Community > Posts By > bluelady2020

bluelady2020's photo
Fri 07/03/09 10:52 AM are so right, and I did not intend to insult anyone, or for one man's behavior to indicate all men. Some women are like that, too. There are givers and takers. We have to be aware of our own selves before we can make a good choice for a partner. If you only give, soon your well runs dry. If you only take, soon you run out of wells. Balance is necessary.

bluelady2020's photo
Fri 07/03/09 09:59 AM

Welcome to the site.

Madison Avenue has sold many on the "get what you want, RIGHT NOW" idea. Experience teaches people; "life is like a fine wine, meant to be ejoyed."

Thanx...Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is uncertain. Live today. Live each moment.

bluelady2020's photo
Fri 07/03/09 09:56 AM

what happened in between?? tell me tell me

i like stories
...he wasted his time romancing her. She spurned his romance and shelfed his love. He got tired of her silly games and moved on. He ran into a childhood sweetheart and got married after they romanced each other, and they both got their doctorates. They had 2 kids, worked hard, invested wisely, put their beautiful children through college, retired from practice early through frugal living, and bought a quaint winery and orchard up in napa valley, and they lived happily ever after. As for the dillusional princess that spurned his love so long ago? She's on a dating site trying to tell guys how to be romantic. The end.

WRONG!!! He was wonderful for the first 20 years, then decided he was so good at it he had to spread it around.

bluelady2020's photo
Thu 07/02/09 10:14 PM
When your 45 living alone with your dog and wondering why, remember what I wrote.

bluelady2020's photo
Thu 07/02/09 09:55 PM

beer is quicker and easier :thumbsup:

Yeah, and then she pukes on you.:angry:

bluelady2020's photo
Thu 07/02/09 09:41 PM

And they wonder why they are dateless....

Not I...

But do you maintain a relationship?

bluelady2020's photo
Thu 07/02/09 09:38 PM

And they wonder why they are dateless.... point exzctly!

bluelady2020's photo
Thu 07/02/09 09:14 PM
Think they'll actually read it? LOL I'll teach it one man at a time if I have to!frustrated

bluelady2020's photo
Thu 07/02/09 09:08 PM
Thanx...Hope I can do a favor for the women of the world.

bluelady2020's photo
Thu 07/02/09 08:45 PM
I'm recently divorced, and having been on the on line dating circuit for only a few months, have seen a glaring misconception, by men, of what "romance" means to a woman. Big clue,'s NOT sex!
Ever wonder what happened to that great love afair? You stopped being romantic. Why do we need it? I don't have an answer for that, but we DO need it! Have you ever seen a couple in their later years, married for 30, 40, 50 years, and she still looks at him with "googly eyes", they still hold hands? He's not even good looking, what does she see in HIM? It's because he still romances her. He puts on some sensual music while she's cooking dinner, waits for her to have a 'break', takes her in his arms and dances her around the kitchen, maybe plants a soft but lingering kiss(no tongue), and then walks away to let her finish her business. And she just MIGHT turn off the stove and say, "We can eat later.", if you get my drift. The secret? He left her wanting more. It's these little occasional surprises that keeps our motor running. A sweet love note on the pillow, tickets to an affair in her bag, an invitation to meet for lunch or dinner at a favorite or new spot, imagination is the key. It's give and want sex, we want romance. Give us what we need, and we give you what you need. You get what you give....The Romance Guru