Community > Posts By > Classyjeff

Classyjeff's photo
Sun 10/21/07 03:53 PM
(creations) im sorry someone took your purse. remember those who do bad will have it turned back to them in time... sometimes i think the world is full of shady people

Classyjeff's photo
Sun 10/14/07 05:31 PM
i am just bugging out again.. trying to figure out what is next in my life to do and can't find a way to succeed. and the one thing that was keeping me going is now slowly becoming less fun and im scared i might just lose my mind

Classyjeff's photo
Tue 10/02/07 09:02 PM
go rent steve martins the jerk
its good

Classyjeff's photo
Tue 10/02/07 09:01 PM
after i graduated high school, i went to college and it took me a little longer to finish with my bachelors (which is what i wanted). now that i do i cant seam to find a job that isnt working at a convince store. Add to that i haven't had a date in well longer than im ashamed to say.. every time i try to improve myself either personally or professionally it just seams to blow up in my face.

Classyjeff's photo
Tue 10/02/07 08:55 PM
What do you do when you believe that you have lost faith?

Classyjeff's photo
Tue 10/02/07 07:18 AM
not really around here the only self help group is the caddy to the bar.
its just im not where i want to be
i got my bachelors and cant find a job so im working where i dont want to be and i feel unappercaited and out of place

Classyjeff's photo
Mon 10/01/07 10:44 PM
ya things might pick up
i could use some prayer or whatever your god is
things are eh and im not handling them well

Classyjeff's photo
Mon 10/01/07 09:23 PM
where did creations fire go?

Classyjeff's photo
Tue 09/25/07 08:01 AM
*crawls under my rock with a nice big cup of coffe and the Want adds.*

Classyjeff's photo
Sat 09/22/07 05:52 AM
eh... bad guy on our side bad guy on thier side.. all bad guys
rather him than chavez/castro (he ight be a zombie)/the iran dude/kim jon funky hairdoo...

power corrupts.
oh well
learn to live with it
machine is to big, ya wont stop it.

Classyjeff's photo
Sat 09/22/07 05:47 AM
*sneaks in, gets a pot of coffe for work and hides under my rock*

Classyjeff's photo
Fri 09/21/07 01:10 PM
(crawls in finds my rock and buries myself under it)

Classyjeff's photo
Wed 09/19/07 08:40 PM
alot of the stuff that was core in diablo 2.. (skills/tallents/classes) were brought into WOW...

Classyjeff's photo
Sun 09/16/07 12:12 PM
Mrs. Pac man

Classyjeff's photo
Thu 09/13/07 10:14 AM
firefox plus noscript =love

Classyjeff's photo
Tue 09/11/07 09:37 PM
i want a key chain to
and for your idea.. i dont know where the nice single girls are..
all the ones i know are with someone or engaged/marryed

Classyjeff's photo
Tue 09/11/07 09:27 PM
anyone know know any good photoshop tutorial websites.

Classyjeff's photo
Tue 08/28/07 07:28 AM
does everyone believe that god has a plan for you. I do but i also believe that his time frame is not that what we want. and that we have to understand that and be content with what we have.

Classyjeff's photo
Sun 08/19/07 05:02 AM
i just checked it and its like a on load thing when my comp loads or something
it goes away after a second
just a curisoity

Classyjeff's photo
Sat 08/18/07 08:42 PM
i notice that when i click down on the scroll (middle button) on my mouse that sometimes the icon that shows which way i can move doesn't show but a loading box

is anything up

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