Community > Posts By > vindy

vindy's photo
Thu 05/03/07 05:36 PM
Thank y'all!!

vindy's photo
Thu 05/03/07 05:07 AM
Hearts’ Door

Dim shadows of the lamp
Cast upon ecru page
Time is quickly passing now
Another year of age
Solitude is welcomed
And met with open arms
Setting out to “find” true love
Can only end in harm
For when we seek we shall not find
All we’re looking for
Tis best Not to look
Just let it knock upon our own hearts door.


vindy's photo
Thu 05/03/07 05:06 AM
It took me several years to be able to sit down and write this. But when
I finally did, I could not stop writing! lol

For My Best Friend

I was seven you were nine when we came to be
The mean little boy who lived next door,
Who always pestered me.
You threw a rock and hit my head
Which made me wail in pain
I kicked your shin, you laughed at me
From there a friend was made.
Our parents said..”You kids play nice!”
Lest punishment you’ll see
We never really thought about
How great of friends we would be
Both of us only children, in our world alone
A yearning for a sibling
That we could call our own.
I had my toys and you had yours
Yet shared a common ground
We learned to appreciate
Just what a friend we both had found.
We rode together upon our steeds
And laughed along the way
I barreled, you roped, you fell I laughed
All done from day to day
The years did fly and came a time
That you got your first cool ride
A 1970 chevelle and a girlfriend by your side
You never did forget, your adopted little sis
Who was totally appalled,
When I saw you give your gal a kiss
You were growing faster than I was at the time
I was still the tomboy, no boyfriend did I find
You graduated high school in 1973
And went into the service
Oh how could my buddy just up and leave?
I was out two years later and off to college then
Never did a day go by where I did not miss my friend
The years passed again so quickly
And on that special day, you were with my father
When it was time to give me away
We had our special moment, right before the big event
You cried and said, “I love you sis”
To me you’re heaven sent.
The next time that I saw those tears,
Was when my first was born.
Her daddy said, “here uncle Keith”
Hold this little one.
Years passed again, another child would fill her uncle’s hands
More tears were shed, more toys were bought
What would we do about this man!!!
Your size was tall your look was gruff,
With a heart of solid gold
You wanted children of your own
Yet could have none you were told
The next time I saw you sob
My marriage had fell apart.
You sat with me for days on end
Consoling my broken heart.
You were the best friend I ever had
Of this you can be sure
More than that you were a brother,
Whose intentions good and pure.
You met your love and said your vows
The happiest I had seen
The next time that you shed a tear
Was when you pulled out that wedding ring.
All who loved you knew
A mistake was in the making
The girl was not in love with you
Just there to do the taking
We painted on our smiles that day
It was your time to shine
I was there for you my friend as you were there for mine.
As previously predicted,
This gal she broke your heart
Promising to be there for you
And to never to depart
I sat with you for days on end, reflecting what had been
The tables turned this time
It was you that needed a friend.
More years did pass as they always do
Guys would ask me out but had to get though you.
Standing six foot seven a bear of a man
Was a bit much for some to take
So they simply said “no maam”
I tried to tell these perspective beaus; oh he’s a *****cat!
They would simply say, “your nuts” he can kick my ass!
I lost so many dates because of you
And was so very very angry
But you were right nine times out of ten
Just looking out for me.
You were there in 87, the day my father died
Again consoling me for all the days I cried.
In 1988, in me they found the “great big C”
You said to me, “Hey sis you’re going to beat this thing.”
No way are you leaving me!
Well because of you and my children
And the good lord up above
I did win that war, yet not without your support and love.
People never understood, what kind of bond we shared
They thought we were “meant to be”
And we replied, EGAD!
We were no different from any childhood friends
Close to one another
You had the little sis you wanted, and I had my big brother
I moved away in late 88,
A little over one hundred miles
You’d ride your HD to come see us
And share a million smiles
In 98 I got a call from your mother, “please come home”
“He’s had a wreck on that damned bike”
Her voice was urgent on the phone.
I left my office and grabbed my girls
And on my way I went
To bust your chops a little while, not knowing full extent.
I got to the hospital a bit past eight on that dreaded night.
Not prepared for what I saw at all
Fight damned you fight!
Three days I stayed while you slept, not to be awakened.
I cried and reflected back on all the journeys we had taken.
On day three your eyes did open
Thank God I said aloud!
He is going to make it, he has lifted from this cloud.
A tear ran down from your cheek, as you faintly made a hiss
Your half-****ed smile came through when you said
“I really love you sis”
With that it was all over, you had left me on my own
To face this world without you,
Friend and brother that I had known.
The drunk that did not see you, was slapped upon the wrist
Out eighteen months later!
Now, isn’t that a twist.

