Community > Posts By > 3yearsnolove

3yearsnolove's photo
Fri 10/16/15 10:19 PM
You know what, you people are what is the problem with the world today, you take something good and then you **** all over it and then say it's bad. **** all of you. I have been through more crap than most of you, I did three tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, so why don't you show some respect and quit trying to **** me over with your elementary reverse psychology ********, and just accept the fact that I am real and you are douche bags. I have my DD 214 to prove what I have done, can you say the same?

3yearsnolove's photo
Fri 10/16/15 08:42 PM
Hey Funky Franky why don't you keep your comments to yourself, it is people like you that screw over good people like me with your shitty and negative comments. I am what I say I am, and I am what I am. Now everything I said is truth and nothing but, I am looking for a good woman to love and love me back, plan and simple.

3yearsnolove's photo
Fri 10/16/15 07:33 PM
I have found nothing but fake people on this website, none looking for what they say they are, or you finally get a woman to talk to you, and turns out she is from an adult cam website. How the hell is anyone supposed to meet anyone in this day and age?

3yearsnolove's photo
Thu 10/15/15 10:32 PM
Edited by 3yearsnolove on Thu 10/15/15 10:33 PM
Women near Austin, San Antonio and surrounding areas please check out my profile. If you are real and are looking for a real relationship, no bs. Please match me and let's go on a date. No beating around the bush. None of this, "I need you to go to this website to meet me", that is bs. So if you are not seriously looking for someone on here, then get the hell off of this website and let us real people have a chance to meet someone nice.

3yearsnolove's photo
Thu 10/15/15 10:25 PM
Why can't there just be honest women on here and not always trying to get someone to go to a sex cam website. For you women who are doing this, I hope karma bites you in the butt. I hope you get an uncureable STD. Stop playing with people's feelings and emotions, most of us have been hurt too many times and am trying to find a good person. Don't need some liar telling lies.