Community > Posts By > cherokeescupid

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Sat 07/14/07 05:57 PM
I even posted there has got to be another way.

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Sat 07/14/07 05:56 PM
Ive got on & need two more.

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Sat 07/14/07 04:15 PM
To all the other 49 states. I'll drink to that.

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Sat 07/14/07 01:49 PM
Go to your account then setting's then change password.

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Sat 07/14/07 11:51 AM
No Alberta. Alberta peaches.

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Sat 07/14/07 11:46 AM
It sounds like you married the wrong Gary. Did you guess the name we carry? It isn't a real common name. That's what makes this so wierd & unique.

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Sat 07/14/07 10:42 AM
We carry names of a providence in Canada hint where they grow peaches named for it.

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Sat 07/14/07 10:34 AM
We meet her in justsayhi. And became friends then found out we have the same first names. I think that friendship showd be one to last till the day one or the other dies Or it could be even wierde & uniqe if we die the same day.

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Sat 07/14/07 10:23 AM
Meeting and becoming friends. Typo in title.

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Sat 07/14/07 10:21 AM
How wierd and unique is that? Post you comments.

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Fri 07/13/07 06:48 PM
I like that one UK it is a nice way to put it.

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Fri 07/13/07 05:09 PM
OMG that one is really good. LOL.

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Fri 07/13/07 04:16 PM
Tell him your not loose to get his hands off & deal with it. Hi Stanne

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Fri 07/13/07 03:06 PM
I'll drink to that. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy

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Fri 07/13/07 10:09 AM
That seams to hit it right on. Real cute UK.

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Fri 07/13/07 10:05 AM
I have to agree with everyone here scaterbrain. LOL.

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Thu 07/12/07 01:36 PM
They are both equally painful.

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Thu 07/12/07 01:34 PM
The same still stands but follow your male intuition it will never fail you. Or common sense or what ever you want to call it.

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Thu 07/12/07 01:18 PM
That is so sweet UK and I agree.

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Thu 07/12/07 01:07 PM
I'm sorry too I'm totally humilliated. I didn't realize you were a guy.