wildernessnick59's photo
Sun 07/05/15 05:39 PM
Been looking for over two decades for that special lady that thrives in a pristine wilderness location...I have no illusions as to how difficult my quest is....she must be. .000000000000001 percent of the worlds population but I have faith one day we will meet!!!

wildernessnick59's photo
Fri 07/03/15 04:15 PM
I'm a Sagittarian...

wildernessnick59's photo
Fri 07/03/15 04:09 PM
Like everyone...I would like to meet that special person in my life! A woman that is a country gal, doesn't worry about getting dirty thrives in a wilderness setting and living off grid! The landscape surrounding my home is spectacular...snow-capped mountains across the lake....

wildernessnick59's photo
Fri 07/03/15 03:53 PM
This BC, Canadian outdoorsman and adventurer is looking for that European lady who can thrive in a pristine wilderness location nestled amongst snow-capped mountains at 5,000 feet above sea level on the Chilcotin Plateau. Do you know someone who fits this description?

wildernessnick59's photo
Fri 07/03/15 02:04 PM
What are my talents....the answer is I am a published author and an artist...that's the creativity within...tradewise carpenter, electrician and plumber all rolled up into the jack of all trades...

I write erotica with over fifty stories all waiting to find the right audience for a book....there must be a niche for my talent but where to look???

wildernessnick59's photo
Fri 07/03/15 01:54 PM
Happiness is living in the Canadian wilderness far from the nearest town...wonder how many women could actually live this lifestyle?

wildernessnick59's photo
Fri 07/03/15 01:51 PM
Are there any red headed green eyed women out in this grand world of ours that may be interested in a simple life? Where out on the Canadian Frontier...

wildernessnick59's photo
Fri 07/03/15 01:46 PM
Just another guy out in BC's wilderness looking for a decent chat...Does anyone get it....Living a simple life...a spiritual connection with Mother Nature?? Nick

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