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Thu 11/28/19 01:01 AM
There is someone here who I would love to meet, in an ideal world, for a coffee and a long chat, my fingers crossed that she likes me enough to take things futher. However, she lives across the pond from me in the US. I'm in the UK so can only dream (which I do). You know who you are flowers waving

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Thu 11/28/19 12:59 AM

Hi Kitten, I suggest you open a new thread. Lots of men in our age group want active sex life, some are even active here in the forums. You go girl! flowerforyou

Shock! Horror! Is that true? I thought the threads were just for chatting about the topic. Never realised there was any overlap with the dating part of this site! devil

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Thu 11/28/19 12:54 AM
vegetables are not usually flat

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Thu 11/28/19 12:53 AM

657 correct number (for now) waving

no photo
Thu 11/28/19 12:52 AM
These days you have to make up your own mind about religion. As far as I can tell, none of it is 'pure' (ask the altar boys) so should you pick one of the religions and go with it? If you do, the honest thing would be to obey all the laws. If you can't agree with some of them, best not to go with any religion. Be a non-believer until you are shown proof positive that there is actually a god of some sort. Then you will know which religion to belong to. Till then, don't 'belong'.

That has the advantage that there is no such thing as 'sin' there is only right and wrong and it is for you to decide what is right and what is wrong. If you want to enjoy sex outside marriage with a willing partner who wants the same thing, there is nothing to stop you enjoying it. But if you belong to a religion, it is very likely that your religion will consider such a thing as a 'sin' and you should obey the laws of the religion you choose to belong to.

It's quite easy, check out the laws of the religions and choose one whose laws you are happy to follow - be honest and follow ALL of them! None of them are good enough for me and I can see no evidence whatsoever that there is a god, so it is quite simple, belong to none of them and enjoy your life!

no photo
Thu 11/28/19 12:44 AM
657 correct number (for now) waving

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Thu 11/28/19 12:42 AM
I had a look on google and found that as soon as I typed in the word 'contradictions' among the offerings was, 'contradictions in the bible'. I wish I had seen this earlier in this thread. It might have been amusing........

Far too many to give some quotes, but I give here just one website I found, which gives a discussion about many of them.

How can anyone seriously 'believe' all this stuff? What is there to 'believe'? Which bits do you believe and how do you explain the contradictions? Or to put it as someone else no longer here might have said, "Which bits are true and which false" (and why?) He would of course have replied at great length complete with quotes in other languages to prove his competance in the subject! :smile:

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Thu 11/28/19 12:35 AM
When you meet someone it is good to have a long chat over a coffee and discuss what you want from each other. If it isn't the same thing, enjoy the coffee and the chat. But if it is, meet up again for a meal and who knows where that will go....

If you do that, you will have solved the question asked in this thread at the very first meeting. So long as you are both honest, there should be no further problems.

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Thu 11/28/19 12:26 AM
We all do need to remember that this site is free. It's not fair to expect the moderators to have the necessary time to remove all those scammers. I like to ask them a question about where they live and every time I get either a website to visit or an e-mail address. I never get the answer to my question. It's quite nice to look at these scantily clad girls and tease them, letting them think I might be interested in whatever it is they have to offer! They do eventually get removed, so no harm done.

I'm more interested in the forums than meeting anyone, but if someone who lives near me and is around my age is looking to make more friends, I wouldn't say no. Just don't expect it.

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Thu 11/28/19 12:20 AM

I was hoping that was a kind offer to the men, but I guess I was wrong :cry:

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Wed 11/27/19 02:00 PM
I found this in 'Truth' magazine about the JWs:

Jehovah's Witnesses are more speculative than most denominations when it comes to the second coming of Christ. They believe the millennium is to "shortly happen,"' "within this generation,"' and that "a literal millennium fits in harmoniously with the proved timetable of God."'

Several times they have predicted this advent. They said Jesus would come again in 1874 (which they explain as a miscalculation to be blamed on The Emphatic Diaglott and the King James Version0). Later, believing God's people who survive Armageddon "will be favored with the privilege of literally seeing the resurrected `Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets' back here on the Paradise earth and in royal service under the Kingdom of God,' they said, "Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Issac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews chapter eleven, to the condition of human perfection."' But this event did not happen either.

