US Debt - Pay your share.
If you study all of human history of the use and application of government or its lack... ... and you are NOT insistently biased to begin with... ... you will discover that there has never been an idyllic time or place, anywhere, ever. This is not due to any particular FAULT in humanity, it is due to the very nature of existence itself, which is to say, that it is always changing. Owing to that constant change, even with entirely brilliant leadership, no permanent single solution will ever work for an extended period of time. And since another basic fact of existence is, that the inhabitants of the world (including on a very localized basis) are always a very mixed lot, there CAN NEVER be a single approach which will be ideal for everyone. All that means that life under any system, will involve a certain amount of work, that a certain number of exceptions to the primary system be allowed, and that a certain number of unavoidable consequences be accepted. What modern day Laissez Faire capitalists (i.e. those who righteously proclaim that all government "interference" with business is "bad") either ignore, or lie to everyone about, is that in all societies and times when governments DID NOT attempt to regulate business, the results (due to humans not being universally angelic) were rather unpleasant for most people. Humans are not NATURALLY honest and honorable. Some are, by dint of self-discipline, but they are very much in the minority. With no universal sense of honor, products and services are misrepresented, and justice is entirely dependent on each person's personal strength, and ability to commit greater violent acts against others, than can be committed against them. That is WHY there have always been governments created, and why all governments have come to regulate business. This same nature-of-existence factors is also why all attempts to solve human life problems through 100% governments (communism, theocracies, and other dictatorships) have ALSO always failed. Just as lack of any government requires 100% perfect humans to work, 100% government setups require 100% perfect humans always being in charge everywhere, in order to work. then that's why those policys run.........but factors always due to varly tpye showing to the current it self then? the will be thousands way to solving the same sistituations but only under how people thinking right? there is no pill of regret in this world so goverment always advantage their policys. by neccesart means they're seek the most effective way to solving ever issues but missing the true enviroment it self some time. combine these'll know why i researching the history of commenwealth. there'is always one political tatical point can handle many of them but return to the ancient people always conclusion as god's will. for example if some one try to shooting at you by reasons is there any way any idea to deal with such kind of trouble?(the sistituation is the gunner not realy want to shoot you) ![]() |
The Divider in Chief
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Sun 07/10/16 04:40 AM
Uncle Soros has given him the Marching Orders when he was elected to the US Senate! Uncle Soros is also funding the BLM and the New Black Panthers. Yep,just a beneficial old goodnatured Uncle,owner of the Democrat-Party! ![]() easy....friend.....maybe it's about some process missing when they hire the cops and association millitary members......something already scar on the "tree" before the war isn't it? then whos to blame? boil down to the point it's kind of culture impact before they've handle the mass immigration they should consern......the same sistituation also happening in china but luckly the goverment already make out the bill the citizen can't carring personal weapons in china so that's the different between china and usa.......just go get a cup of coffee both a shower for your self...... ![]() |
US Debt - Pay your share.
Edited by
Sun 07/10/16 04:08 AM
and the old dude trump still have chance to reform the southern border administation reform more or less i do belive no one want to see that after kind of wave flooding there will be another crim control crisis happening around those area.....the tax men should deserve what they've deserve isn't it??
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US Debt - Pay your share.
and try to ask your self how many bad contracts within these total 16047829865269 dollat personal debts......both unhealthy international cooporation projects and bussiness......then is that brexit is right or wrong? no one can charge........
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US Debt - Pay your share.
60052586077159 dollar means you can using these money to build a new country.......see that? the total national debts sum..........
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US Debt - Pay your share.
and see that? even tax rate are more smaller then the debt rate as the war on terror started to finish......"War" the most expensive administration activities in this world......but even due to this sistituation still many student try to learn the art of millitary LOL strange? cool.......XD
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US Debt - Pay your share.
need to get Government out of the Economy! Separation of State and Economy,similar to the Separation of the State and Church! Stop Government from picking Losers and Winners! (can hear Lobbyists softly crying in the background ![]() then that's how confidencial will.....but will you? some theorial items already showing us the "anti-slavery" is illegal but who shall? it's too complicate when you set foot in the area of what econimiy is due to it's free will offers. back to the ancient there will be a family or tribals then only things you need to do is work for the clan then the clan will supporting your daily needs but now time is fleet things are change friends if you do so again those "soclialist" will call you as a slave. what else will you gona do? also by the whole social combine as one nation there're business duty and connects between every one so it can't be get the goverment out of the economy. it's the great chain showing us that no one can leaving it. unless there will be totaly liberation wave flooding the whole world pushing people go back to the original social and living under the traditional way will there shall be? since the west opening the mysterial east gate of trade it all begans.....mybe you should reserch the commonwealth history back to those age. i've reading many article about it's chasing back to those day i've working as a sailor on the pcific oceanry company. onece their chasing it's to solving such kind of globle and national econimical problem. but fact still the fact.....when people had oppened that pandora box they should consern about this issue but they won't then as the great sailing ager came.......... ![]() |
troopers in motion....... no one like the stabe bor. then when the rage reach that point.....bang! it just happen like this.