Victoria 11/05

vindy's photo
Wed 05/02/07 08:46 PM
Thank you..thank you very much!

vindy's photo
Wed 05/02/07 07:42 PM
Thank you Boom...Thank you LAMom

vindy's photo
Wed 05/02/07 07:22 PM
He smiles at her warmly through tear filled eyes
Dreading the thought of saying goodbye
His mind drifts back to another place and time
When he said to her “my dear please be mine”
He opened a box upon bended knee
Her eyes welled with tears yet twinkled with glee

The years flew by so fast so happy they were
He knew he held the world when he was with her
She loved him like no other he had known
For in her arms he had found his home
They met when most considered mid life
He knew the moment he saw her he would make her his wife

The years passed quickly much too quickly indeed
Gray in her hair, his starting to recede
She still saw in him the most handsome man
Smiled lovingly and longingly while holding his hand
Non-verbal she was at this point in time
Yet her eyes said to him, all would be fine

He sat by her side reciting a poem
Of the time that he made her his very own
She struggled to speak yet no words were found
He looked over at her a single tear trickled down
She looked up at him and mustered a smile
He felt her emit “love you my darling see you in awhile”.

The house felt so empty what would he do
How could this happen I must be with you
He sat in his chair her sweater in hand
Out of the pocket fell, her wedding band
Attached was a note tied with a bow
I love you my darling more than you know
You brought to me a wonderful life
No happier time did I have than being your wife
A man so gentle, so loving and true
I found all these things when I found you
You must let me go now hold onto this band
Bring it with you when you come and put it back on my hand

He could not fight back uncontrollable tears
He longed to go back to the beginning of those 30 years
When he held her at night and sometime she cried
Tears of joy just to be at his side
How could anyone love so deep and so long
He found in her his sense to belong

He smiled as he thought of a time in the day
When stuck in her hair was pieces of hay
He chuckled out loud as he remembered that time
Good God I miss her will I ever find
That beautiful angel that once was mine

They found him on her pillow they say
One year since her passing to that very day
He went in his sleep and clutched in his hand
A crumpled up note and her wedding band
Everyone knew and stopped on a dime
A love like they shared was forgotten in time.

Some say that on that day of the year
A faint whisper can be heard…
I love you my dear

vic 06

vindy's photo
Wed 05/02/07 06:10 PM

Silent words cast upon blank page
The meaning of life comes with age
A beautiful sonnet can grip the heart
Yet distance in miles can tear it apart
A soul intertwined to become as one
A heart yearning to find its home
Whispers upon a gentle wind
Trying to find my way home again
Heartfelt smiles and gentle kisses
Two strong arms to find my peace in
A loving heart with kindness aim
Compassion and truth not full of game
To be as one with someone dear
To know with them there is no fear
A single glance can say so much
One need not make a lot of fuss
A soft touch means more than words
The heart feels what goes unheard
All of these things I do so long for
Finding the one to touch my core
Only God knows if this shall be
And with that said, perhaps he will find me

Vic 06

vindy's photo
Wed 05/02/07 06:05 PM
Be Thankful

I am not going to gripe and moan
We all have problems enough of our own
The trials we endure along the way
Help us grow stronger yet another day

Be thankful for what you have been blessed
Keep in mind someone always has less
To some material belongings seem to fit like a glove
Yet they are lacking in the ability to love

Some have lost what it is like to really feel
Living their lives with no real zest or zeal
It is the little things in life that are indeed free
That does not work for some, but it does work for me

A simple wild flower plucked out of the ground
Says so much, “I am glad you’re around.”
A three minute call in the mid of the day
To say that you are thought of in a special way

All of this is so easy if one would just take a stand
Reach out to each other, and offer a kind hand
Yet life swallows some whole and bitterness grows
I for one, will not be like that when I grow old

Vic 2/14/07

vindy's photo
Sat 04/21/07 09:55 AM did you get that pic of my ex?