follow jesus
Inappropriate post.. Im surprised the moderators have not removed this for promoting Religious beliefs... NOT the place or time The post was indeed moved to religious. Which, makes it both the place and well, in my humble opinion it is almost always the time. The promotion of religious beliefs (while they should remain in their designated board) however in of itself is not inappropriate in the slightest. Censorship of one trying to share their beliefs though in a simple statement? THAT is inappropriate! As a fairly conservative Christian, yes I do take offense to certain beliefs such as Atheism or any of the extremist believers out their within their own respective religions (Christianity included). However I am more offended by the censorship placed upon those people and myself for what we believe. Disregarding who might be right and who may be wrong, everyone has the equal God given right, and responsibility even, to voice their beliefs. Anyone who does less then that or tries to reinforce silencing those they disagree with are just causing far more harm than good. While there are those who cut each other down with the words they say, if we silence even those people who speak out of hate, we force them to rot in their own stew of loathing. So rather than hold our tongues, or tell people they need to be saved, or berate them for believing something that we deem foolish, we should at the very least approach them with the viewpoint of wanting to understand them. You don't need to agree with them. But loving them by showing them respect is the first step towards understanding. And then on my own personal note, as a believer in Christ, I feel that loving the other person is the best way to bring them closer to Christ. Telling them to pray to Christ if they don't understand him or what he is (the Son of God) then of course they are going to have an adverse, negative reaction! Or to simply sum up everything I just said, love your neighbor as you love yourself. If you have respect for yourself and your neighbor, you will love them right. So no matter what they believe. Don't scorn them. It will only further drive them away from your viewpoint. |
follow jesus
All good fun and humor aside, it is nice to see a non aggressive response to a Jesus thread.
Wading through Youtube comments is like walking out on a battlefield after the battle. Too much carnage. |
Intelligence or beauty
Intelligence. Beauty. Stable Mind.
You can only have two out of three. Have fun choosing! |