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US Debt - Pay your share.
Edited by
Sat 07/09/16 11:38 PM
cashes only the way you afforting daily normal life in the city but back to the village there can be sources that garantee your daily life. by this title about the debts we should try to consentrate on the debts it self how it exsiting but not why it existing. most people living in the normal ways but some them are won't like "the renting life" so that's the point why politician want to control the bad projects both contracts. because by the original ways is none money growing foods but farmers did it.
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Guess Who! ![]() |
Great. I'm a Mutant!
unless one day our holy sun totaly contains only H2O, try to get use to one can escape from the truth......
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Olympics: Hell In Rio
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he is not a robot more or less.......people get tire robots won't......
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Brexit Vote Updates
what's the truth the brexit bring to us? 1, many people living in the england event don't know wth is EU or E and U。 2, the marketing keep growing after the decision of brexit had been done。 3,the pound globle value exhcarge turn low。 4, nothing agly had happen in england after brexit。 5,the border control of enland become more effecincive。 6, people whom with no job daily life's aim still as usual back to the EEU time。 7, no one try to yell to our lovly queen in this world after brexit......... ![]() ![]() "englishs eat pork.....sigh~~~~~don't telling the dave.england he don't get it........." ![]() i would reply but i've got no idea what it means ![]() his translating-Software messed up again! ![]() nope i never using translating software to communicate with ![]() ![]() |
Brexit Vote Updates
what's the truth the brexit bring to us? 1, many people living in the england event don't know wth is EU or E and U。 2, the marketing keep growing after the decision of brexit had been done。 3,the pound globle value exhcarge turn low。 4, nothing agly had happen in england after brexit。 5,the border control of enland become more effecincive。 6, people whom with no job daily life's aim still as usual back to the EEU time。 7, no one try to yell to our lovly queen in this world after brexit......... ![]() ![]() "englishs eat pork.....sigh~~~~~don't telling the dave.england he don't get it........." ![]() i would reply but i've got no idea what it means ![]() ![]() |
Brexit Vote Updates
Edited by
Tue 07/05/16 07:37 PM
Possibilities To Leave The EU. France Netherlands Italy Austria Hungary Finland Portugal Slovakia. 40% of pop (or more) in favor of referendum Sweden Poland Belgium Spain Germany ![]() Devil at Home? ‘Project Fear’ pins UK troubles on Brexit 03:17- RT News (July 1, 2016) Any pre existing problem, much of media seems to be blaming Brexit. (As if they just learned the word) ![]() as the fact it is some people can't live with out loans debts but some people won't then the second one are more then the first one........unless some one can giving kind of totaly EUE reforms......but i don't think those company step on the higher level will like to see that happen....... ![]() then it happen again....but no production made in uk sales at local......atleast where i've living. ![]() ![]() |
Brexit Vote Updates
noo.... it's the list that what did not change since brexit beging.....
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Brexit Vote Updates
Edited by
Tue 07/05/16 06:25 AM
what's the truth the brexit bring to us?
1, many people living in the england event don't know wth is EU or E and U。 2, the marketing keep growing after the decision of brexit had been done。 3,the pound globle value exhcarge turn low。 4, nothing agly had happen in england after brexit。 5,the border control of enland become more effecincive。 6, people whom with no job daily life's aim still as usual back to the EEU time。 7, no one try to yell to our lovly queen in this world after brexit......... ![]() ![]() "englishs eat pork.....sigh~~~~~don't telling the dave.england he don't get it........." ![]() |
is true Geraldo Rivera is right. a A.M.assault rife like that are about 30 bullet per magazine but why they don't fight back? what had happen in the club? they have knife bottons and chair and...... there. then occurs people around here something now? i don't want to diging in such kind of topic any more. it is kind of spirit losses when open such kind of chichap box. isn't it?
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if a country is strong enough why it needs the hackers?
![]() strange huh? if i've reading kind of news like this in decade ago will gona totaly suprise, but now events like this is more like some kind of joke and show....... ![]() |