Topic: Killing Is A Crime
Schwartz84's photo
Thu 06/11/09 01:39 AM
Black raised his head
Rolling across the sky
Father is angry with his son
Waiting for the hand to fly

The boy ducks and weaves from side to side
Like a rabbit on it's hunt
He wants his father's love but is too afraid
The boy is scared of his father
Like a rabbit in it's cage
Father wants him to grow up but he'd rather play
Hurry, hurry
I hear a storm's a coming
Better scurry safely indoors and pray summer's on it's way

The father opens the door, his face hidden in shadow
He'll teach his son to box tonight
Even if it means giving him a fright
The boy crept out of his hiding place and looks up at his dad
The old man is standing there not moving
Blood trailing down his side

The boy is puzzled at first but then he realises why
Why his father came to him and why he was to die
A crazed gunman was on the loose
He attacked the old man from behind
Aimed the gun at his side
As the start of crystal tears appeared in the boy's eyes

The boy ran through the woods
He wanted to fly away
From all the murders, all the suffering and pain
The farm that he once called home
Was home no more to him
He never wants to go back, he will never return
And now he lives alone beneath the castle walls

The man was dead, the man was gone
The blood was racing through his veins
The sea is now calling him home

Death is a price no one should pay
Murder is a crime
Give us a law that says no guns
Give us a law that says we can be safe
From crazed gunmen out tonight