since no replies on HELP board do ya know answer too this luv??

are we only limited too a certain ammount of messages per day??((its telling me i reached my limit on messages for day)))

and if we use PREMIUM SERVICE is it unlimited ??

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 02:53 PM
know how too change my screen name???

theboss12's photo
Sun 09/26/10 02:52 PM
No me BOSS of me noway

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