The most often promoted of their predictions is 1914. They believe Revelation 6 depicts World War I (1914), which "marked the time when . . . Jesus Christ, received the heavenly crown.' But since the church was not glorified in heaven on Oct. 1, 1914, they said, "Something must have been miscalculated."i0 They now say that "since that time (1914 when they believe he was enthroned") Christ has turned his attention toward earth's affairs and is . . . educating the true Christians in preparation for their survival during the great storm of Armageddon, when all unfaithful mankind will be destroyed from the face of the earth.""

They still believe Jesus came and was installed king, but invisibly so. "Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the kingdom is a real government from heaven, that it will rule over the earth, and that Jesus Christ is its appointed invisible king"'' (Isa. 9:6,7, KJ). "Although it occurred invisibly to our human eyes in the heavens, yet it was in the year 1914 . . . that . . . there were given to the `son of man' all that `rulership and dignity and kingdom."'" So they believe that in 1914 Jesus received his crown and began to reign invisibly from heaven as a prelude to the millennium which will come in our generation. Premillennial Proofs Their proof for all of this?

Jesus foretold that this would take place within the generation of those who would witness an extraordinary upheaval in human affairs. Concerning his "presence," Jesus gave a composite "sign" involving such developments as unparalleled warfare, earthquakes, famines, pestilences -- yes, and the worldwide preaching of the good news of God's kingdom (Matt. 24:15; Mk. 13; Lk. 12). Jesus' prophecy involves events taking place right now in our 20th century. Hence, it will not be long before God's kingdom brings grand blessings to mankind. You can be among those to en-joy the benefits of kingdom rule."

So it seems they have abandoned their idea of giving a precise date for the second coming and instead replaced it with a vague concept - 'soon'. How convenient!

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Wed 11/27/19 01:51 PM

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Wed 11/27/19 11:25 AM
All religions are false, as you say. In my opinion, the Catholic Church in particular exists as a control mechanism, with threats of burning in hell if you don't do those things their priests tell you to do. It's not only religions that are false, it is the whole concept of a 'god' which was actually invented by man. Truly, there really is no such thing, it is all in the minds of those who 'believe'.

I read somewhere that the Quan Yin Meditation is actually a money scam and not a serious attempt at doing anything that might be useful to people. I'll have to check that out and get back here. Unless anyone wants to ask mr google?

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Wed 11/27/19 02:06 AM



flowerforyou smooched waving waving

no photo
Wed 11/27/19 01:01 AM
I wish I knew my bible but I have forgotten it all now. There are things said in it - many things - that are flatly contradicted in other parts of it. If I can find some time, I might look into this, but hopefully there are others here who know their bible well enough to provide examples. It is nothing more than a book of illustrative fairy tales. To say that the bible is 'the truth' is a bit like saying that '3rd rock from the sun' (TV series not the album) is 'the truth'!

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Wed 11/27/19 12:54 AM

We can't travel to the Kingdom of heaven because it's not yet in place. Kingdom means rulership and it's not a mind game, but a physical kingdom that will be established here on earth when Christ makes his 2nd coming. Hence the name Kingdom of Heaven, because Christ and 144K of righteous men are going to be the ruling body of that Kingdom.

Ah, I think I recognise the belief of Jehova's Witnesses here. As far as I know they are the only religion that talks about 144 thousand men going to heaven after the second coming. Sorry, women, looks like that doesn't include any of you. The JWs also have great expectations about the second coming. Several times they have predicted a date and they all go into hiding in the mountains, waiting for that day. Someone once asked a JW if they could have his house and car after the second coming as these would be of no use to anyone. Strangely, the JW said no. Can't imagine why, unless of course he wasn't truly convinced, just following what he was told to do.

That second coming didn't happen and when asked why not they muttered something about a mistake in their calculations. Something that has happened several times. Looks like they need a better calculator!

Can I ask, if they have now completed a new calculation? Is there now a new date to look forward to? And is so, may I please have your house and car, as it won't be any use to you after the coming?

I would like to put this date in my diary as I do know several people of the JW persuasion. I will take a bet that none are convinced sufficiently to say yes I can have anything I want. That's because they all know it just isn't going to happen, no matter what their leaders tell them.

Do please publish that date here as soon as it is known.

no photo
Tue 11/26/19 10:15 AM
The bible is full or total contradictions, so nobody can claim it is 'the truth'. Which bit of it is true?

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Tue 11/26/19 10:13 AM
6 0 9

corrected count :thumbsup:

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Tue 11/26/19 01:01 AM
Delicious flowerforyou

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Tue 11/26/19 12:55 AM



:smile: :thumbsup: waving

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