$96 Billion More for War
My nephew spent 18 months in Iraq. He came home last fall. Now hes fixing to go to Afghanistan. At least if he gets killed in Afghanistan I'll know it was fighting those who attacked us instead of for Bush and Cheney's personal vendetta. It will make the difference between being pissed and angry, and pride with grief! I hear what you are saying. But i think i'd still be a bit pissed as we never fought in Afganistan to our capability. If the powers that be wanted an outcome for that war, we would have been done in a matter of months, not decades. Kinda like Vietnam in a way. It's the politicians that don't seem to want us to win. We had the capability, we had the technology, and we have the man-power. Like Vietnam, we win every battle, but seem to be losing the war regardless. Cheers to your nephew's service to this country. ![]() ![]() ![]() Cheers to you sir. For this comment, and your other in regards to taxes. Vietnam is such a great point. Every time we conquered a hill or a valley, we would retreat and let them take it over again. I believe there was one hill specifically the we captured over 50 times. Why do they let the wars go on and on? Listen to former President Dwight Eisenhower in his farewell address to the nation. I'll find ya a link people; Hear it in his own words. War is big $$$ for some |
$96 Billion More for War
The taliban is in Pakistan anyway. the Taliban is now pretty much broken , we destroyed them in the first few months of fighting. the problem now i believe are the Iraqis that see us as invaders of their homeland and are fighting back , in other words they are doing what people here would probably do if we were invaded by a foreign nation. we dont even have solid proof osama had pulled off 911 , he is wanted as a suspect sure but who can say that some one in the govt isnt helping a: hide b:helped him pull it off after all back in the 80's our govt funded Osama bin laden and gave him guns and ammo from what i have learned. Not only are we not sure that Osama was responsible, we're pretty sure he WASN'T. The 'smoking gun' video that shows him talking about 9-11 is a proven fake. For goodness sake, in the video he is wearing a golden ring (strictly forbidden by his muslim beliefs). also, computer programs have shown that it's clearly not him by analyzing the distance from this bridge of his nose to his chin (and other elements of his face). The most interesting thing is; Osama Bin Laden HIMSELF claims that he had nothing to do with it. He was super happy about it, and was even more happy that we were going to send troops to fight on their home turf. But he didn't do it. Who did? Idk, but time will likely tell. |
$96 Billion More for War
And this is worthy of a post here why??? There are political forums at numerous places Awwww, someone is just mad cause their candidate lied to them. |
so because ted bundy should be allowed to have children? because he went to law school? as if we don't have enough evil (read lawyers) in society Ok, now I'm confused. What is your stance on this issue? I thought you were arguing in FAVOR of conrolled birth. |
I'm letting this one drop. Certainly, it is not worth my time. It's always fun to make an arguement, and have a battle of wits, but this one is just too utopian for me. It's a fun idea, and I think any intelligent person has, at some point, wished that it were reality. I know how angry I sometimes get over a person's stupidity. But again, IQ as a direct correlation of genetics is not something that be accurately predicted. What if two smart people give birth to a mentally challenged individual? What do you do then? Dangit, I said I was done with this haha. Hard to turn off the water once it gets flowing. |
Just a matter of word play.
They didn't tell her they tortured, because they don't view it as torture. Just enhanced techinques. of course, when the Japanese waterboarded Americans in WWII, THEN it was torture and they were tried for War crimes. "America is the home of the hypocrite" - The Violent Femmes |
like i said greater good Sounds good. Move to China |
Edited by
Mon 05/18/09 08:41 AM
7 make it a privilege to have children not a right. make i.q. a determining factor for birth rights. that way there will be a) less stupid people, which will lead to b) lower crime rate, which will end up at c) a higher standard of living. It is a priviledge AND a right. Seriously, I don't want to belittle you, but what is your arguement here? We should have government agencies sterilize people if their IQ is below a certain level? Who chooses the level? What about the fact that IQ shows a correlation to race? Should the Jewish population have a higher curve for their determining factor. I'm sure that with a little thought you can see my point. If you can't, well; maybe you'll be one of the first ones on the sterilization table. = ) |
The Left Abandons Obama
Inevitable... I wonder if politicians honestly believe they can make a difference when they are campaigning and then realize once they are in office they can't deliver...or if they are lying from the beginning. Sweetheart they are lying from the beginning. Obama is nothing but a talking figurehead. I just can't believe that our population is stupid enough that every 4 years we elect someone based on their promise of CHANGE. That's why we elect every president. Clinton was supposed to bring change in labor laws and exporting jobs, then he threw us into the WTO crapped all over the Unions that got him elected. Bush was supposed to bring change, take us back to constitutional law. Then we were 'attacked' by 'terrorists' and suddenly we have the USA Patriot Act. Basically, as a result, we no longer are a constitutional democracy. Now Obama gets elected. He promised so much change that people had a hard time remember what everything was. Then he appoints the same damn people who have been running this country into the ground as his cabinet members. No candidate that is hyped in the media is going to be a candidate for you. You want to find the guy/girl that is REALLY going to fight for you, and make your life better; then find the candidate that is scorned and ridiculed in the media. Look at Ron Paul for example. I didn't vote for him, but I was appalled at the way the media handled him. They actually called him and his supporters "WACKOS" over and over again. Why? Because he kept saying we're doing things wrong, and we need to fix things NOW, quickly before it's too late. Instead, a bunch of people who know ZERO about Economics and Foreign Policy turned on their TV sets, listened to the lies, and voted Obama into office. WAKE UP, TURN OFF YOUR TV, READ A BOOK. Gain knowledge. Otherwise, shut your mouth because you're the one who is ruining this country. Stop blaming the politicians, you elected them. Note: this rant is not aimed at anyone on this thread. It is a general statement to the kind of people who vote without knowledge. (Well, if I could have a Beer with any candidate it would be Bush. He's got my vote). You reap what you sow. |