Community > Posts By > Schwartz84

Schwartz84's photo
Sun 06/14/09 09:55 PM
Nice poem. Beautiful creative writing.

Schwartz84's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:18 PM
You leaving me here is what I fear the most
I will always remember the times we shared together

You taught me right from wrong
You loved me before I could talk and
I felt your love before I could walk

You were a special person when you were alive
And now you are a special angel living up in the sky

You are a special person living in our hearts
Even though we can not see you
We know you are always here

Angels with tears in their eyes
I pray that you will see
I am going on with my life
In addition, I am happy

I will forever keep you close
I will not forget the happy times that we shared
As the years go by I pray that you
Won't forget me either

So place me in your heart and i will place you in mine
We will never forget when ever we both need a friend
We can count on relatives to lend us a helping hand

Because you will always be remembered but never forgotten

Dedicated to Tony Assan and his daughter Sehat June

Schwartz84's photo
Thu 06/11/09 06:06 PM
Edited by Schwartz84 on Thu 06/11/09 06:07 PM
Dark storm clouds enter my mind
I can't run nor hide
I've tried wishing away these dark memories of mine
But the darkness closes in around me

I know I have the strength, I know I'm stronger than this
I know my mother won't want me to quit
But I know that she would want me to choose my own path in life

I must not dwell on the past for very much longer
If I keep myself in the past
I will never enjoy life as a human being should

I see the dark clouds have not moved
I see no sunshine in my mind
I hear no ringing in my ears
But I can and will change my future

I will come out of my shell
And I will enjoy life
I will thank my mother for giving birth to me
I will thank my father for everything he's done for me
I will thank my aunts and uncles for being there for me
But mostly I will thank my nana for looking after me

Schwartz84's photo
Thu 06/11/09 05:58 PM
I have your hands, I have your love
I have your memories
When you passed away, I thought I had lost you
However, I realise now that you are in my heart

Noone can ever replace you, no matter who they are
You will always forever be my number one star
You belong to me and I to you
You are my sweet angel up in the sky

You came and brought me into this world
Then Anthony and Charmaine
You then decided to become a foster mumu
To care for children and treated them like your own

You are so precious to us all
A treasure to our eyes
Especially to little Albert, Anthony, Charmaine and I

No words can express the pain we all felt when God took you from our sights
I knew from that moment on I'd never see you again

You know we all love you and miss you heaps
I dream about you often as I drift off to sleep
Mother dear watch over us and as time goes by
We will never forget you
Our sweet angel up in the sky

Dedicated to Sehat J Assan

1/12/1936 - 1/08/04

Schwartz84's photo
Thu 06/11/09 02:03 AM
Hear your laughter, see you smile
You're my mother, I'm your child
When it rains, I see you standing there
Then I remember the good times

Two yellow puppies printed on a light rug
Was my special gift from you
Now it's special place for me is kept in my heart

Our friendship will never fade away
Even though I've said farewell
Mother and daughter we will always be
Forever for eternity

I will hold you in my heart
I won't forget your smile
I won't forget you
Just remember that I love you

Schwartz84's photo
Thu 06/11/09 01:53 AM
Ever since you passed away
Oh how I wished that you could have stayed
My love for you will grow every day
My tears in time will fade away
Even tho you were never there for me
You're still my mother, that i can see
I loved you then, I love you now
Please forgive me, I'll never make you want to frown
You loved me in your own special way
Even tho we were apart
You and your love for pokie machines
Will be a lasting memory
You made me laugh, you made me cry
You will always be in my heart
You are a caring, loving person
Sister, aunt, daughter, sister inlaw and mother
We will cherish the memories we have had
I will always love you even in death
Oh mother dear rest in peace
And please know this
"No matter what I'll always hold you in my heart and love you mum I will"
No more tears I will shed
But for you my love will grow
And in heaven you will stay
Watching us grow every single day

Love Always your daughter Stella

For my mother Sehat Assan. Born 1st Dec 63- Passed Away 1st August 04

Schwartz84's photo
Thu 06/11/09 01:39 AM
Black raised his head
Rolling across the sky
Father is angry with his son
Waiting for the hand to fly

The boy ducks and weaves from side to side
Like a rabbit on it's hunt
He wants his father's love but is too afraid
The boy is scared of his father
Like a rabbit in it's cage
Father wants him to grow up but he'd rather play
Hurry, hurry
I hear a storm's a coming
Better scurry safely indoors and pray summer's on it's way

The father opens the door, his face hidden in shadow
He'll teach his son to box tonight
Even if it means giving him a fright
The boy crept out of his hiding place and looks up at his dad
The old man is standing there not moving
Blood trailing down his side

The boy is puzzled at first but then he realises why
Why his father came to him and why he was to die
A crazed gunman was on the loose
He attacked the old man from behind
Aimed the gun at his side
As the start of crystal tears appeared in the boy's eyes

The boy ran through the woods
He wanted to fly away
From all the murders, all the suffering and pain
The farm that he once called home
Was home no more to him
He never wants to go back, he will never return
And now he lives alone beneath the castle walls

The man was dead, the man was gone
The blood was racing through his veins
The sea is now calling him home

Death is a price no one should pay
Murder is a crime
Give us a law that says no guns
Give us a law that says we can be safe
From crazed gunmen out tonight

Schwartz84's photo
Wed 06/10/09 07:56 AM
Hey my name is Stella and im new here. I don't usually use dating sites but this one looked interesting. So thats all from me for now and i hope i have fun here. Later oxoxo

Schwartz84's photo
Wed 06/10/09 07:37 AM
Fridays are coming the weekend's nearly here
No more work is done until Monday draws near

Fridays are free days so are Saturdays and Sundays
Sleeping in and getting up late are what the weekends are all about

Living in the fast lane, staying out til dawn
Meeting all the boys we were afraid to talk to before

I love this weekends, no matter how they turn out
However you can be sure that I will be going out tonight

Schwartz84's photo
Wed 06/10/09 07:21 AM
I'll always remember the way you used to hold me in your arms
I'll always remember how you used to look when you'd smile

Noone can take these memories from us
Noone knows her like we do
She was a lovely woman, she was a scary figure
But no matter what anyone says she will always be our mother

Our mum to whom we love so dear and cherish forever
So until we meet again mother dear
We will forever remember the good old days when you used to laugh and may you always be among us forever more

In Memory Of My Mother Sehat June Assan
1963 - 2004

Schwartz84's photo
Wed 06/10/09 07:10 AM
A whisper of a nameless fate carries on through the land
Questions of what's still to come continue to grow within my mind

My heart's beating, my hands feel cold
Living in this nightmare with no where else to go
Chained to a cold stone wall, crying out in pain

We are the ghosts of the past, present and the future
We are trapped in this mortal world, never to go on, never to be free

We can not go back, we can not move on
We are trapped like time itself has grown a wall around us
We can not get out, they are coming

They are coming, they will find us
They will never stop hunting us
They hurt us with their weapons
They hurt us with their words

Noone can save us, we are doomed to live like this forever
If only we could have brought back our lives as they were

And then maybe we could have been free
Maybe we could have lived like everyone els
In this mortal world

Schwartz84's photo
Mon 06/08/09 05:45 AM
Awwwww thats so sweet!!!

Schwartz84's photo
Mon 06/08/09 05:29 AM
That Is So True.

Schwartz84's photo
Mon 06/08/09 05:15 AM
That is so sweet reminds me of the friends that i've lost but are always in my heart.

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