Community > Posts By > Sarcasticone

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Wed 04/29/09 07:44 PM
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Wed 04/29/09 06:41 PM

In my hands,

Tired and worn,

Cracked and bleeding,

I hold my Love Stone,

No longer fresh, and young,

Now beaten, weathered, and weak,

I watch it struggle to beat,

Wanting to to stop,

But beating away,

Slowly it changes,

Becoming cool to the touch,

Steaming in sun,

Frosting, bit by bit,

Becoming pale, and white,

Cracking, splitting, and drying,

Until only ice remains,

But even that is not enough,

It beats ever still,

The ice now shifts,

Slowly at first,

No longer cool, or cold,

But hard, rough to the touch,

Bit by bit, turning gray,

The hardness spreading outward, and inward,

Until only the stone remains,

Stark, and barren,

Heavy, and unwelcome,

But it beats ever still,

Only now,

It can no longer feels it's own beating,

No longer revel in the sensation,

Bask in the joy of the beat,

It is only routine,

Doing what it was it made to do,

Beat, beat, beat,

I place the stone in my pocket,

And look into the sky,

One day, the stone will shatter,

The ice will melt,

And the beat will sing,

But for now,

My Love Stone keeps beating away...

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Wed 04/29/09 06:40 PM

Speak to me not of love, the words are like lashes. They bring neither comfort nor peace. Eternity shall bear witness, I stand before the universe naked, stripped of false, foolish pride, picked clean of every shred of dignity. What is left to the world, is not a man, but a petulant child. Remorse, my only covering, regret, my constant companion. It has come to this, of my own hand. Neglect, and a blind eye. I knew love once, so very long ago it seems. All that remains is the debris of memory, flashes, and bitter sweet reminders. Etched into the fabric of my heart. Alas, even etchings fade. I stand before my judgement, the knowledge of my crime laid bare. It was I, who unmade my love. Oblivious, arrogant. For this alone I suffer. Four souls, entrusted to my care. Taken, not as blessing, but as burden. I toil beneith the weight of my own ignorance, only in absense is the truth unveiled. I was blessed. Three souls endure. One shrinks, fades, and fails. To this I owe my sorrow. For this, I shall be ever reminded. My punishment, my torment, my heartache is to be forever in the presence of that which I desire most. Unable to grasp it, ever out of reach. My arms, ache for her embrace. The touch of her hand, the warmth of her smile. How many times, I knelt and kissed her feet. Basking in the glory of her love. Giving in to selfish urges, never did I unleash the full extent of my being. In fear of failure, I failed. Wanting more than I could possess, needing more than I could express. Guilt pervades my soul. Within my hand, I held eternity. Rather than chance it's escape, I closed my hand, crushing it. Until now, only the fist remains. Clenched, but empty. Now only winter's chill resides, in those soft brown eyes, where once the warmth of summer lived. Forever I shall look upon her. Never shall she look back. This is my peridition, my pergatory. Forever I shall pay my restitution to love. Never shall the debt be satisfied. Forgiveness shall not be mine. Neither earned, or worthy. Speak to me not of love, for love itself has spoken to me. With a voice like the withering of the world. It's words echo like the spreading of dusk. Nevermore. Nevermore.

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Wed 04/29/09 06:39 PM

There was a time,
Not long ago,
I would never,
Could never,
Imagine a day without you,
A day without your voice,
Your smile, your touch,
Not long ago,
All my dreams and aspirations,
Revolved around you,
Every thought,
Fantasy or imagining,
Was you and I,
Arm in arm,
Hand in hand,
Now and forever,
I cannot see the future,
Only memories of the past,
Today I stand alone,
Looking forward,
But living backward,
My heart lives in yesterday,
Afraid of what tomorrow might bring,
My hands are empty,
My arms are cold,
There is no one beside me,
Where once stood open fields,
Someone has built a wall,
The past is colorful,
Bright and vivid,
The present is faded,
Pastel and bland,
The future is gray,
Bleak and empty,
Not long ago,
Someone called me angel,
Held my hand and kiss my brow,
Chased my dragons,
Eased my fears,
Not long ago,
But longer still,
The sun shone a little colder,
The wind cut a little deeper,
The colors turned a little dimmer,
Things change,
People change,
Feelings change,
Futures change,
Names change,
You stopped calling me Angel today....

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Wed 04/29/09 06:28 PM
Excellent work :thumbsup:

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Tue 04/28/09 05:45 PM
I tell my kids everyday

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Tue 04/28/09 05:44 PM
Ratt was here in vegas not too long ago... playing a tiny club, tiny, tiny tiny itty bitty

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Tue 04/28/09 05:42 PM
'ello 'ello 'ello

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Tue 04/28/09 05:41 PM
"Me and my imaginary friend"
Colin Hay

You never sleep
and you never go home
my secrets you keep
i'm never alone

joined at the hip
this I comprehend
we'll be together til the end
me and my imaginary friend

you never tell me
what I have to do
we can sit in silence,
or visit the zoo

we know what is real
and what is pretend
together til the bitter end
me and my imaginary friend

you dont have to pay
and arm and a leg
conjure em up
inside your own head

short or tall
fat or thin
open the door
invite them in

how are you
how ya been

so now you have someone
someone to love
a gift from yourself
a gift from above

if you're dining alone,
get a table for two
we can talk our faces blue
bout all the things that we've been thru

togther forever
til the credits end
me and my imaginary friend

me and my imaginary friend

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Tue 04/28/09 05:32 PM
Stevie Ray Vaughn- Couldn't Stand the Weather

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Tue 04/28/09 04:54 PM
stand your ground

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Tue 04/28/09 04:54 PM
bar fly

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Tue 04/28/09 04:50 PM
I took my exwife's mother to the movies, because Fantasia was re-released, and it was her first date with my exwifes dad, but he was out of town for work, so I was a stand in.

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Mon 04/27/09 08:35 PM
You can want to find someone, but searching doesn't do anything but leave you feeling let down, it happens when youre not looking for it.

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Mon 04/27/09 07:55 PM
I noticed... lol... I feel better now

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Mon 04/27/09 07:53 PM
At this moment, the TV... but as a rule, it would be Jimmy Buffett, James Taylor, Colin Hay. with random others sprinkled in.

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Mon 04/27/09 07:38 PM
Addictive, highly entertaining. I had so many things I needed to do today, but I spend 4 hours here instead...

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Mon 04/27/09 07:32 PM
My daughter, my son, my mother, my neice....

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Mon 04/27/09 07:31 PM
I am easy to fluster, but not easy to scare.

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Mon 04/27/09 07:27 PM
Sorry all, aimless wandering..

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