Community > Posts By > sreeragnr

sreeragnr's photo
Wed 09/23/15 07:45 AM
Earth religion is a term used mostly in the context of neopaganism.

Earth-centered religion or nature worship is a system of religion based on the veneration of natural phenomena. It covers any religion that worships the earth, nature, or fertility gods and goddesses, such as the various forms of goddess worship or matriarchal religion. Some find a connection between earth-worship and the Gaia hypothesis. Earth religions are also formulated to allow one to utilize the knowledge of preserving the earth.

Freedom of Religion includes mine.
I do not judge do not sacrifice living things or worship Satan.
My religion is based on nature, and that everyone is responsible for their tolerance for everyone should be encouraged everywhere.
Blessed be

sreeragnr's photo
Wed 09/23/15 07:31 AM
Dear There are people in earth who don't believe in gods and idol worships. There in some places of earth which is yet to be discovered by normal humans where nomadic tribes still exist and who worship nature. Think before we started worshipping God the actual fear was nature.

sreeragnr's photo
Wed 09/23/15 07:31 AM
Dear There are people in earth who don't believe in gods and idol worships. There in some places of earth which is yet to be discovered by normal humans where nomadic tribes still exist and who worship nature. Think before we started worshipping God the actual fear was nature.

sreeragnr's photo
Mon 09/21/15 12:27 PM
to be very honest harmony, unity, solace, care and love is truly invisible person in current fast technology driven :earth_africa:

sreeragnr's photo
Mon 09/21/15 12:21 PM
well we are born from womb of mother and here to live in earth we need a certain reason.... We as individuals live life for happiness and if it comes for family then too we live for happiness and if it comes to community then we live again for happiness and peace...
think about the real goal of identifying the creator then it's a unique task if all human beings and community come hand in hand and trust each other equally then we can identify the following below invisible person


which indirectly leads to find the infinite creator of nature

for these even our ancestors couldn't find unity let we as human beings come together hand in hand heart to heart and find soul of creator of universe in unique thought... it's time comes before mother nature be strong upon us....

sreeragnr's photo
Mon 09/21/15 11:35 AM
it's said old has experience and new ones are genuine and fresh..
but even assumed girls get fast matured and boys tend to get more time to get matured in sense of desire for human growth in short sex hormone too..
women's above forty have a special place for men below 30 and men's tend to be gentle and caring for respect and desire..

women's above fifty and sixty has very delicious and delicate experience and knowledge and men below 40 and thirty are thirsty to get a wink of it..

maybe at end its a desire and lonely nature where age difference don't matter but mentality and heart loving nature is given respect to all desire and love to every heart in mingle 2
sreerag nair from india

sreeragnr's photo
Mon 09/21/15 11:21 AM
I believe the dictionary term of fiction is involved in science and in religion too but both are having contradictory meaning in its own use

sreeragnr's photo
Mon 09/21/15 11:13 AM
religion and science are two contradictory tools but based in same platform. religion has worship and science has fiction and miracle. Moreover religion needs ethics and God and worship but science need conclusion and experiment. Enjoy your religion in one way is difficult all God cannot be one but all science are based on one fundamental and principles. it's a unique definition earth was created for experiment of God to test the patience of human beings and it's soul to identify the conclusion of the inert peace of mind and spirit of body to get silence of true worship. sun and it's deepest spot to identify it's original and creator of same is a great scientists name God but religion is a tool which is a obstacle for human being.

sreeragnr's photo
Mon 09/21/15 11:04 AM
we came up with stories and fable.... We are evolved by monkey men and apes but yes prior to that universal theory something must have exploded to create a earth and human and animals in earth

sreeragnr's photo
Mon 09/21/15 08:35 AM
my ancestors and maybe your ancestors were only in one believe that is nature and it's super power. they only feared nature and worshipped nature
why is trend of believe in God came across....

sreeragnr's photo
Wed 08/19/15 11:18 AM
I like lesbian girls it depends on criteria for what kind of preference u keep in group